This research project was set in a summer camp project implemented by Dolly Children Foundation in Magboro, Ogun State, Nigeria. Before the children were taught, knowledge levels were assessed through a pre-test. They were trained for four weeks and were assessed again through a post-training test. They also got a chance to make creative group presentations based on their new knowledge. This research demonstrates that when children are taught about safety in a creative and systematic manner, it increases their knowledge base and they are able to pass on that knowledge to people within their spheres of influence. Based on these findings, we recommend that a wider range of injury prevention topics should be added to the existing education curriculum, creative instructional materials should be provided to each child for personal learning and a regularly scheduled time for weekly safety education for learners in schools should be implemented.

A video documentation of the project can be accessed here on YouTube.
The study can be found here.
More information on the #2TYI project on The Safety Chic website.

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