Terms Of Use

The Community section is a database containing contact- and special information on the members and partners in the ENETOSH network.

Specialists in OSH and education can register and create their own datasheet.

Please feel free to browse the database.


How to get access to your personal profile and to update your profile

Please follow the 6 steps below:

  1. click LOGIN in the main menu above
  2. username: Please enter your e-mail address
  3. password: Please enter your password (if you know it). If you do not know it, click the button "Click here!", below "You have lost or forgotten your password?"
  4. you will get an email with a link to set up a new password. This link will lead you to a page where you can set up a new password
  5. once you have done this and click on the button “Set new password”, you will get to the Login page again. Here you can type your email address and new password and log in. Once you have done this, you will get to the Community”- page of enetosh.net
    On top of this page, please click on “Update your personal data” – now the page with your personal data will open, and you can edit them
  6. After updating your personal profile, please do not forget to confirm your LOGOUT in the main menu.


There exists a code of conduct for using this section and moving around the platform. Please have a look at it.

You can download it as a PDF here. Thank you.

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