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For A Consultant Or A Service Provider

The ILO is implementing a new project on OSH qualifications frameworks funded by the Government of Korea. This project is implemented under the framework of the ILO Flagship Programme on Safety + Health for All.

Universities as role models for good work

On 28 October, the European Networks Meeting will take place as part of the 37th A+A Congress organized by Basi - the Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health in Germany.


Side event to the XXII World Congress

The ENETOSH meeting "Collaboration of OSH and PH in education in the aftermath of the pandemic" was held on 24 September as a side event to the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2021 in Toronto. The event was conducted online in a dialogue format and was a great success.


On 24 September 2021, 9:00 to 10:30 am EDT (15:00 – 16:30 CEST) the 26 ENETOSH network meeting will take place as an official side event to the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2021, Toronto. Focus of the event will be "Collaboration of OSH and PH in education in the aftermath of the pandemic". It will take place virtually via Zoom.

20-23 September 2021, Canada

The XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work will take place as an online event, including a congress virtual platform, live broadcasting, networking, and discussions across time zones. Delegates from over 100 countries will participate in this critical global event.

for Teachers and Students

The Mindfulness Program for Teachers and Students is an 8-week program based on the internationally acclaimed program developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

2021/2022 at EU-OSHA

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is looking for enthusiastic graduates to join the Agency for a paid traineeship of six months (with a possibility for further extension).

Competent university teachers for digital learning in OSH

The OSHDIGIT project aims to support teachers in delivering effective digital education and training in the area of OSH. The systematic framework of the project is derived from the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu).

on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027

Last week, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) hosted an online symposium to mark the launch of the European Commission’s new Strategic Framework, aimed at improving worker protection and ensuring that OSH keeps pace with the rapidly evolving challenges facing Europe’s workplaces.

for vocational education

The "kommmitmensch" dialogues for vocational educational institutions by the German Accident Insurance DGUV enable a well-founded discussion of the topics of safety and health in everyday working life.

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