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from the Republic of Kosovo

We are glad to welcome a new member to our network: MAAC - Center for Management, Assessment and Quality from the Republic of Kosovo.

Jolly Back from UK

We are glad to welcome a new member to our network, which now has 99 Members from 38 countries all over the world.

Call for Participation

Is safety and health at work the topic of your profession, for example in companies, the accident insurance system, public authorities, the research community, or national and international organizations?

Presentation at the World Congress Digital Meeting 2020

On 6 October, Johannes Siegrist, leader of the ENETOSH project “Decent work and productive employment through Higher Education” gave a statement at the ILO Special Session on Decent Work in the New Normal: “More than 215 million young people are currently studying at universities worldwide.

by the national education union

Throughout November 2020, an extensive programme of webinars and training programmes – open to all members, reps and officers will be offered by the National Education Union (NEU).

From Switzerland/Germany

We are glad to welcome a new individual member to the ENETOSH network: Johannes Siegrist, Senior Professor at the Centre for Health and Society, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.

new report by CDC

Young workers (aged 15–24 years) experience higher rates of job-related injury than do adult workers (aged 25–44 years).
During 2012–2018, an estimated 3.2 million nonfatal injuries to young workers were treated in hospital emergency departments, with the highest rates among workers aged 18–19 years.

2nd free webinar

The Finnish "Schools on the Move" project will offer a second free webinar on Thursday 24.9.2020 from 9.00 to 10.30 UTC.
In this second part of Finnish Schools on the Move webinar series, you will get more information about learning environments as an essential part of a physically active school day.

A Guide for Cultures of Prevention

The printed version of this book is available now. The book has been edited by Ulrike Bollmann, coordinator of ENETOSH, and George Boustras of the Center For Risk, Safety And The Environment (CERISE) at the European University Cyprus (member of ENETOSH).
In 12 chapters, international experts from different backgrounds put a focus on the use of a social-constructive and a context sensitive approach to competence in occupational safety and health and try to show how to form a theoretical basis for putting into place the necessary learning processes for cultural transformation in companies and educational institutions.

a social enterprise

CodeX, an award-winning, student led social enterprise attached to the University of Nottingham, UK, is a very good example on how to enhance the employability of young people by providing education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and reduced inequalities.
CodeX offers one-to-one coding lessons with a trained tutor, where students can learn Python, one of the world’s most widely used programming languages. The aim is to improve the employability of young people by teaching them to code. In particular, CodeX aims to create inclusive courses that are suitable for both people with and without ASC (Autistic Spectrum Condition).
There are three types of courses: the "ASC Course" - a 6-week, 6-hour long course that gives students with ASC the opportunity to engage in a coding experience that is tailored to their needs through the course's delivery and format. The second, "Non-ASC Course", is offered in schools, for a larger cohort of students (without ASC). These courses will also follow the 6-week, 6-lesson package format. And, finally, CodeX offers an "Employability Session", a 1-hour session run by one of the sponsors, where they give an insight into the tech industry and how programming can be applied within the working world.
All courses are inclusive and accessible, and they offer price flexibility where possible, so that gender, race, economics and neurodiversity are not barriers to success, as CodeX believes that everyone should have equal employment opportunities, and are committed to tackling the employment gap for people with autism.
More information on the CodeX website.
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