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1225 entries were found.

We have your back

Almost all nursery practitioners have experienced pain in the workplace, with back pain a particular issue, according to new research. In this article, Charlotte Goddard finds out what managers can do … Read more

TK Healthy school

Teachers and learners face ever greater challenges in their everyday school life. It is therefore important to do more for health, the school climate and shared learning success by establishing … Read more

State program Good Healthy School MV

Since 2003, public schools in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania have been participating in the “Good Healthy School MV State Program”, which was initially called “Anschub.de”. The aim of the program is to … Read more

State program for the “Good Healthy School” Berlin

Since 2003, the state program “Good Healthy Schools” has been supporting Berlin schools that want to set out to give mental and physical health special attention in everyday school life. Health … Read more

State program for good healthy schools Bavaria

Studies show that children who enjoy going to school and feel comfortable there have better conditions for their school success. Health and well-being – among students and teachers – are essential … Read more


The Research and Test Lab (RATLab) introduces young people to biomechanics and the importance of bone, joint and muscle health. It uses a combination of science, hi-tech projections and puppetry … Read more

Mind Matters Australia

Student Wellbeing is the core element of life at Young High School. The focus of this strategy is the adoption of the ‘Mind Matters' program across the school for all students. ‘Mind Matters is a … Read more

IQES Handbook of the Good Healthy School

Good schools also consciously focus on health promotion and prevention. Because they know that successful learning and working is easier when teachers and learners are healthy and feel good. The … Read more

Healthy School Concept Hamburg

School health promotion measures are more effective the more they are integrated into a “healthy school” concept. This is the concept of Hamburg. Read more

Healthy School Rhineland-Palatinate

Health is an important prerequisite for education and education is an important prerequisite for health awareness and health behavior. Health is therefore a central resource for achieving the … Read more


GrundGesund - an information portal from the BZgA to support health promotion in primary schools and the model project "Health examinations in primary schools" Read more

Good Healthy School NRW

A good, healthy school agrees on its educational and upbringing mission, implements it successfully and thus makes a contribution to education for sustainable development. It demonstrates good … Read more

Good Healthy school – state program Brandenburg

Health and educational success are closely related. Good nutrition, sufficient exercise and health-conscious behavior are prerequisites for students to feel comfortable in their learning environment … Read more

Develop good schools with health

In the present specialist concept "Developing good schools with health" (BG/GUV-SI 8097), safety and health promotion are intended to contribute to increasing the quality in general and vocational … Read more

Creating a good, healthy school together

The most important resource of every school are competent, motivated and healthy school management, teachers and students. Good schools “live” from everyone taking part in making the school a … Read more

Cybersecurity at work

Cybersecurity is the protection of devices, services and data from cyber attacks. Everyone who’s connected to the internet needs cybersecurity, because attackers will look for common vulnerabilities … Read more

Early warning signs of dementia to look for in the elderly

Dementia is a word used to describe a set of symptoms that affects a person’s memory and cognition or thinking, such as in the area of their language or problem-solving abilities. Initially, this may … Read more

Manual handling at work

As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling in the workplace. Manual handling means transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force. … Read more

School acts - Stress prevention at the workplace

If school management, teachers and other school employees act professionally and with awareness of their physical and mental health, they have a positive influence on the school climate and the … Read more


Developing schools with mental health. A resource for school leaders and the basis for MindMatters' in-depth modules for teachers. Read more

Supporting Musculoskeletal Awareness, Research and Training for the Early Years Workforce

Many people working in the early years sector regularly undertake significant physical tasks as routine aspects of their role. Despite this, work investigating the associated risks has so far been … Read more

The University Student's Guide to Ethical AI Use

University students often find themselves surrounded by the buzz of new technology – and artificial intelligence (AI) is no exception. With endless possibilities for its use, AI can make our lives … Read more

Well-Being of Managers in leading the Green and Digital Transitions

The European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training organisation (EfVET) has released the ‘Well-Being of Managers in leading the Green and Digital Transitions’ position paper.The … Read more

Somersault kindergarten

Purzelbaum (Somersault) brings momentum into everyday kindergarten life. Using simple and practical means, Purzelbaum ensures more exercise and healthy nutrition in kindergarten. Read more

#standup – initiative against bullying

The pilot phase of “#standup” was successfully completed in mid-2023 as part of an evaluation. The results show that raising awareness of the topic, promoting social-emotional skills, creating a … Read more

AI competency frameworks for school students and teachers

As part of its broader “AI and the Futures of Learning" initiative, UNESCO is now developing AI competency frameworks for both teachers and students for school education. The draft AI Competency … Read more

Bias: How objective is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the process of fundamentally transforming our working and living environments and will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. However, despite its … Read more

feel-ok CH

The web platform offers tools for teachers and professionals to delve deeper into the topics of addiction and mental health with young people and to promote their life skills. Read more

MindMatters - Strengthening schools through mental health

The MindMatters program promotes talking about one's own and other people's feelings, participation, mindfulness and friendship with peers, as well as solidarity with the class and the school. Read more

Stress? We can do it!

High school students encourage each other to deal with stress in a healthy way. Read more

A university graduate’s guide to boosting career prospects

In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to look at 20 of the best ways to put yourself in a position which stands out to employers. You can never guarantee you’re going to be the optimum candidate … Read more

Digital ergonomics and digital work planning in university education

The publication presents an overview of the use of digital human models (DHM) in academic education at five exemplary universities in Germany and Austria. In addition to the presentation of different … Read more

Digital Occupational Safety and Health

In cooperation with ZEDI – Zentrale Einrichtung Digitale Lehre, the transfer scouts and staff and teachers from the field of occupational safety and health, the project "Arbeitsschutz Digital" is … Read more


A 2.5-year programme prepares students of safety and health with knowledge and skills that enable them to bring about change in the way safety and health initiatives are implemented in the workplace. … Read more

Integration of digitalization into occupational health and safety and its applicability: a literature review

The primary aim of this study is to review the transformation of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices in the digital age, particularly in light of the onset of Industry 4.0. Read more

Ofsted risk assessment guide

Risk assessment guide to help employers, in consultation with the recognised trade unions, assess the extent of harm that may be caused by the Ofsted process and take practical steps to minimise these … Read more

The Primary School Fan Digital

The primary school fan digital is a handout in the form of a fan that provides suggestions for the use of digital media at primary schools in the Free State of Saxony. Read more

VR Safety Training for Industrial Enterprises

This VR Safety Training is dedicated to such important topics as maintaining safety at the workplace, helping employees to eliminate hazardous conditions and avoiding them by following the OSHA … Read more

Infographic: 10 challenges of digitalization for occupational safety

How new technologies shape our working lives and influence employees' health. Read more

Digital Training and Advanced Learning in Occupational Safety and Health Based on Modern and Affordable Technologies

Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a very important issue for both practical purposes in industry and business due to numerous reasons, so a number of software, educational and industrial … Read more

Digital technologies in construction: A systematic mapping review of evidence for improved occupational health and safety

There is accelerating development of digital Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) interventions in construction, but it is not clear whether they reduce the risk of injury and illness. This systematic … Read more

An Essential Road Safety Guide for understanding Driver Fatigue

Fatigue and tiredness behind the wheel is one of the biggest killers on our roads. And while it's tricky to calculate the exact number of sleep or fatigue-related accidents, research highlighted by … Read more

Mesothelioma Cancer Guide

Mesothelioma is a rare and serious cancer that affects the mesothelium, or lining, of various organs. You are at risk of developing this cancer if you have been exposed to asbestos. There is a 20-40 … Read more

Final report of the Commission expert group on artificial intelligence and data in education and training

The executive summary of the final report of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training functions as a supportive document for the ethical guidelines. … Read more

AI in school

Since the generative AI ChatGPT became available to the general public at the end of 2022, many people have been thinking about the impact of AI on the school system. How will AI fundamentally change … Read more

AI report by the European Digital Education Hub’s Squad on artificial intelligence in education

We have seen in the previous discussion and scenarios that AI has the potential to deliver great benefits for education. However, we have also seen that there are also risks associated with its use. … Read more


AI4T is an Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter … Read more


A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.This report was prepared within the scope of the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental project on Artificial … Read more

Artificial intelligence and the Futures of Learning

The Artificial Intelligence and the Futures of Learning project builds on the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence adopted at the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference in … Read more

Artificial intelligence as a teacher’s workmate – starting to use AI in teaching

This course will help you improve your digital competencies to efficiently teach with/for AI and integrate it into your classes. Working in teams, doing personalized projects and learning through … Read more

Code School Finland

Code School Finland helps teachers and schools to teach coding, robotics and AI in a way that promotes the development of the 21st century skills. It improves student learning and supports teachers' … Read more


Edpuzzle is a website where teachers can choose from many videos for educational purposes, edit them and turn them into interesting, interactive learning material for numerous topics. Read more

K-12 AI curricula: a mapping of government-endorsed AI curricula

The report has been produced by UNESCO’s Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education, which sits within the Futures of Learning and Innovation Team. UNESCO is investigating the … Read more

ProgeTiger – Estonian way to create interest in technology

In 2012 Estonia launched the ProgeTiger programme to create interest in technology and improve technological literacy and digital competence of teachers and students. Various courses and training have … Read more

Promises of AI in Education

AI technologies are shaping the educational landscape in different ways. The better we understand these technologies, the better we can apply them in education. The report Promises of AI in Education … Read more


Leveraging technology, Schoolinka is designing exciting professional development opportunities for teachers. We are solving the problem of lack of teacher quality by creating online learning … Read more

Teaching online safety in schools

This non-statutory guidance outlines how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements. It complements existing subjects, … Read more

European Edtech map

Supporting the domestic and international growth of edtech and innovation in education, the European Edtech Alliance offers this public European Edtech map in order to create a common picture of the … Read more

Learning and Developing Occupational Health – Foundation LDOH

The mission of the Learning and Developing Occupational Health Foundation is to support professional education in Occupational Safety and Health and to promote Occupational Health for all workers. Read more

Nano Training Project

Training on emerging risks in R&D and production of new and advanced materials and nanomaterials: providing systematic approaches to deal with uncertainties. Read more

Napo in… robots at work

This film provides an introduction to workplace robotics safety, and describes some of the emerging robotic technologies, the types of accidents associated with robotics, the main hazards and how they … Read more

Napo in… work at height

This film provides an introduction to accident prevention when working at heights. Read more

Napo is… teleworking to stop the pandemic

Because of the measures to contain the coronavirus, many people are required to work from home. This may not always be as good as working in the office. Read more

You Count – Youth Citizen Science

Citizen Social Science is defined as involving equal collaboration between citizen groups (co-researchers) that are sharing a social concern and academic researchers. Read more

MLADIHUB – Digital Youth

The project “MladiHUB – Digital Youth” is implemented by the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NMSM) and the Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technologies – MASIT, supported by … Read more

Digital School

Digital School is the first school opened in the Republic of North Macedonia, which offers information technology courses for children aged 8 to 18 years. Read more

Global education monitoring report 2023, Southeast Asia: technology in education: a tool on whose terms?

Digital technology is rapidly transforming many aspects of society and the economy in Southeast Asia and is beginning to leave its stamp on education. This edition accompanies the 2023Global Education … Read more

KIVI – effective media supervision on the net

Legal violations are the order of the day in the virtual world. Children and young people in particular often come into unintentional contact with questionable or even criminal content while surfing. … Read more

Sound in Schools and its Impact on Learning and Teachers’ Wellbeing

The report “Teacher Survey: Sound in schools and its impact on learning and teachers’ wellbeing” captures the results of a pan-European survey conducted by European Schoolnet under its Future … Read more

The e-School program

Systematic and regular use of the most modern technology in learning and teaching, adequate infrastructure and computer equipment in all schools in Croatia, as well as numerous developed digital … Read more

Creating and Maintaining Safe Environments: The Role of Technicians in Health and Safety

Health and safety is of utmost importance across higher education and research. Universities and research institutes are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation, often involving complex … Read more

Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators

Increased access to digital technologies and social media has created new opportunities and challenges for education. New tools are used by schools to support teaching, learning and interaction, … Read more

DETECT – Developing Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacies

This project aims to enhance teachers’ knowledge and competences in relation to using digital technologies to support pedagogical, communicative, creative and collaborative activities. With a website … Read more

Health promoting schools

A health promoting school is one that constantly strengthens its capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working. Read more

International Safe School Program

The objective of the International Safe School Program, under the framework of the World Health Organization (WHO) Safe Community initiative, is to apply the best practices of proven injury prevention … Read more

National School Health Program Zambia

The model is integrated into the structures and systems of the Government and leverages existing personnel, making it highly efficient to scale and sustain. The Ministry of Education has established a … Read more

Schools' perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries

This is the second report of the “DETECT – Developing Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacies” project. The report aims to develop an understanding of teachers’ needs in relation to critical digital … Read more

Whole School Health Programme

The Health Promoting School (HPS) framework promulgated by the World Health Organization aims to strengthen a school's capacity as a healthy setting for living, learning and working through a … Read more

Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative

The Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative is a standardised approach to evaluating digital products and services used by schools across Australia and New Zealand against a nationally consistent … Read more

Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER)

Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) provides systematic and comprehensive descriptions of countries’ education legislation and policies related to the themes of the Global Education Monitoring … Read more


The Intellectual Property (IP) in Education project aims to bring intellectual property rights closer to classrooms by enhancing the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship of young Europeans. Read more

Healthy behavior and accidents in school age

The study “Health behavior and accidents in school age” (Gesundheitsverhalten und Unfallgeschehen im Schulalter - GUS), duration November 2013 – June 2021, is one of the largest child and youth … Read more

GEM Report 2023

The new 2023 GEM Report on Technology in education: A tool on whose terms? addresses the use of technology in education around the world through the lenses of relevance, equity, scalability and … Read more

Fit for Life

Fit for Life is UNESCO's sport-based flagship designed to accelerate COVID-19 recovery, support inclusive and integrated policy making, and enhance the wellbeing of youth around the world. Read more

EdTech Hub

EdTech Hub is a global research partnership. The goal is to empower people by giving them the evidence they need to make decisions about technology in education. Read more


At Coding For Tomorrow, students and teachers learn how to use digital technologies independently, creatively and critically. In order to create innovative technology-based learning opportunities, we … Read more

Better Internet for Kids portal

The Better Internet for Kids portal provides information, guidance and resources on better internet issues from the joint Insafe-INHOPE network of Safer Internet Centres in Europe, and other key … Read more

Safe and healthy apprenticeship

Young people are curious and want to try things out. Caution is often secondary. With our information you can channel the arrogance of learners and show them where the dangers lie. Ensure that your … Read more

E-Learning portal for Spar apprentices

Each apprentice goes through different departments during their practical period in the supermarket. During on-site instruction, apprentices are made aware of the respective risks. Detailed … Read more

The SDG 8 Initiative

The University of Gothenburg leads a global network of universities working together to develop expertise and share knowledge addressing the Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) of the Agenda 2030. … Read more

Institute project “Paths into the Future”

In the summer of 2016, the Institute of Sociology launched the longitudinal study “Paths into the Future”, which analyzes the socialization of a specific group of young people in Vienna from a … Read more

Guidelines and Curriculum Framework for Environment Education at undergraduate level

All students at India’s universities will have to study subjects such as environmental education and climate change in order to graduate, starting from the about-to-begin 2023 to 2024 academic year, … Read more

Accelerating EdTech Start-ups in Europe

European Schoolnet presents a positive overview of how the EdTech landscape is evolving in Europe with the launch of the report "Accelerating EdTech Start-ups in Europe" launched on 6 June 2023 at the … Read more

Improving staff wellbeing in schools and colleges

This guide is intended to guide schools and colleges in England to take action to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of staff in education settings. Read more

Subjective wellbeing in different occupations in UK 2012-2022

A report on wellbeing at work in the UK, to explore how wellbeing varies between occupations, how wellbeing changed over time across different occupations, how salary affects wellbeing and how the … Read more

Cahoot learning platform

A platform for networking, connecting and learning together on a learning platform. Read more


SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is a free online tool for Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and companies. It supports them in making the most of digital technologies for teaching, … Read more

CapFoodS for Kindergarten and School

CapFoodS is the meeting place for Captive Foodscape Studies community. It contains news, events and other important information in the growing field of Captive Foodscape Studies (CFS) Foodscape … Read more

Kindiedays digital tools

Kindiedays digital tools, lesson plans, and training are supposed to create the best learning environment for the children's development and holistic growth. Read more


Polylino provides nursery practitioners and managers with a multilingual digital library aligned with the EYFS and Key Stage One curriculums which can be used to support language and literacy … Read more

ChatGPT and the role of AI in assessment

This webinar series focuses on the meaningful and ethical use of digitally processed data for student learning. The webinar series was planned to take place between October 2022 and June 2023. Read more

Digital School Wielkopolska @ 2020

The Digital School Wielkopolska @ 2020 project was implemented as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020. The main objective of the Project was to improve the ICT … Read more

e-Schools program

The overall goal of the e-Schools program is to help strengthen elementary and middle school education system with the goal of preparing students for the job market, further education and lifelong … Read more

Effective use of learner-generated data in teacher training activities

This report contains an analysis of the effective use of learner-generated data with a specific focus on teacher training. The use of learner-generated data in research is coined Learning Analytics. Read more

European Innovative Teaching Award

Database with many examples of innovative teaching for sustainability. The database ca be filtered according to country, keywords, level of education and project year. Read more

Learning materials on environment and climate

Database providing a couple of different learning materials. Read more


Everyone can learn programming and digital literacy. The Logiscool curriculum contains fully gamified, modular, and smart lessons to make learning FUN. All modules are developed to fit the different … Read more

Maker’s Red Boxes - More than education

Maker’s Red Box: More than education - Unique story-based curriculums for schools. Read more

Oxford Smart Curriculum Service

The Oxford Smart Curriculum Service provides secondary schools with an evidence-based curriculum, and connects it with resources, assessment, next steps, and CPD. Read more

Teachers vs Tech?: The case for an ed tech revolution

In this new book, Daisy Christodoulou, a leading educational commentator with many years' experience of working with schools as well as in the classroom, tackles the ed tech debate, asking why it … Read more

Working Environment Knowledge for Young People

The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise (SAWEE) has produced new educational material on the work environment for pupils aged 13 to 16 years. Through theoretical and practical exercises, … Read more

The Role of Education in Reducing Deaths among Children and Youngsters in Europe

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the road safety of children and youngsters across Europe. Read more

Linking Education on Sustainable Mobility with Traffic Safety

This LEARN! Flash report focuses on how education on traffic safety and sustainable mobility can be linked and supported to ensure that children receive high-quality education that teaches them to … Read more

The Impact of COVID-19 on Traffic Safety and Mobility Education

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the experiences with the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety and mobility education in Europe. Read more

Loneliness and wellbeing in young people

The group reporting the highest levels of loneliness in the UK is young people. Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a serious public health concern with robust links to mental and physical … Read more

The Simon Initiative

Named for the late Nobel and Turing Award laureate and CMU Professor Herbert A. Simon, the Simon Initiative harnesses a cross-disciplinary learning engineering ecosystem that has developed over … Read more


EDUCATE was created to redress the lack of research evidence in the EdTech sector. It was initially launched as a three-year programme based at IOE and part-funded by the European Regional Development … Read more

Managing chronic musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace

Two booklets providing practical guidance and recommendations for employees, employers and managers to better support employees in their efforts to manage a chronic musculoskeletal disorder at work. Read more


The main objective of TRAIN4HCWORK is the development and implementation of a new online course (in English, Spanish, German and French) to strengthen the knowledge and skills of targeted … Read more

Ungdomsbyen - Youth Town

It takes a lot of courage to be young today. Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) gives students courage for citizenship and equips students and teachers to make sustainable choices that create value for … Read more

Process wheel for sustainability

Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) developed a process tool which can be used to adapt existing, or design new, activities with a sustainability focus. Read more

Health environment

Health environment is an approach to health promotion in the workplace, where employees' health is promoted through the organisation, organization and content of the work. The vision for Sundhedsmiljø … Read more


New and emerging technologies are forcing universities to change their approach to teaching and reconsider the process of learning. DIG-IT will explore how EU universities, and the healthcare industry … Read more

Correlations between targets for the companies' work environment efforts and reported occupational accidents

Report: Correlations between targets for the companies' work environment efforts and reported occupational accidentsIlluminated with the questionnaire survey 'Working environment efforts of companies' … Read more

Construction Safety with Education and Training using Immersive Reality CSETIR

The digital tools allow the creation of instruments that simulate construction scenarios allowing the identification and prevention of risks for teachers, technicians, and engineers. Read more

7 Golden Rules & Guides for zero accidents and healthy work

The project Vision Zero provides a collection of papers for employers and managers, for a variety of different branches. Read more

Share the road: cyclist and pedestrian safety awareness for drivers

Being able to share the road in a considerate manner is one of the most important parts of being a driver. We all have a responsibility to look out for each other, whether that’s checking for … Read more

Keeping the ‘Black Swan’ at Bay: Digitalization and Safe Operations

Industrial accident data over the past several years makes clear that while mitigating Major Accident Hazard events is a fundamental objective, so-called “black swan” events are becoming more … Read more

How digitalization helps stay compliant with top 5 OSHA standards

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a US federal agency that sets standards for safe working conditions. OSHA’s standards are highly regarded and used to set organizational … Read more


CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The main goal of the CHANSE programme is to announce a … Read more


The "trafficsafety4you" program was specially developed for 14 to 18 year olds. It comprises four modules, each of which lasts four school hours and is carried out by experienced traffic psychologists … Read more

Sun and water safety: Keeping your kids safe on a family holiday

Family holidays are great fun for everyone. For mum and dad, it’s a chance to put work behind you for a while and spend some meaningful time with the people who matter most in your life. For kids, a … Read more

Education Support

Education Support supports individuals and help schools, colleges and universities to improve the mental health and wellbeing of their staff. Research and advocate for changes in Government policy for … Read more

Supporting Staff Wellbeing in Higher Education

This report presents the findings of a national study examining working life in UK Higher Education institutions. Read more

Formaldehyde in preclinical medical education

Formaldehyde is used in medical fields such as pathology, human and veterinary anatomy for the fixation, preservation and storage of human or animal tissue. In November 2014, the Committee on … Read more

Fair play and warm-up. to avoid accidents in sports classes

For apprentices, regular sports lessons are essential. Unfortunately, accidents often happen here. Various preventive measures help to reduce the risk of accidents. Read more

Distracted driving: a safety guide for responsible young drivers

Learning to drive is an exciting time in the life of any young person. The freedom and independence which comes from getting behind the wheel is hard to match. New possibilities are suddenly available … Read more

Bike Safety

Cycling is good for your health, but sometimes dangerous. We show you how to avoid accidents and get to your destination safely - with practical riding tips, a safety check for your bike and a poster … Read more

Cosmo and Azura - The dark secret of the sun (CD radio play)

Only when it is warm is there a risk for the skin? Incorrect. In fact, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation in our latitudes increases significantly as early as spring. This increases the risk of … Read more

Cosmo and Azura - The Dark Mystery of the Sun

With mole and dragonfly against sunburnSkin protection is important almost all year round, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage the skin considerably, especially sensitive children's … Read more

Cosmo and Azura - sunshine, but safe!

The sun is an important health factor because it helps the body to form vitamin D, ensures a healthy sleep-wake cycle and regulates our body temperature. It gives energy and puts you in a good mood. Read more

The Flexaminator

A game to raise awareness of the importance of good posture and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. In this game developed for young people in the 3rd cycle of secondary education, the hero … Read more

Musculoskeletal disorders among children and young people - a life course approach to risk factors and prevention

The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among children and adolescents is quite high and many young people enter the labour force with pre-existing musculoskeletal problems which can … Read more

Easy ways to eat well and move more

A website presenting information and ideas for a healthier nutrition. Read more

Activities for kids

Kids need to be physically active for 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of that activity taking place outside of school. Read more

"The safe school"

On this website, run by German Accident Insurance, children, pupils and other visitors can click through a unique virtual model of a school, to find risks, prevent accidents and to find out more about … Read more

Signed Safety at Work

Signed Safety is creating opportunities for companies and organisations to enhance their workplace environment by keeping ahead of the increasing demand for high health and safety standards coming … Read more


The core of the PROMIS® service is the online integrated management solution. This application supports and integrates compliance with legislation and management systems in a user-friendly format that … Read more

Professional Training for Industrial Accident Prevention with Time Travel Games

Industrial accident prevention is a critical problem to avoid loss of human lives, injuries, damage of installations and financial losses. Training is only effective and sustainable, if the human … Read more

Early Exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Global Capacity-Building Initiatives

The World Bank Group's Open Learning Campus (OLC) is exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to reshape and reimagine the learning experience of the future. These include transitioning from … Read more

Center for Public Health Workforce Development

The mission of the Center for Public Health Workforce Development is to provide a link between our faculty and practice partners in teaching, research and the practice of public health. The continuing … Read more

The OSH encyclopedia

The OSH encyclopedia is an internet encyclopedia that serves as a tool for orientation in the terminology of occupational health and safety and related areas. At the same time, it also serves as a … Read more

Safely to the first job

A set of preventive measures (technical, organizational, educational and other) with the aim of preventing occupational accidents, occupational diseases and other occupational health damage or … Read more

The Intercultural Classroom

UGT Public Services promotes the Intercultural Classroom project with the interest of facilitating teacher training, teaching materials, research, workshops with the students, awareness campaigns, … Read more

Teacher’s Health and Safety

The safety and health of teachers is a priority of ETUCE. ETUCE believes a school should be a safe, healthy and propitious place for teaching and learning. Schools are the workplace of teachers, but … Read more

Inclusion meets Digitalization

In the context of "school" (due to the corona, among other things) there were increasing technical and infrastructural issues Prerequisites for the use of digital media created, but the potential of … Read more


This joint commitment reflects the ambition of both the EIS and the Scottish Government to empower teachers and schools in minimising the damage that poverty does to the education and life-chances of … Read more

EIS Anti-Racist Initiatives

The EIS has a long-standing commitment to anti-racism, and this year will strengthen and develop this work further. Read more


Meet Eric, a young talented boy from Kenya who uses waste electronics to create electric torch that would potentially light up many homes living without electricity in the slums. Read more

Education Guidelines for the World of Work

The Education Guidelines for the World of Work was produced by the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) of the Ministry of Education of Portugal, in collaboration with national partner entities: … Read more

FUEHR’GESUND – Lead Healthy

Health-promoting leadership training in day-care centres. Read more

Digital application for educators in daycare centers/nursery schools

Complete administrative tasks faster and easier. Reduce workload and achieve more time with the children. Read more

Roadshow BGW Mobil

No education without health: On site advisement in the BGWmobil truck on the subject of safety and health Read more


DataSkop is a platform for data donations. Data donations can help shed light on the black boxes of social media algorithms and automated decision systems. With the help of these "data donations", the … Read more

The Road Safety Performance Index

The ETSC Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) is a policy tool to help EU Member States improve road safety. By comparing Member States’ performance, it serves to identify and promote best practice in … Read more

Developing Intersectional Approaches to SDGs at Yasar University: Case of Migration

UNESCO Chair on International Migration established at Yasar University offers an intersectional approach by associating all its teaching and research activities with the SGDs. The case demonstrates … Read more


Ethics is a fundamental part of health care professionals’ competence and one of the major quality factors in good nursing care. Research shows challenges in learning and applying ethics. Ethical … Read more


During the first Corona lockdown in spring 2020, there were increasing reports of domestic violence. Many children and young people urgently needed help. To support young people in need, the … Read more

Kids and Traffic

The early childhood road safety education program can support many of the principles, practices and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. Early childhood educators are a trusted … Read more

Calculate graphically

Teacher Schmidt uses podcasts to teach pupils about mathematics. His motto is: " What you can't learn in school! - Top secret teacher tricks. Read more

Clean Cities

Cities are where the negative impacts of traffic and congestion are most obvious. Air pollution, mostly from diesel vehicles, is a public health emergency and responsible for around 300,000 early … Read more


Eco-Schools is a growing phenomenon, which encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the … Read more

Falls prevention course at Morriston Primary School

Pupils were shown a replica living room containing numerous trip hazards including trailing wires, children’s toys strewn across the floor, blankets draped over furniture and a loose rug – all of … Read more

Kiss and ride zones at schools

Schools across the region are embracing MidCoast Council's initiative in installing 'kiss and ride' zones to help provide parents with a clear and safe place to drop children off each morning. The … Read more

Schools Climate Action Planner

Transform Our World and its partners have developed this free, easy-to-use digital tool to enable teachers, students and staff to identify actions they can take to reduce their school's environmental … Read more

Schulsportideen – school sports ideas

Far too many children have accidents every year in school sports, whose injuries could have been prevented with the right preparation for lessons and the right forms of exercise, games or … Read more

Formaldehyde in pre-clinical medical training

Formaldehyde is one of the most important basic chemical substances in industry and medicine. In medical areas such as pathology, human and veterinary anatomy, formaldehyde is used, among other … Read more

Road Traffic Injury Prevention

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is pleased to offer a free, online training certificate program on Road Traffic Injury Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income … Read more

DigiLernSicher - Virtual Learning Lab for Safe Training

In the virtual learning lab of WIFI Styria and the Styrian Chamber of Labor, training is undertaken that is dangerous under real conditions. Read more

Youth and road safety action kit

Our Action Kit is the backbone of the work we do to empower young people in road safety. All around the world, youth who have been affected by road traffic crashes or want to take real action have … Read more

Youth for road safety policymaker toolkit

The Toolkit is a document that will guide policymakers and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage and involve young people. Meaningful youth engagement, particularly in road safety, is … Read more

Youth for road safety surreal poster series

Posters can be an effective awareness raising tool and used in the proper setting, can be the extra nudge to encourage a young person to be safe on the road. Read more

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI)

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models. Read more


eXtended Reality Training in the education and training of emergency services in the health and safety sector (XRTrain) - SIM Campus GmbH. Read more

Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace from the Perspective of Older Employees: A Mixed Methods Research Study

This mixed methods research (MMR) study explored older employees’ experiences of chronic musculoskeletal disorders (CMSDs) in relation to their employment, their perspectives on managing these … Read more

Managing chronic musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace – a practical guide for employees

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employees with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.    Read more

Managing chronic musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace – a practical guide for employers and managers

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employers and managers to better support employees in their efforts to manage a chronic musculoskeletal disorder at work. Read more

Teacher training programme promotes sustainable futures across school subjects

A project within the PGCE (teacher-training) programme at UCL's Institute of Education is promoting sustainability across the secondary school curriculum by developing teachers’ knowledge and skills. Read more

Higher Education Sustainability Initiative HESI

This initiative provides higher education institutions with a unique interface between education, science, and policy making. Read more

Treasure Hunt prevention program: from day-care center to primary school

For more than ten years, the prevention program "Treasure Hunt", developed by the Hamburg Working Group for Health Promotion e.V. (HAG), has been successfully implemented in day-care centers to … Read more

Working safely and healthily in vocational education

It is important to pay attention to safe and healthy work in (vocational) education. For workers to prevent personal suffering, injury and health problems. For companies, because healthy employees and … Read more

Trainers’ Competency Analysis

Do you want to further develop your didactic and methodical skills? Would you like to know where your individual strengths as a trainer lie? Are you also interested in finding out where you can still … Read more

SimE - Simulation pedagogy in learning ethics in practice in health care

The overall objective of the SimE project is to improve nursing students’ ethical competence by creating three common study courses in order to develop more aligned VET programmes. Read more

MSK Health Toolkit for employers and further education institutions

Good musculoskeletal (MSK) health is integral to a full working life. This MSK Health Toolkit for employers and further education institutions from SOM, the British Society for Rheumatology and the … Read more

TOOLBOX TALK with S.H.E Masters

TOOLBOX TALK with S.H.E Masters is a safety talk show which invites safety professional, organisations, and the public to discuss issues of safety across all industries. The main aim of the program is … Read more


PASSAPORTUGAL was born on the initiative of GONKSYS , as a promoting company, and from the will of the associated Partners, all sharing the common desire to contribute to the education of the … Read more

Managing asbestos in your school or college

This guidance aims to help schools and colleges understand their duties in relation to asbestos management. It should be used alongside more detailed advice, such as the Health and Safety Executive’s … Read more

Education Bridge for Afghanistan (EBA)

Education Bridge for Afghanistan (EBA) is a non-profit organization established by a group of volunteer education activists in Afghanistan and around the world. EBA provides a practical, indigenous, … Read more

Danish UNESCO-ASP network

The Danish UNESCO-ASP (Associated Schools Project) network is part of the International UNESCO ASP Network, which presently includes 11,500 schools and educational institutions in 182 countries. Read more

Digital Education for Health Professionals

Health professions education has undergone major changes with the advent and adoption of digital technologies worldwide. This study aims to map the existing evidence and identify gaps and research … Read more

8 Ways Digitalization Can Improve Safe Operations

With all that’s happening in the world, the time could not be better for a Digital Transformation. So how can digitalization improve Safe Operations? Read more

Digital education

With Work Safety, we give you the opportunity to use all the potential of digital continuing education/training on one platform or in individual courses. Be inspired by the digital learning … Read more

Digital Manufacturing and Related Risks

Digital manufacturing is the application of digital technologies to manufacturing, having the right information, at the right place, at the right time.The goal is to link disparate systems and span … Read more

Digitalisation and the World of Safety & Health

Digitalisation is no longer new and it continues its evolution throughout industry. Employers are continuously working on minimising challenges and risks that digitalisation at the workplace causes. … Read more


FARMRes “Farmers Assistance Resources for Mental Resilience” is an Erasmus+ project aiming to raise awareness and capacity for farmers to cope with mental health issues. Read more

Holistic Health and Safety

Hitachi’s Digital Health and Safety Solution offers a holistic, end-to-end solution to maximize people, asset, and shop floor safety. Read more

Infographic: 10 challenges of digitalization for occupational safety

Digitalization can bring about a great deal of innovation, productivity and flexibility. Digital technologies are gaining even more ground in occupational safety, improving processes and heightening … Read more

Online safety issues encountered by health, education and law enforcement workers

Frontline workers in health, education and law enforcement provide essential services directly to the public.They often work with people facing online safety issues and have a unique opportunity to … Read more

Doctor of Education in Educational Sustainability program

If you are interested in building socially, ecologically and economically sustainable communities and interested in transforming systems of teaching, learning and leadership, you are encouraged to … Read more

Teacher’s Guide for Education for Sustainable Development

This book “Teacher’s Guide for Education for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean”, released by UNESCO, gives an overview on the topic education for sustainability. Education must effectively … Read more

Safe and Healthy Schools in Utah

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in coordination with stakeholders, has made Safe and Healthy Schools a board priority. The Utah School Safety Framework includes 9 Conditions that schools may … Read more

Learning for Sustainability Scotland

YouthLink Scotland is committed to the role that Learning for Sustainability has in both a current and future practice as a youth work sector. On this website, you can find the current projects that … Read more

Education in the Digital Age: Healthy and Happy Children

The COVID-19 pandemic was a forceful reminder that education plays an important role in delivering not just academic learning, but also in supporting physical and emotional well-being. Balancing … Read more

Education for Sustainability CLG

Education for Sustainability executes a variety of educational programmes such as workshops, teacher training and a 10-week climate literacy course for 6th class up to transition year. It is the … Read more

Education for sustainability in Auckland

This campaign by Auckland Council in New Zealand aims to promote sustainable education for Students as well as for educators. Read more

Educating 21st Century Children: Emotional Well-being in the Digital Age

What is the nature of childhood today? On a number of measures, modern children’s lives have clearly improved thanks to better public safety and support for their physical and mental health. New … Read more

Digital Devices in the Classroom: Health and Safety Guidelines

In January 2020, Virginia legislators passed House Bill 817 requiring the Department of Education (VDOE), in collaboration with the Department of Health and medical professional societies, to develop … Read more

Computer health and safety

There are a number of physical health and safety matters to consider when using technology devices within schools including use of wireless networks, ergonomics, using interactive whiteboards and … Read more

Developing a COVID-19 secure mental health and wellbeing strategy

This document highlights best practice pre COVID-19 and provides new information concerning what is a rapidly evolving situation. It was informed by a review of research, evidence-informed resources … Read more


ONYA is a free online game-based wellness application. The term ONYA comes from New Zealand and is short for "Good on you!", which means something like "Well done!". The English language version of … Read more

Supporting Staff Wellbeing in Higher Education

This report presents the findings of a national study examining working life in UK Higher Education institutions. Read more

Stress and mental wellbeing resources for Higher Education Institutions

UCEA and the HE trade unions have developed this stress and mental wellbeing resources pack for HE institutions. Read more

Being Safe and Feeling Safe in Schools

An article highlighting school safety and security in the USA. “While acts of violence dominate the headlines and news cycles, educators work with students on a daily basis to confront issues that are … Read more

Daily Physical Education

Are your students receiving quality physical education each day? A quality PE program that meets national guidelines is the cornerstone for a physically active school and helps support improved … Read more

Examples of Health Promotion in Schools

Schools for help in Europe provides more than 60 practical examples of health promotion in education from various European countries. Read more


Move! is a national physical functional capacity monitoring and feedback system for Finnish 5th and 8th grade pupils. It produces information that can be combined with the extensive health check-ups … Read more

National Policy on Safety, Security and Violence-free Schools with its implementing Guidelines

This comprehensive policy intends to ensure that school safety and security are at the top of the agenda for government at all levels. The policy therefore proposes a zero-tolerance approach to any … Read more

Whole School Approach to Sustainable Development

The Whole School Approach supports schools to embed the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for 2030 in a fundamental way. Read more

Whole School Approaches to Sustainability

This report provides provides an analysis of practical examples of the use of a WSA to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) - Quality Education for all, and all the other connecting SDGs. Read more

Framework on embedding a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being

This Framework is aimed at the needs of school-age learners and the workforce supporting their learning and well-being needs. Read more

Quality Daily Physical Education

Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE) is a well-planned school program of compulsory physical education provided for a minimum of 30 minutes each day to all students (kindergarten to grade 12) … Read more

Lifelong Learning Platform

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond. Read more

SHE School Manual 2.0

A Methodological Guidebook to become a health promoting school. In December 2019, SHE released a new version of the old "SHE Online School Manual". The old manual needed an update as today it is … Read more

European Standards and Indicators

European Health Promoting Schools Standards & Indicators address a need for accessible and usable quality standards that fill the gap between what is the current practice in health-promoting schools … Read more

Preventing musculoskeletal disorders in a large hospital through staff involvement and an age-sensitive approach

With the help of staff, the intervention creates a work environment designed to be compatible with an ageing workforce, taking into account employees’ needs and abilities in different stages of their … Read more

Preventing musculoskeletal injuries in a professional fishing equipment company

UAB Vonin Lithuania manufactures fishing trawls and fish farming cages. Established in Šiauliai in 2013, the company has since expanded its production capacities and workforce. Currently, it employs … Read more

Promoting musculoskeletal health in the software industry through ergonomics

Over 99% of SAP’s employees work at the office, from home, or are mobile. Desk-based work is the norm in the software industry, which is also the case for most SAP employees. As a result, they are … Read more

Promoting workplace safety and physical and mental health in an insurance company

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. implements a number of measures to manage and prevent MSDs in the organisation. The company maintains that it is critical to raise awareness and encourage employees to live … Read more

Substance abuse programme tool

Help for drawing up a modern substance abuse programme based on the organization’s needs. Read more

Supporting mental health at work

The “Supporting mental health at work” material provides supervisors with competence and confidence for building a work community that promotes mental health. Read more

Towards successful seniority training

Resources and motivation for the second half of your career. Read more

Education Partnerships Africa

This initiative partners with rural school communities in East Africa to improve the quality of secondary education. Read more

Minimum Standards for Safe Schools

The Federal Ministry of Education in Nigeria, Education in Emergencies and a couple of partner organizations developed this standard for school safety. The Minimum Standards for Safe Schools document … Read more

Certificate in Community based Work with Children and Youth

The 12 months Certificate in Community based Work with Children and Youth is offered from the Department of Community Development, Psycho-social and Behavioral Sciences. The aim of this programme is … Read more

Charlie Waller Charity

Charlie Waller is one the UK’s most respected mental health charities, founded by the family of Charlie Waller who took his own life in 1997 whilst suffering from depression. The charity helps young … Read more

Learning without noise

A project giving information on the impact of noise for learning and how to sensitize students for the problem and improve learning environments by understanding noise and acoustics. Read more

Addiction Guide

Addiction Guide is your trusted educational guide to addiction and recovery, founded by recovering addicts and board-certified addiction specialists. Read more

DEKRA & TIC Council Occupational Health and Safety Webinar Series

In light of the Official Campaign Partners of EU-OSHA ‘Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-2022’, TIC Council and DEKRA organized a joint webinar series comprised of three webinars. Read more


The besslab is a scientific institution at the University of Paderborn that aims to provide well-founded support for exercise, games and sports in everyday life for children and young people. Read more

Blue Engineering

Interactive university teaching, which gives students the chance to deal with their social and ecological responsibility, is possible. Blue Engineering is an innovative course offered by TU Berlin … Read more

Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course

The YWRCC will help prepare young people for joining the job market for the first time. They will learn workplace health and safety and minimum legislation (e.g. for safety, pay and hours of work) he … Read more

Workplace Safety Video Contest

Teen workers are twice as likely to be injured on the job. The annual “Speak Out for Workplace Safety” video contest is underway. The contest is designed to increase awareness about safety for young … Read more

Health promoting schools case stories

A selection of examples of practice in health promoting schools in different countries on the website of the "Schools for Health in Europe Foundation (SHE)". Read more

Make your school – how to build a noise traffic light

In the scope of the project “Make your school”, which is supposed to give students digital skills, this video is a tutorial on how to build a “Noise traffic light” to avoid noise pollution in the … Read more

Napo for Teachers – new lessons

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA (the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), together with the Napo Consortium, has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) … Read more

Play with fire

Brochures and learning materials for kids on the topic “How to deal with fire”. Read more

Saskatchewan Curriculum

Website with a large amount of material for safety and wellbeing of students, teaching tools and materials for teachers. Read more

Ventilation in schools

A short film about the importance of ventilation in schools, not just for Covid, but for education more widely. Read more

Youth Video Contest

Every year, approximately 4,000 Saskatchewan workers under the age of 25 are injured on the job. Three young workers die annually in a workplace incident. WorkSafe Sakatchewan initiated a video … Read more

Daycare and school for the 21st century

What is the impact of digitalization or automation on people, on the way we learn at educational institutions and live together in society? And what will our future workplaces look like? Read more

Molli und Walli

"Molli and Walli" is an interactive and animated website for kids, containing quizzes, puzzles, a Jump 'n' Run game and much information about road safety for children. Read more

eDrive academy

The e-Drive Academy is an innovative educational Internet Platform for Safe, Smart, Ecological Transportation and Driving. Read more

Gamifica SST

Students of the Faculty for Mechanical Production Engineering at UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba) in Brazil developed these quiz game apps ... Read more

Lü produces state of the art audio visual systems designed for active environments. Read more

Finnish school on the move

Finnish Schools on the Move is a national action programme aiming to establish a physically active culture in Finnish comprehensive schools. Read more

The Safety Chic

The Safety Chic is a project in Nigeria, focusing on creating unique safety education products for African children and educators in order to intentionally groom safety conscious children. Read more

Healthy Working: Move

As new technology continues to offer us lots of amazing devices that do incredible things, our understanding of what their long-term use can do to our bodies has failed to keep pace. Read more

Children explore Safety & Health

In the interests of a sustainable anchoring of the prevention concept, it is important to sensitize children to safety and health issues in a vivid way. Read more

Choose Safety

The Irish Health and Safety Authority (HSA) launched a pilot project in post-primary schools in the south-east and west of the country in September 2007. ‘Choose Safety’ is a teaching and learning … Read more


MindMatters originally comes from Australia and has been available to schools as a German-language version of MindMatters since 2003. Following MindMatters' success in secondary and primary education, … Read more


The "Naschgarten" (Munching garden) at Holzminden is a local prevention project for more nature experience ... Read more

Základní škola Hornoměcholupská

The school focuses on teaching foreign languages, information and communication technologies and healthy lifestyle. Read more


Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin ... Read more

Good healthy school

The school development award „Good healthy school“ is an initiative of the Statutory accident insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia. Read more

Napo for teachers

Using the ever-popular Napo character, EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, together with the Napo Consortium has devised a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) … Read more

The ergonomic classroom

The design and furnishing of classrooms are important factors for successful learning and teaching ... Read more

Ježkovy Voči

KIDMAP from Czech Republic is a voluntary group of experts at the children’s world, without legal personality. Read more

Power Play

Ikeja Electric Plc (IE), Nigeria’s largest electricity distribution company, has taken its safety enlightenment campaign a notch higher ... Read more

Güven Usta

Güven Usta ("Master Trust") is a comic character, designed and produced by Murat Çokal for the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security. Read more

Ar og Mi

Ar and Mi is a project from Denmark featuring two trolls, who are supposed to help teachers to teach about Safety and Health. Read more


KidsMatter aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children, reduce mental health problems amongst children, and achieve greater support for children ... Read more


A project to empower young people throughout Ireland ... Read more

Learning Occupational Health by Experiencing Risks (LOcHER)

LOcHER is an approach for students and apprentices to identify health and safety risks in their area of study ... Read more

OSH! What a bright Idea

The interactive booklet “OSH! What a bright idea” is the result of the international project “Mind Safety - Safety Matters!”. Read more

Youth@Work: Talking Safety

Talking Safety, a foundation curriculum in occupational safety and health. This curriculum by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the culmination of many years’ work … Read more

A salvo! (Safe)

The “¡ A salvo!” (Safe!) campaign directed at primary education students aged from 6 to 12 years in all schools in Castilla y León and was developed to increase the children's awareness and attention … Read more

Got a good idea?

Young people with jobs in agriculture and horticulture are exposed to physically demanding working conditions ... Read more


STAD started in 1995 as a project, and is since the year 2005 a section within the Center for Dependency Disorders in Stockholm ... Read more

Volle Puste

"Volle Puste" (Full Breath) is a project by the Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich. Read more

Passport to Safety

Passport to Safety is an innovative national youth health and safety test and transcript programme in Canada ... Read more


This website by the BAR Bygge & Anlæg (Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction) aims to raise awareness and knowledge about safety ... Read more

Paying Attention Pays

Paying Attention Pays is a fun, innovative, interactive, educational and rewarding game ... Read more

Youth wants self-experience

"Jugend will sich erleben" (Youth wants self-experience) is a project by German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) ... Read more

HEADS UP - work smart. work safe.

„HEADS UP – WORK SMART WORK SAFE“ is a project of WCB Worker’s Compensation Board in Alberta, Canada. Read more

Safety Signs

Where do I have to wear a helmet? How can I leave the building quickly? Read more

The Employability Partnership

The website provides information for young people, employers, schools and parents and useful links to downloadable documents. Read more

"Bezpečná Komunita"- Safe Community

In April 2005, the primary school Zachar Kroměřiž in the Czech Republic was announced International Safe School. Read more

Källby Gård – Safe school

Källby Gård is a comprehensive school with children from 1 to 12 years old. Read more


The website "ungmedjob.dk (youth with job) is a project of the Danish working environment council BAR U&F ... Read more

Safe School with PZU

“Safe School with PZU” is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Sport, National Road Safety Council (NRSC), Main Police Command, and Onet.pl. Read more


OiRA is a web platform that enables the creation of sectoral risk assessment tools in any language in an easy and standardised way. It is developed and maintained by the European Agency for Safety and … Read more

Shattered lives

"Shattered Lives" is a campaign of the Health and Safety Executive, UK. Nearly 11000 workers suffered serious injury as a result of a slip or trip in the UK last year. Read more

Picnic-basket for the prevention of stress attacks

Working in the hospitality industry is marked by a high degree of emotional work. Handling guests, their complaints and special wishes requires good nerves and often brings about stress, time pressure … Read more

Speak Up, Stay Safe

This website by the British Safety Council offers lots of information and resources for young people and employers ... Read more

Health and Safety Training of Teachers of Technology Subjects

The Health and Safety Authority (UK) is supporting an initiative of the second level support service for technology teachers to provide training to all 1800 technology teachers in the second level … Read more

Hearing Health

Hearing Health provides material for teachers in compulsory schools to enhance the knowledge of their pupils about noise, their sound environment and about the protection of hearing damage. Read more

Ergonomics tuition modules for designer training

This is a project providing online and offline learning modules for engineers to increase their knowledge on ergonomics. This project was initiated by KAN (Commission for Occupational Health and … Read more

Noise and listening

The Independant Institute for environmental questions (UfU) in Berlins offers a a collection of materials about "Noise and Listening", which is available for all teachers in Berlin. Read more


The Occupational Safety Card training in Finland has been designed first and foremost for the shared workplace of manufacturing industry, but it is equally applicable for the building industry, the … Read more


This project by the Institute for Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, which is part of the Faculty for Human Sciences of the University of Osnabrück is supposed to support the … Read more

Best Agers

Best Agers is a project in which older professionals worktogether with different age groups in the fields of business and skills development to generate new ideas and share their expertise and … Read more


The Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health (eLCOSH.org) was developed to provide accurate, user-friendly information about safety and health for construction workers, … Read more

ABClean Project

The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) was partner in a Lifelong Learning Project “Making the EU AsBestos Clean (ABClean) to create an e-learning course offer together with … Read more

Raising awareness of soft and loud noise

This project of the construction supervision council of the canton Zurich wants to sensitize pupils and give them knowledge about noise. Read more

Raise your hand

Everyday there are more than 350,000 workers on the job in British Columbia. They might be ... Read more

Training Materials on OSH

The Saeed Ahmed Awan Centre for Improvement of Working Conditions & Environment (SAACIWCE) Lahore is a pioneer institution in Pakistan providing professional services in the fields of occupational, … Read more


Throughout Europe, the proportion of older people in the population is growing, people have to work longer, and the average age of workers is increasing. Read more


Parachute is a Canadian national, charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives. Read more

Health Safety and Security Team

The Health Safety and Security Team at the Beykoz University (Türkiye) has been established with the participation of 13 people on a voluntary basis to support online trainings in the field of … Read more

legesa – lifelong healthy working

For this project, the German Gesellschaft für Arbeitsschutz- und Humanisierungsforschung (Association for Occupational Safety and Human Research) cooperated with with five companies in the … Read more

German Road Safety

Starting in 2015, Germany had to deal with a new challenge for politics and society: the big number of refugees coming to the country from many regions in the world, where war and hardship forces … Read more


Kiron offers a learning platform for refugees. Students registered on the kiron campus have access to free courses that fulfill university preparation, job market preparation or personal growth … Read more

Students @ Work

S@W stands for "Students at Work". As a student you are subject to special work and data protection requirements at your workplace in clinics and medical practices. Read more

Bunte Kuh

With its "hands-on design of spaces" scheme, Bunte Kuh e.V. regularly conducts different architectural projects using clay, water and fire in problem districts and in education facilities. Read more

European Voices for Active Ageing (EVAA)

Over the next 50 years, the number of well-educated, experienced and engaged older adult Europeans will double. Their path of a life which embraces active ageing will profoundly impact European … Read more

Master of OSH

The University of Salamanca, Spain, provides different types of studies in occupational safety and health with the specialisation Master in Occupational Hazards (Risks) Management or Master in … Read more

International Post Graduate Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health Management IPGDOSH

This distance learning and tutor supported course provides safety and health professionals, managers and other learners with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills on safety and health. Read more

Youth programme for the construction industry

Since the 1980s, the BG BAU is supporting the interplant training centres ... Read more

New kids on the job

“Ny i job” or “New Kids on the Job” is teaching materials addressed to young people in transition between education and job ... Read more

Linz Academy of Occupational Medicine and Safety

The PGA (Prophylaktische Gesundheits Arbeit), department ‘Linz Academy of Occupational Medicine and Safety’ is a private non-profit organization certified by Ministry of Health to be one of two … Read more


According to an INQA-project, a concept has been developed for vocational education personnel in the metal- and electric industry called “from teacher to learning assistant”. Read more

Transferring the results of business cases awards initiative to business and engineering schools

The US National Safety Council (NSC) with global partners organise the international Robert W. Campbell Award, an international award for business excellence. The award recognizes companies that have … Read more


A new qualification designed to improve young people’s understanding of safe working when taking part in work experience. Read more

Promoting safety culture at DIT

The Dublin Institute of Technology is one of Ireland’s largest and most innovative third-level institutions, with a population of 22,000 students and approximately 2,000 staff members. DIT offers over … Read more


NetWoRM (Net-based Training for Work- Related Medicine), a project by the Clinical centre of the University of Munich Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, is a project for the further … Read more

Facket i sommarland

Every year LO conducts union outreach activities, called “Facket I sommarland” (trade union summer assistance for young people) among young people aged 16-20 years. Read more

fitcampus - Health Promoting University

The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and the health insurance company " AOK PLUS " started this project in 2009. A project group with representatives of the insurance company and the University … Read more

KAN Praxis

What characterizes an ergonomically designed machine? What aspects must be considered during design? Where can I find relevant information? Read more

Occupational Health In Developing Countries

The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway has created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to reach health personnel all over the world – with the purpose of … Read more

A safe start in the pharmaceutical sector

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has set principles and launched various initiatives to help young workers ... Read more

"Master International Occupational Safety And Health" Program

The “Master International Occupational Safety and Health” was established by the Center for International Heath (CIH) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) together with partners from … Read more

How easy can it be?

Many young people are employed in the retail sector and the number of work-related injuries is relatively high compared to other sectors. Read more

Accredited Online College Degree Programs

The open-access database "Accredited Online College Degree Programs" is part of the website "Accredited Online Colleges", which is a database for accredited colleges and universities in the whole … Read more

"Future Competence” Skills

The aim of this project is to teach apprentices in the fields of ... Read more


SafetySkills.com is a website based in the USA, offering more than 300 video online courses. The high quality material can be used for training or online education, each course is offering a Demo and … Read more

Pellekaija Pum

Pellekaija Pum is an exotic and rare bird. It is distantly related to a parrot. Pellekaija Pum is bumbling around in all kinds of dangerous situations and the children must give him advice so that he … Read more

Family businesses

This brochure supports to rise the awareness of entrepreneurs of possible sources of danger in the enterprise. Read more


iNTeg-Risk is a large-scale integrating project aimed at improving the management of emerging risks, related to “new technologies” in European industry. This is being achieved by building new … Read more

Mister Help

Can children and teenagers discriminate safe from dangerous behaviours? 'Mister Help' is the title of a TV programme by Rai Educational and Ispesl (National Institute of Occupational Safety and … Read more

Drug prevention in vocational training

This E-Learning program offers several possibilities for vocational trainers to get information about the subject "drugs" ... Read more

"Jobs please – no injuries"

Increasing the awareness of occupational health and safety in young persons and decreasing the number of occupational accidents ... Read more

Postgraduate Safety and Occupational Hygiene Studies and Systems of Safety Management

These studies prepare students for the profession of a safety and occupational hygiene inspector and, after passing the relevant exam, the students acquire the title of internal auditor of OSH … Read more

An apprenticeship that fits

"An apprenticeship that fits" for four professional groups The BGW offers you materials that support you in your lessons. Topics include first aid, skin protection, hand hygiene and needlestick … Read more

Educating Engineers In Risk Concepts

There is an indication that across Higher Education (HE) engineering courses in the UK, the extent and content of risk education varies, and is not always commensurate with the level of risk that … Read more

OSH Reps

This website offers information on many different hazards at work, training courses on various topics, frequently asked questions and the possibility to ask questions. Read more

Safety 4 Kids

Safety 4 Kids is a non-profit organisation designed to help kids make better decisions about their personal safety. The campaign website covers several topics, such as road safety, bullying, pool … Read more

Guide for personal hygiene in schools

A guide for hygiene in schools. Read more

Smiling Mind

Training and meditation for mental health at school, at home and at the workplace. A free App is offered, as well as a schools program and training for everyone. Read more

Health and Physical Education

In Health and Physical Education, students develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships. Read more

Sustainable Schools Network

Education and Sustainability need to reflect the active process of evolving into becoming citizens who understand that we are all inherently intertwined with nature, and the natural processes of … Read more

Australian Education for Sustainability Alliance AESA

AESA was an alliance of organisations in the education, union, youth and environment sectors that wanted all Australians to have access to the skills, practices and values of sustainability, through … Read more

Department of Education and Training Website

This website offers a huge amount of different resources for students, parents, job seekers, employers, apprentices, trainees, and more. Services include, amongst others, services Read more

Health Achievement Program

The Achievement Program is part of the Victorian Government's vision for a Victoria free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury, so that all Victorians can enjoy the highest Read more

Tooradin Primary School

Tooradin Primary School is committed to the health and wellbeing of students, staff and the wider community. Tooradin Primary School has been recognised as a ‘Healthy School’ throu Read more


To be prepared to face the problems associated with the demographic change, the First Bank in Austria launched the program LIFETIME. LIFETIME aimed to create age-appropriate working and development … Read more

ADDing quality to LIFE

ADDing quality to LIFE through inter-generational learning via universities. The project was supposed to give learners in five countries the opportunity to participate in the piloting of the modules … Read more

Research Platform Active Ageing

At the University of Vienna, a unique Research Platform has been established between the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Center of Sport Science and University Sports, in order to focus on research … Read more

Risi & Ko: A modular approach for secondary schools

Although road safety education is not an obligatory part of the Austrian curriculum for secondary schools, it should (where possible) be integrated into other subjects. Read more

Educational Landscapes in Motion

While new spatial concepts are offered in individual cases for new educational institutions, the majority of existing buildings are oriented towards traditional forms of teaching a Read more

A disinfectants database — substituting hazardous products in hospitals, schools and other public facilities

The Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection — in collaboration with international and national experts developed the Viennese Database of Disinfectants, WIDES. Read more

The Sustainability Challenge (SC)

The Sustainability Challenge (SC) is a renowned inter- and transdisciplinary university course jointly offered by the 4 largest universities of Vienna – University of Economics and Business, Technical … Read more

School on the Move: Good Practice Guideline for Schools

Bewegte Schule Österreich (school on the Move Austria) provides a guideline for Good Practice to help schools prevent and fight MSDs for their students, to improve that and to motivate schools to do … Read more

Practical Guidelines for Anti-Cyber Harassment Measures in Education

A publication by the Europesan Trade Union Committee für Education (ETUCE) an cyber harassment in education and protection of teachers agaunst cyber bullying. Read more

Prevention of health risks in the hairdressing sector - poster collective agreement

As images are more powerful and easier to understand and to remember than words, the sector decided to visualise the abstract term 'ergonomics' in a playful and clear manner, this by developing a ‘3D … Read more

A close shave

Practical tools with regard to ergonomics and skin prevention were developed for hairdressers, such as a desk research with good practices from 17 countries, an instruction video, 2 manuals with … Read more

Management of risk in mining and natural Environment in academic education and research

The St. Ivan Rilski University of Mining and Geology in Bulgaria provides education in the field of mining and geology and other relevant areas such as: automation, mechanization, Read more

Sustainable Schools International

To build local human capacity for economic development in rural Cambodia through targeted educational and livelihood opportunities. Sustainable schools International maintains a set of core values … Read more

The Construction Safety Training System (CSTS)

The Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) is a CD-ROM-based course developed by the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) that uses interactive multimedia including full-motion video and … Read more

Help prevent workplace violence in schools

Preventing Workplace Violence is a campaign developed by the WorkSafeBC (the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C). It aims at providing employers and workers with tools to reduce workplace violence Read more

The CSST’s youth squad in Quebec

The members of the “youth squads” are trained about the statistics for occupational accidents among young people, about work-related risks, and preventive measures, as well as the rights and … Read more

Young Workers Zone web portal

Young Workers Zone, designed to help young people stay healthy and safe at work. Young people can get the information and tools they need in order to venture into the work world on a safe footing. Read more

Mental Health Awareness Online Course

To stimulate actions improving behaviours which lead to conditions of psychophysical well-being, getting over situations of discomfort and uneasiness. To support information and prevention of risk … Read more

Health and Safety Teaching Tools

A resource designed for teachers of intermediate and senior students – although many of the resources are adaptable for younger ages. The basic content of this resource is availabl Read more

Brain Day

Brain Day is a free, informative and fun half-day neuroscience presentation for students in grades 4 to 6. Trained volunteers with an understanding and passion for injury preventio Read more

Is It Worth It? Teen driver safety campaign

Teen Driver Safety Campaign aims to prevent injury and save lives by reducing distracted, impaired and aggressive driving. High school students spread the news in their schools on smart … Read more

Kids That Click

Motor vehicle collisions kill more children than any other injury-related cause. The most effective way to protect children is to use an appropriate car or booster seat. Kids That Click resources … Read more

Project Gearshift

Parachute, a national injury prevention organization, presents Project Gearshift, a campaign designed to drive change in Canada around teen driver safety. Read more

Safe Kids Week

Safe Kids Week is an annual public awareness campaign designed to raise awareness about the frequency and severity of preventable childhood injuries, the leading cause of death and disability of … Read more

TD ThinkFirst for Kids

TD ThinkFirst For Kids is a school-based curriculum program for teachers and children in Grades K to 8. Using lessons and fun activities, the program is interactive and flexible, a Read more

Mainstreaming OHS education in the school system in Ontario

Ontario,Canada’s modelforstudentin- school safety education is grounded by a two decade relationship between the Ministries of Labour and Education and other key education organiza Read more

Student Video Contest Winners

Every year, WorkSafe BC runs a video contest for students, focused on young workers. On this webpage, the winners and their videos are presented. Read more

Healthy School Planner

The Healthy school Planner is an online tool designed to help Canadian schools create healthier environments. It offers individual schools a way to assess the overall state of their environment as … Read more

Youth Engagement Toolkit

The Youth Engagement Toolkit is a free eBook, made to promote the importance of youth engagement for school health. The book is available online and additionl videos and interactive pages maximize the … Read more

Bullying and Harassment in Construction: It's Personal

This video weaves together personal testimonials from workers, supervisors, and business leaders with scenes from our bullying and harassment in construction series. Read more

Active Aging

Active aging is about more than physical activity. Active aging also means being involved in your community and making healthy lifestyle choices. Staying active as you age can help you be healthier, … Read more

Mobile Crane Failures: Why Maintenance and Inspections Are Critical

When crane inspection or maintenance is skipped or isn’t thorough, critical parts can fail, with devastating effects. A video by WorkSafeBC Read more

The Impact of Asbestos

This video describes the history of asbestos, from its origins as a "miracle" material to its threat to worker health and safety. Read more

SGI Road Safety Campaign

Video: Saskatchewan continues to hold the dubious title for having the least safe roads in the country. To combat our unsafe driving habits we went straight for the heart, well, the heartstring that … Read more

Interactive Poster Designer

A new interactive online program on WSPS' website allows workplaces to customize and download up to seven different posters on occupational skin disease, including dermatitis. Each poster combines a … Read more

Mental illness in the workplace

Work is important to our well-being. In addition to the income it brings, it can be a big part of our identity, how we understand our skills, and a way to contribute to something bigger. Read more

COVID-19 Pandemic: Return to School Canadian Physical and Health Education GUIDELINES

The COVID-19 pandemic has seminally changed the way that education systems within Canada function. Now, with schools moving to re-open, we know that it will not simply be a return to learning as it … Read more

PHE Canada

Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) champions healthy, active kids by promoting and advancing quality physical and health education opportunities and healthy learning environments. Read more


This smartphone application (app) delivers a basic ergonomic assessment by stepping the user through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and … Read more

Sustainable Schools Project

The sustainable schools project is a program of Shelburne Farms located in Shelburne, Vermont. The Sustainable schools Project works with schools to cultivate responsible, informed citizens, engaged … Read more

Positive Mental Health Toolkit

This toolkit has been designed to promote positive mental health practices and perspectives within the school environment. The toolkit was developed for the Pan- Canadian Joint Consortium for school … Read more

Heavy Metal Rocks

The Heavy Metal Rocks project gives high school students the chance to visit local heavy equipment shops and worksites, try out various types of heavy equipment, and get an overvie Read more

2012 Student Safety Video Contest

Work is an important part of life for many people, but no job is worth getting hurt over. What is it that motivates you to work safely so you come home in one piece? This ist the o Read more

Tools of Change website

Tools of Change Website Founded on the principles of community-based social marketing. This site offers specific social marketing tools, case studies, and a planning guide for help Read more

MADD Youth Services - School Programs

MADD Canada’s school programs bring high-energy drug and alcohol awareness and risk reduction messaging to the world of education. Youth and school programming have been a key comp Read more

Student WorkSafe Resource

A new Student WorkSafe Resource is now available online. This resource is designed to meet Ministry of Education prescribed learning outcomes for Planning 10 and to provide a resou Read more

The Matthew Bowcott Story

This video is a true story about a young worker’s injury and his road to recovery. It contains some graphic images. Matthew was just 19 when he was badly injured in a restaurant ki Read more

DCMF YouTube channel

The David Cornfield Melanoma Fund runs, in addition to its web platform (http://dcmf.ca),this YouTube channel showing the very impressive Video „Dear 16-year-old Me“. In this film, Read more

Safety Management Education

WHAT IS MINERVA SAFETY MANAGEMENT EDUCATION? Minerva is a not for profit corporation dedicated to improving business effectiveness and reducing injuries through Safety Management E Read more

"Growing Up Protected: A Handbook for the Protection of Adolescent Workers"

This handbook is designed for small business owners and seeks to promote compliance with labour law ... Read more

Good health through correct movement (Pravilnim kretanjem do zdravlja)

Supermarket chain Lidl Hrvatska, in cooperation with the Faculty of Kinesiology - University of Zagreb, started a unique initiative “Good health through correct movement” ... Read more

Movements that make Changes (Pokreti koji čine promjene)

It is well known that MSDs are a global, public health problem because they have high prevalence around the world, which means enormous expenses for health insurance and community in general, and are … Read more

With proper movement to health - part 2 (Pravilnim kretanjem do zdravlja – nastavak)

Good results of the project “Good health through correct movement” (Pravilnim kretanjem do zdravlja) that was launched in 2014, triggered the new sequel as the second phase named “With proper … Read more

Course “Professional qualification to carry out the objectives of risk prevention”

The course offers important legal knowledge and regulations ensuring the protection of health and safety at work BOZP, ... Read more

OSH Experts, Lecturers and Trainer training programme

The “OSH Experts, Lecturers and Trainer” training programme is preparing and will be possible for the OSH specialists to amplify their OSH theoretical and practical knowledge. Read more

OSH Re-qualification training programme

The aim of the OSH Re- qualification training programme is to provide beginners in OSH and future graduates with theoretical and practical knowledge and experience. Read more

Retraining Course in OSH

Course mainly designated to provide the participants and future graduates (experts in risk prevention) with such theoretical and practical knowledge ... Read more

Special Course for OHSAS Auditors

The special course takes aim all steps connected with implementation of OSH management system in an enterprise ... Read more

Special OSH Course: risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication at work places

Five days course / 8 teaching hours per day covering following areas: ... Read more

The Occupational Safety and Health Course for Managers

The course has been carrying out since 2003 by two ways – as e-learning or classical seminars with lecturers in Czech or in English for foreign managers. Read more

Special OSH Course: risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication at work places

Five days course / 8 teaching hours per day covering following areas: 1) Scientific basis of current risk assessment methods, methods used at occupational settings. 2) Legislative Read more

E-Learning for medical school students

The programme familiarizes staff first with e-learning and then moves on to specific OSH and FP requirements of the workplace. E-Learning provides interactive training and the stud Read more

OSH training for medical school students attending the GTH

Being aware of the needs of a modern education system, the GTH has decided to test e-learning in its staff training courses in OSH and FP. Commercial programs have not been satisfa Read more

"We Want to Speak With Children, Not to Them"

The programme supports health-friendly learning and pupil inventiveness in order to make room for self-realisation and development of ingenious talents. The creating of a well-bein Read more

We learn how to learn – we want to understand ourselves, one another and the surrounding world

The programme is aimed at finding the most suitable way of learning, therefore Personal Education is included into teaching scheme. Personal Education gives a pupil room for being Read more

School for Children

An education programme “School for children” was drawn up. School activities: - development of civil and work competencies. - the pupils learn to be responsible for their own healt Read more

School Education Programme

The school helps pupils to create and develop so-called key competencies and to give a basis of their general education which is a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits t Read more

A School of the Third Millennium

Everyday school activity and programme contains such activities that lead the pupils into positive changes of the attitude towards one another, the environment, to maintain good re Read more

A Creative School

A Creative School programme attempts at leading the pupils to keep up with the determined rules and principles of self-discipline. The objective may be met by the creation of a mot Read more

3rd Career Revitalisation

This programme, developed by EXPERTIS, Prague, was supposed to help elder employees to deal with changes in their life and work environment. This programme has different target groups ... Read more


The H.O.W. education programme focuses on educating persons who understand the value of health and strives at responding to practical life situations. Read more

Elementary Education School Programme

The educational objective of the Elementary school Veronské náměstí is to teach children to get to know, understand, comprehend, make themselves understood, decide and act. The school adopted the … Read more

Women 50+

Activities of Association Ženy 50 (Women 50+) are focused on promoting equal opportunities and elimination of gender stereotypes. The target group are women over 50 years and older; however it is open … Read more

The Good Working Life

The material is a large portfolio containing 50 exercises concerning the working life of Social and Health Care workers. The portfolio furthermore contains material descriptions fo Read more

Improving overall occupational health and safety at university campus including safety awareness of students

In Aarhus, the focus lies on: conducting research and providing research-based education complying with the highest international standards; interdisciplinary research programmes; Read more

Ambassador network for teachers in social and health care training programmes

According to a ministerial order for vocational education and training, education must contribute to the student’s understanding of a good work environment. The teachers responsible for vocational … Read more


This manual is a work of reference for the working environment in the building and construction industry. The manual provides guidelines on good working environment practice and on how the rules of … Read more

Improvement of safety climate and safety: a multi-level integrated, management-based safety on construction sites

The project should help to reduce the risk of serious occupational accidents on Danish workplaces by developing a method which ensures that the security at the workplace will be a part of management's … Read more

Better working environment for the young people in the retail industry (BAUD)

Better working environment for the young people in the retail industry (BAUD) BAUD the project creates new knowledge about young people's working environment and how it can be impr Read more

Safe Work for Youth through Learning and Instruction (SAFU-Learning)

The project will contribute with new knowledge about what has meaning for young people's learning of the security in the first three months at your workplace in the retail industry Read more

Copenhagen International School

As an International Baccalaureate school, Copenhagen International school offers student-centred and inquiry-based learning to children from the age of 3 to the high school diploma. Read more

Risk Education Network

The network's primary focus is on the teaching of health and safety risk by higher education institutions in engineering related subjects. Much of the content is, however, expected Read more

OSH courses in Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology began teaching occupational safety in 1967-1969 and the department of occupational safety was found in the year of 1971. It became the Department o Read more

ENHPS - The European Network of Health Promoting Schools Project

The framework for the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) and health promoting schools generally can be found within the action areas of the Ottawa Charter ... Read more

Euro Apprenticeship

This website represents the Euro Apprenticeship network and offers contacts and some information and material dealing with mobility for young people. Read more

Napo in: "Safety in... and outside of work"

The film tells the story of Napo, a model workman. After work, however, he ignores the risks and rules in different situations. This leads to many near-accidents and finally to a sports injury that … Read more

Adrisk project – European action on adolescent injury risk

In this report, the concept of injury includes both unintentional and intentional injuries. Read more

Napo at the building site

In the scope of the European Week 2006 „Building in safety” the Napo film show how it is going on at building sites and how can it made better and safer. Read more

Napo in “Take it easy”

In the world of work often heavy goods have to be carried by workers. Lifting and carrying heavy goods involves risks for health and safety. In 10 short episodes Napo shows which hazards can occur … Read more

Napo in “Best Sign Story”

The first film from the series of Napo films shows in 13 episodes the meaning of safety signs and to what these signs are good for. Beside others a special target group are young workers. Read more

Napo in the world of hazard symbols and warnings

In this film Napo presents the meaning of seven warning signs. A lot of chemical products that are used in working life can threaten our health. These substances can be poisonous, can cause cancer, … Read more

Napo in “Safe start”

The short episode for the theme “Safe Start” shows hazards and risks that young workers should be aware of and it shows how the young workers should behave in certain situations. Year of production: … Read more

Napo in “Slips, trips and falls”

Safety at the workplace requests careful behaviour and a good organisation. Napo slips, trips and falls from one dangerous situation to the next. In 6 short episodes the theme of falling accidents is … Read more

NAPO: “Your skin”

This Napo movie deals with dangers for your skin at work, with skin diseases and skin problems caused by workplace situations. „Which are the most important 2 square meters of you life?“ Napo, the 3d … Read more

Teachers concerned about violence at school II – Cyber-harassment

The first project on violence in schools focused on raising awareness to all ETUCE member organisations regarding violence at school which not only endangers pupils but all those working in the … Read more

work in tune with life - move europe

This initiative developed Guides for Mental Health at the Work and documented good practice in managing psychosocial risks in the workplace. 22 European countries were involved in the project. Read more


PRAISE - Preventing Road Accidents and Injuries for the Safety of Employees Praising Best Practice in Road Safety ‘At’ Work and ‘To’ Work “Mobilising knowledge to create work-related road safety … Read more


Labitas is an acronym derived from the latin words “Labor”(labour) and “Sanitas” (health).

 Labitas is a syndicated project with partners from Ireland, Germany and Austria to e Read more

Asbestos, still a killer

The EFBWW is the frontrunner in protecting workers from asbestos.All workers who could get in contact with asbestos must receive all information, training, and the proper protective gear. Read more

Napo in… When Stress strikes

Stress at work accounts for a high percentage of lost working days, and the number of people suffering from stress-related conditions is increasing. Napo identifies some of the causes of stress at … Read more

Napo in …. back to a healthy future

European workers are ageing. By 2030, workers aged over 55 are expected to make up 30% or more of the total workforce in many EU countries. This creates challenges for employees, employers and … Read more

MEPMIS - Maximising Employee Performance by Minimising the Impact of Substances in the Workplace

MEPMIS is a project aimed at helping line managers in SME’s across Europe tackle the impact of the inappropriate use of alcohol and drugs in their workplace. The inappropriate use Read more

OiRA tool for educational establishments

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities Read more

Starting conversations about musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace

‘Conversation starters for workplace discussions about musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)’ is a great new resource. It can be used to facilitate group discussions in the workplace or during training. Read more

Napo in the Workplace – Understanding MSDs

The Napo website offers a collection of 14 different Napo videos dealing with prevention of MSDs. Read more

Napo in – stop the Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic has serious implications for the workplace, for workers and for businesses. Napo wants to help. However, it is difficult to present all the prevention measures in a short … Read more


SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational technologies) is a free tool designed to help schools embed digital technologies into teaching, learning … Read more

MSD Practical Tools and Guidance

This guide aims at helping the user to assess the risk s of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It details potential risk situations for musculoskeletal disorders and criteria for good preventive … Read more

Musculoskeletal Disorders in Teachers and Teaching Assistants

OSH Wiki article providing information on Risk Factors and Effects of MSDs in Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Read more

Musculoskeletal Disorders in Children and Young People

OSH Wiki article about Musculoskeletal Disorders in Children and Young People. Read more

Early Childhood Education

OIRA tools for working with children in schools and nursery homes, developed in Spain, Croatia and Europe. When working with children, nursery teachers are exposed to various work- Read more

Schools for Health in Europe

The vision of SHE is that the health promoting school approach becomes an acknowledged and accepted concept in all EU Member States, ... Read more

"Healthy Schools" WECF Pilot Project

The “Healthy Schools” Programme was initiated by WECF through this Pilot Project carried out in four schools of Bulgaria and Greece, namely: Romain Rolland Language School, Stara Zagora, and Language … Read more


A project by the Seamen’s Pension Fund (Merimieselakekassa) to support Finnish seafarers’ occupational well-being and working capacity by developing the operations of the shipping companies, their … Read more

KiVa Koulu

KiVa Koulu® is an anti-bullying action program developed at the University of Turku - according to research, one of the most effective. The objectives of the program are the prevention of bullying, … Read more

Länsilinjat Oy Finland: flexible working practices, redeployment, training and development

Länsilinjat Oy is a privately owned bus company, which was founded in 1939 when five bus companies merged. The high average age of the workers in Länsilinjat Oy was a particular concern of company. Read more

Methods to promote Work Ability

To our proven Crash-Free Culture® program, Mentor by eDrivingSM adds its innovative smartphone-based telematics app to monitor risky driving behaviors, assign a FICO® Safe Driving Score predictive of … Read more

Taking the strain out of building work

A series of ergonomic development activities were undertaken, implemented by Lujatalo’s occupational health officer, a physiotherapist, and the work safety officer. Over a period o Read more

Lengthening careers through well-being at work

The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries is an expert organisation of 100 people, representing the interests of Finnish technology companies. The organisation is facing the Read more

Traffic Safety teaching Materials

The Finnish Road Safety Council (Liikenneturva) offers traffic safety materials and action models ... Read more

Online course for teachers on physical activity as part of the school day

This online course is a result of years of teaching. All activities and teaching methods have been tested in a school environment with students. The participants will obtain a comprehensive picture of … Read more


HeiaHeia is an App to promote physical activities at workplaces and schools. Read more

Students on the Move

As a part of the key project the schools on the Move Programme was expanded to upper secondary education in 2017. The goal of the Mobile Learning program is to increase mobility and the ability to … Read more

Joy in Motion

The Joy in Motion programme is realised in accordance with each unit’s own situation, utilising the Baby steps ideology and models for continued development. Read more

Seppo platform for gamified mobile learning and training

Seppo is a platform for creating own games and lessons for online and offline learning with games. Read more

Safety on the farm game

Several hundred children are involved in accidents yearly at farms in Finland. A learning-by-playing method was chosen to reach the best results among the target group ... Read more

Passport to health and safety skills

An educational package - ‘Passport to health and safety skills’ - was developed in the project ‘Top Excellence in Health and Safety at Work (2004-2005)’, coordinated by Skills Finl Read more

Ensuring occupational safety during vocational training and on-the-job learning

To improve the amount and content of OSH instruction, a teacher support package was developed, including Power Point presentations and health guides for tutors. Guidelines for stud Read more

TYVE - A computer-based learning environment for OSH

The first Finnish computer-based learning environment for OSH, TYVE, was developed. The target groups for this introductory OSH course were universities, polytechnic institutes and Read more

Sustainable development programme and certification – a whole-school approach for improving schools’ environmental issues and occupational safety and health

Improving skills related to sustainable development is essential for us all if we want to cope with the huge challenges brought by the climate change, increasing consumption of nature resources, … Read more

Preparing young people for work life

Career compass uses plain language to prepare young people for work life Well-being at work, In the Career compass project, we developed career counselling and work coaching for yo Read more

Chemistry in the classroom

A couple of Videos on Youtube by the European Chemicals Agency ECHA, Finland. Two TV reports on the campaign „Chemicals in the classroom“. This projects provides lessons in schools Read more

Virtual Enterprise in 3D

"The virtual enterprise" is an application that, through 3D animation, presents some typical risk situations in the workplace and shows what are the possible actions for their elim Read more

Online management of occupational health and safety training skills

Under national agreements signed between the Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie (National Health Insurance Fund) and the French Ministry for National Education with a view to Read more

Incorporating health and safety at work into the company’s eco-citizenship policy

As part of a three-year sustainable development plan entitled ‘Eco-Citizen Development’, which began in 2008, Armor extended its health and safety policy. The new policy was aimed at improving … Read more

Fifti - New Professional Dynamics after 45

Co-funded by the Europe Social Fund, FIFTI is an online system in French providing a number of tools to help optimize people's careers after the age of 45. It provides specific information, guidance … Read more

Understand to act better by limiting arm movements and elevation during a cut

The PIBYRP technique is a simple and ergonomic cutting technique for preventing MSD. The PIBYRP technique is labeled by OMC (Organisation Mondiale de la Coiffure) and is a simple and quick cutting … Read more

Training in fire prevention

Fires on business premises are still a major cause of damage, injury, and even death. In France the vast majority of safety risks incurred by companies still involve fire ... Read more

Spouses and partners in the limelight

In very small companies, the role of spouses,partners and other assistants can be extremely important. Read more

A safe start for young workers in the metallurgy sector

Cooperation between a regional insurance body, vocational training providers and metallurgical industry organisation to promote health and safety training in vocational courses and Read more

Putting young people’s safety and health at work into a global educative policy

The approach had four main elements, which are described as follows: Base 1: setting up resources and promotional materials including a databank, method sheets, a website, poster c Read more

Synergie “school-prevention-business”

Diagnostic phase: the trainees carry out a diagnosis of the hazards and the working conditions of the host company during their work places. After making an agreement with the comp Read more

The Lacobus contest: allowing for OSH in restoration work from the design stage onwards

The Lacobus contest makes an award each year to the best architectural restoration training project presented by the students of three schools of architecture in France, Spain and Read more

Architectural and engineering students design projects together

In 2007, for the third consecutive year, architectural and engineering students were brought together to work for two weeks on the design and production of models of work areas tak Read more

Chemical engineering students teach OSH

At the chemical engineering school Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) the students themselves give the lectures on basic occupational and industrial risk manage Read more

Awareness raising about safety with students and professors in architecture

Together with the direction of the ‘Institut Supérieur d’Architecture La Cambre’ in Brussels, SEFMEP initiated and supported a project to develop and introduce training on risk pre Read more

Safety training programme for schools (SESAM plan)

A national network of instructors was created to provide resource staff, including teachers and specialists, in the area of major hazards education. The plan has two principal obje Read more

Safety of young temporary workers in the steel industry

The project was planned as follows: the company includes safety requirements in all its tendering procedures for labour supply by temporary employment agencies; it has developed a Read more

Health and Safety at Work: From school to work, your videos

A competition for students of vocational schools and CFA launched by INRS. INRS is organizing "Health and Safety at Work: From school to work, your videos," for students in vocatio Read more

Fit for Life

„Fit for Life“ is an evaluated programme carried out by well-trained trainers. It aims at violence prevention by supporting and developing social- and life competence. Emotional- cognitive abilities … Read more

Anschub – program for the good healthy school

Anschub is the alliance for sustainable school health and education in Germany. This campaign is an initiative of the Bertelsmann Foundation, from 2010 a newly formed association will continue the … Read more

Do you have stress?

The website www.hast-du-stress.de of the Criminal Prevention Association in Flensburg, Germany, provided contact information of information centers in many cities all over Germany. Read more

UPSI Nursery Rhymes

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

Timely promoting, long profiting

Assure employability of the staff till pension and commit the employees to the business. Read more

Advanced seminar for safety representatives in kindergartens, SKTA

The 3-day "SKTA" seminar constitutes an advanced seminar: all participants have already completed a basic course for safety representatives. Read more

Be Smart - Don’t Start

"Be Smart- Don’t Start" is a campaign for prevention of first-time smoking and supplementary measures for health promotion. Read more

Acquisition of independence

“Eigenständig werden” (Acquisition of independence) is a school-based programme for the development of life-skills, health promotion, prevention of substance abuse and aggression. Read more


The CHILT project was developed in 2000 and launched in 2001 at 12 primary schools in the Cologne area. Read more

Project “Papilio”

Papilio is an intervention programme which aims at preventing early onset conduct problems ... Read more

Take care (Gib 8) – a prevention campaign for children 11 to 14

Campaign to reach a decrease of number and heaviness of injuries in school and on the way to school or on the way home. Read more

Take care (Gib 8) – a prevention campaign for pupils aged 15 to 19

Campaign to reach a decrease of number and heaviness of injuries in school and on the way to school or on the way home. For pupils age 15 to 19 and vocational schools. Read more

Take care (Gib 8) – a prevention campaign for children 6 to 10

Campaign to reach a decrease of number and heaviness of injuries in school and on the way to school or on the way home. Read more

Project on building sites in Lower Austria

Project in Lower Austria to bring awareness for healthy food and work safety to the building sites. Read more

RAPPELKISTE integrative kindergarten

Alternative kindergarten project in Bavaria, Germany. Different projects and concepts were realized ... Read more

Healthy kindergarten Leipzig, project 2002–2004

Further training for childcare professionals, parents' materials, holding of events with the children centrally in Leipzig ... Read more

Model project: pro-health kindergarten

Can children and teenagers discriminate safe from dangerous behaviours? Read more

Network for healthy employees in kindergartens

The project “Network for Healthy Workers” took place from Sep 2003 till Dec 2004. Read more

Acoustics, interior, ergonomics

Website providing information on noise at school and at the workplace, interior design and ergonomics. Read more

ANKe (department of neurophysiological child development in the school administration)

ANKe offers preventive and supervisory support for promotion of integral (body, mind and spirit) development of children primarily through the medium of exercise. ... Read more

Health Promotion in Kindergarten Zwickau

Since mid-2004, the health promotion department of the public health service has been conducting a project for the promotion of health in kindergartens, ... Read more

"The class moves" - an integral exercise method for kindergarten and primary-school education

"Klasse in Bewegung" (the class moves) - for children age 3 to 10 - Promotion of exercise amongst preschool and schoolchildren at an appropriate level for the children. Read more

MEDUSANA Foundation

A project with papers and seminars for the promotion of health amongst children and teenagers. Read more

Living health - learning health

Conducting of cross-subject project lessons on the subject of health. Read more

TigerKids – active kindergarten

"TigerKids - Kindergarten aktiv" is a nationwide program for health education in kindergartens ... Read more

"Youth wants self- experience"

Materials for initial vocational education and training to increase awareness of young workers for OSH. Several DVDs, awards activities and an internet portal. ... Read more

Age based work structure and health promotion at Rowenta factory GmbH

With this project it was possible to improve the personal health behaviour of the employees, especially older workers. ... Read more

Four step model for preservation and recreation of employability of employees in vehicle construction

Preservation and recreation of employability of employees. Four step model: 1. Prevention scheme 2. Integration of the employees ... Read more


The central question is what supports day-care centers in developing their organization in such a way that both the children and the pedagogical specialists expand their options for a healthy … Read more

Healthy School - School on the Move

The online seminar reflects the situation on the ground and adopts a practical approach. The participants are introduced to the exercise topics in seven units spread over approxima Read more

SIGIKI - safe and health in kindergarten

Development and implementation of a manual to promote safety and exercises in all kindergartens in Berlin. This manual contains intensive information and game suggestions. It is us Read more

Promotion of listening in listening clubs at school

Listening clubs take place on a regular basis once in a week in schools and kindergartens. Through active hearing and listening exercises pupils are trained in their perception while listening. Read more

Health promoting workshop assistance

Different exercises and methods such as breathing exercises, stretching / mobilisation of shoulders – neck area, cognitive and physical relaxation, eye exercises, smooth activation Read more

100 „Bewegungsbaustellen“ (wood kits for exercise) for Berlin

„Bewegungsbaustellen“ (wood kits for exercise) will be placed in selected kindergartens and primary schools. Associated with it is a training for the responsible pedagogues. Till a Read more

Do care!

Participants (managers) develop strategies in two day seminars to healthily treat themselves (stress coping, relaxation after leaving off work etc.) and to lead their employees healthily as well … Read more

Training for safety representatives

The Wiener Neustadt Labour Inspectorate was able to persuade the engineering college HTL Wiener Neustadt to offer a course for safety representatives. The training was completed by Read more

Occupational safety and health in retailing

Within the framework of a project organised by Vienna Spar Akademie, a vocational school, and a Viennese labour inspectorate, a booklet on occupational safety and health was compil Read more

Protective Measures Created by Apprentices

In cooperation with the Graz Labour Inspectorate, students of the Landesberufsschule Graz-Sankt Peter, a vocational school, conducted in-depth examinations of the importance of saf Read more

Pre-vocational schools and the world of work

Lectures on occupational safety and health organised by a Viennese labour inspectorate prepared students of Polytechnische Schule Währing, a pre-vocational school, for two field tr Read more

Social Security Management

6 Semester in a dual education in an advanced technical college core elements of the studies are: social law, economics, medicine, computer science, occupational health and safety, Read more

Operational Safety Management (M.Sc.), Master of Science

Modules within the studies are: - Occupational Safety and Health - Environmental Protection - Quality management - Data security - Industrial safety The Studies takes one year plus Read more

Health promotion and management

In the first year basic knowledge in the fields of law, administrative sciences, social policy, pedagogic, psychology, sociology, statistics, public health, social medicine, biology, are taught. Read more

Implementation of SGM

Implementation of Safety- and Health- Management into initial vocational education and training. Dual system: vocational school as a company - vocational school as a training centr Read more

Further education in the subject of ergonomics and human relations at work

The education is divided into different modules of coherent units. Duration and course of the studies is self-determined by each student, according to private and on-the-job duties. Read more

3D Interactive Simulator – Safety Training in process plants

Training activities cannot be carried out in process plants which are in operation. Instead they are practised in a 3D Simulator with interactive operation facilities. In this way, Read more

Apprentices teach Apprentices

The project was launched in autumn 2004. It is an additional component of the safety training which uses the experience of apprentices who have completed their second year of train Read more

Media “Youth Programme” for Building trade professions

The CD-ROM offers trainers comprehensive, targeted assistance and tools for practical teaching. The trainer is provided with student-oriented teaching units with background informa Read more

Entering the World of Work

At the Hermann Wielandner Hauptschule in Bischofshofen, a secondary school, the students "chose" professions and were subsequently informed about the working conditions by the Salz Read more

Explosion Protection in Mills

The Secondary College for Food Technology and Grain Cultivation in Wels and the Wels Labour Inspectorate compiled an explosion protection document for the school mill. Based on the Read more

Noise in Educational Institutions

The brochure describes the acoustical ergonomically framework conditions in educational institutions according to the example of instruction at schools. An introduction to the prob Read more


The Upper Austrian Vocational Training Institute, the BFI, and the Linz Labour Inspectorate jointly conducted the project "safety4youth". 18 students of the 15 to 18 age group were Read more

Working conditions in practical training

The HLW Kufstein, a secondary college for economic professions, and the Tyrolean Labour Inspectorate conducted a survey of working conditions of student apprentices. The survey was Read more

Stress prevention

Health includes physical, mental and social well-being. Mental stress is part of working life. However, the increase in days off work and early retirement due to mental health issues is alarming. Read more

E V A - Taking road safety serious (Ernstnehmende Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit)

Driving with peers in a car under the observation of a driving instructor who is giving feedback. Read more

Saar Joint Initiative „Road Safety Now!“ (Social Accident Insurance of the German Federal State Saarland)

The initiative focuses on: A dialogue in a teaching unit moderated by a police officer A practical part to practice safe driving on a special traffic ground Read more

"Integration of health and safety at work into vocational education"

The "Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA)", the most important institution in social insurance in Austria, organised an international safety competition for apprentices in Read more

Napo in “Stop that noise”

The film shows which hazards are existing and how noise and its risks can be handled. Year of production: 2005, running time 8:13 minutes Read more


This web page offers information about risks and hazards in road traffic, like drugs, alcohol, accidents when coming from disco, accidents mopeds or motorbikes. It informs about wr Read more

Course for instruction of experts in occupational safety

From the Austrian law about OSH experts in enterprises (without international certificate) the AUVA developed this course based on ISO/IEC 17024 and is the only accredited organisa Read more

Getting the better of back problems

Planning and testing of a preventive sensitisation and training measure to avoid physical impairments in the construction sector, especially at work on scaffolding. Construction wo Read more


HEALTH PROMOTION AND PREVENTION WITH CLASS2000 Healthy, strong and self-confident – ​​this is how children should grow up. Read more


The 1999 initiated „team4kids“ of the Labour Inspection wants to bring young people the necessity of occupational health and safety closer. Furthermore the information deficit of y Read more

Start into the job

In accordance with this years’ European Week Campaign “Safe start” the new Basics-brochure “Start into the job” (Start in den Beruf) is published. The brochure is compact and compr Read more


The PAEDIMED study group developed a learning and teaching scenario for school health education in the area of skin and sexual health in Italy, Romania and Germany, combining web-based and traditional … Read more

Everything under control?

Apprentices are one of the most endangered group of people in road traffic. Many of them own a driver's licence already, some have their own cars or motorcycles. The German road sa Read more

Respect at School! (8tung in der Schule)

Mterlia and a touring exhibition “8tung in der Schule (respect at school)” by BGAG - Institute Work and Health of the DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) in cooperation with se Read more

PAC (Praevention als Chance) Prevention as a chance

This project by The Municipal Accident Insurance Association, Communal Accident Kitty Lower Saxony, in association with State Office of Criminal Investigation Lower Saxony is a program for violence … Read more

Handling of carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproduction toxic substances in lab courses (KMR/CMR-dangerous substances in lab courses)

A website by the Department for Safety and Environment at the Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, the universities of Berlin, Bielefeld, Marburg, Duisburg- Essen and the St Read more

Introduction to the principles of laboratory safety – prevention and emergency response – handling biological and radioactive substances

Biology students have to work with hazardous substances in laboratories or special workshops during courses which are part of their basic training. Furthermore, students often have Read more

Integral II

The e-learning platform Integral II by the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) of the RWTH Aachen offers several courses for industrial engineering and ergonom Read more

Mainstreaming safety for physical education lessons among teachers

This area includes, in particular, measures for the qualification of teachers for physical education in elementary and special schools ... Read more

Teaching Safety and Risk Management in Construction Engineering and Architecture Studies

The University of Applied Sciences Mainz, Institute for Architecture (AI), provides lectures on safety and health issues on construction sites for students of Construction engineer Read more

Sustainability of an Interdisciplinary Secondary Prevention Program in Hairdressers

215 young hairdressers suffering from occupational skin diseases (OSD) have attended a 6-month combined dermatological and educational prevention program ... Read more

Initiatives for teaching safety and risk management in civil engineering studies in German universities

Since 1970 the statutory accident insurance organisation for the construction sector - BG Bau - has been involved in teaching OSH in tertiary education. At present, experts of the Read more

Outward Bound

OUTWARD BOUND offers schools, colleges and interested young people powerful learning experiences - outdoors. We focus on the educational objectives and develop mental needs with programmes that change … Read more

Betzavta – Miteinander- Erfahrungen

This program wants to introduce democratic principles to children, young people and adults. By the means of playful activities, a „qualitative idea of democracy“ is supposed to be aroused in the … Read more

Achtung Grenze (Mind the boundaries!)

„Achtung Grenze (Mind the boundaries!) is a project by the German Child Protection Agency Nuremberg for pupils from the 1st to the 9th grade. Project classes get lessons for about 17 hours. Read more

optiSTART - an optimal nutrition- and excercise start to school caereer

federal model project - „Kinderleicht-Region“ of the German Federal Ministry for Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection 1. project phase: - 13 teaching modules (1 hour per Read more

Become independent

“Eigenständig werden” is a school-based programme for the development of life-skills, health promotion, prevention of substance abuse and aggression. Many studies have shown that the prevention of e. Read more

Brummi, the prevention bear of the Berlin police

This prevention program of the Berlin police carries out anti.violence performances at primary schools in Berlin. The hand-puppet „Brummi the bear“ provides tipps and tricks for st Read more

Experimental Show for children in pre schools and primary schools

Experimental Show for Kids: „What is dangerous“ This show for pre school and primary school pupils has been developed by the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Acci Read more

Fight the Risk

The "Risk out!" campaign of the statutory accident insurance dedicated itself in the years 2010 and 2011 to safe driving and transport. Read more

Directive on Safety at Schools

The Directive on Safety at schools of North Rhine-Westphalia (RISU-NRW) introduced the position of a commissioner for dangerous substances at schools, who has the responsibilities of the head of … Read more


Beiki is an interactive web platform and e-learning website for children, young people and teachers. It gives information and provides several lessons and quizzes concering biking, Read more

Big mouth – silent cries

This program for pupils aged 10 – 13 years is designed as a de-escalation training and aims at decreasing „everyday violence“. This and „small“ beastlinesses can sometimes cause bigger violence. Read more

De-escalation training – show moral courage!

The POLTRAIN team offers a training for de-escalation of violence and racism. The participants learn to perceive their own acting in a different way, to examine and correct it. Read more

RESPEKT – initiative for violence- free schools

„Respekt“ is an initiative originally located in Ludwigsburg. It aims at violence prevention at school. A resource- and solution- oriented prevention concept suitable for all forms of violence … Read more

People’s Theater

This program wants to enhance ethical thinking and acting by using theater work. Leading idea is „peer education“. An „action team“ consisting of eight young people of different nationalities performs … Read more

"Echt stark" (Really strong) – Violence prevention

The violence prevention program „Echt stark“ was developed by Daniela Kreh and Jens Richter in 2002 and has been enhanced since then. Originally, it was a program for children and young people who are … Read more

Of course I am strong!

„Of course I am strong!“ is an interactive scene collage that is performed in schools to prevent different forms of addiction and for violence prevention. Read more

Me – you – us – without violence (Ich - Du - Wir – Ohne Gewalt)

This project is suitable for children and young pupils. The pupils are sensitised for the topics violence and racism. They try non-violent conflict handling and learn how to treat each other with … Read more

Konflikt-KULTUR (Conflict-Culture)

This prevention program offers methods for achieving the right of pupils and teachers as well. They are supposed to work together with respect and learn how to deal with conflicts without violence. Read more

Kindergarten Mobil

This project by the Sports University Cologne aims at promoting healthy food and physical activities as an instrument for prevention of overweight and health problems. A special mo Read more


„Fairplayer e.V.“ and „Fairplayer.manual“ (established 2003) are long term programmes aiming at developing pro-social behaviour, respect for each other, moral courage and social competence ... Read more

Eigenständig werden (Become independent)

This project provides interdisciplinary lessons for elementary schools. Social competencies are to be strengthened, in order to prevent violence. Five targets shall be achieved: st Read more


A prevention programme for promoting the class atmosphere in primary schools. Read more

Paul acquires a taste for it

A puppet theatre play for children promoting healthy nutrition for kids. Read more

Set case for teachers “Safe on the way”

Around eight percent of the accidents that schoolchildren suffer happen on the way to school. Especially when changing from elementary school to secondary school, the way to school is often longer and … Read more

REWE strategy of sustainability

Workplace health promotion is an important element of corporate social policy: it helps employees, for their own health to take action to improve working conditions and thus provides more motivation … Read more

VerA initiative

In Germany, many young people in vocational training feel unfit and tend to interrupt their career often in the first year. At the end of 2008, the Senior Expert Service (SES) – on Read more

Safety and environmental awareness for all

htl donaustadt is a secondary technical and vocational school in Vienna. Students prepare for a-grades for the entrance to engineering studies or for working in technical and engin Read more

Additional Value for Body and Mind

Additional valus for body and mind is a project oft he vocational scholl at Lochau, Austria. A weblog was set up fort he apprentices, offering information on healthy living, nutrit Read more

Process-oriented optimisation of the system of safety representatives at universities

Two universities of different types (namely a large, old one and a smaller and newer one) were taken as examples. Safety and health problems were detected and analysed in both inst Read more

Occupational Safety Partnership

This partnership, created by the city of Hamburg and comprising the city’s labour inspection team, chamber of commerce, trade unions and the statutory accident insurance associatio Read more

GUROM - Risk Assessment for Traffic Participation

GUROM is an instrument for the holistic analysis of risk factors in (occupational) traffic participation and includes the derivation of measures. As an online tool, it is designed to help you prevent … Read more

Safety in training: prevention of needlestick injuries and cuts of medical students

Again and again, injuries to students during training occur. In Berlin, medical students still cover most of these training-related accidents. Accidents ususally happen with contam Read more

Gut Drauf (In a good mood)

Gut Drauf (In a good mood) is a program of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) to improve the health of girls and boys between 12 and 18 years. One special focus called Tutmirgut is aimed … Read more


A series of training events at companies, called “fresh ergonomics”. Ergonomics specialists visit companies and provide entertaining training for ergonomical behaviour and work to reduce back … Read more

Rock the Mob!

This is a photo/video competition by the German Accident Insurances. Young people, who want to participate, can form a team and produce a video or shoot phtos about moving, sports, Read more

One Accident changes everything

This campaign by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors wants to raise awareness for accident prevention an Read more

UPSI and the green dragon make fire

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

UPSI and the loud sea bear

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. This book can teach … Read more

UPSI and the most beautiful noise in the world

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Read more

UPSI and the sea horse

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

UPSI in green light – red light

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

UPSI is learning to fly

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

UPSI is looking for the giant snake

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Eight books and one radio play have been released until now. Read more

UPSI saves the big Whale

Upsi is a comic character, created by the Accident Insurance Berlin to rise awareness for OSH topics in a playful way. Read more

UPSI visits the wizard

In the reading story "Upsi visits the magician" children and their adult readers are encouraged to make feelings about the topic. Read more

Good healthy school at Erich-Gutenberg-Berufskolleg

At Erich-Gutenberg-Berufskolleg, all parties are committed to a healthy learning culture, because good health is the basic condition of teaching and learning. Read more

Ergonomics for designers

Products can be designed with appropriate consideration for safety and health aspects by the application of standards governing ergonomics. In order for greater consideration to be given to the … Read more

Entry-level employees (Berufseinsteiger)

Every beginning is difficult! Everyone has this experience in the course of their life and unfortunately the accident statistics also prove it: Young employees, and thus trainees as well, are exposed … Read more

European Workplace Tutor

The European Workplace Tutor is a qualification profile and training programme which aims at equipping in-company trainers with the competences they need to plan, deliver and evaluate training, to … Read more

The Experience Generation. Opportunities for 50 Plus

The transition from work to retirement challenges employees aged 50 and over and their employers. The BaS advises small and medium-sized companies, public administrations and social-economic companies … Read more

The five safety rules tutorial

This online tutorial teaches the risks and hazards of working with electricity. It is interactive with an exercise sheet. Read more

Living Health at work - it depends on HOW

Strengthening competence - overcome stumbling blocks The experience is often the same: you have bought ergonomic work tools, back-friendly optimized workflows, trained employees. B Read more

Screen Ergonomics

As at nearly every workplace, there is a computer screen, many people complaining at the end of your work day, tired eyes, headache and pain in neck, back and arms. Read more


This Report contains the key results from the project "Ergo KiTa – prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among educators in children's day care facilities ... Read more

Master of Public Health

The extra-occupational Master of Public Health offers an academic training, covering all aspects of the professional and personal requirements in the field of Public Health. In add Read more

Healthy Mix - Digital Media in Schools

A website and a couple of publications give information of how to handle the use of digital media by pupils and students in schools. Topics are: ergonomics, psychosocial health, me Read more

Internet Portal Occupational Safety and Health Management in Schools and Study Seminars

This internet portal offers information on OSH and health management and helps teachers, schools and study seminars with material and advice. Read more

Movement and learning

The Report "Movement and learning – the concept of moving schools” (“Bewegte Schulen”) by Gerold Brägger, Heinz Hundeloh, Norbert Posse and Hermann Städtler is supposed to promote the concept for … Read more

Physical activities in day-care facilities

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse has picked up this important topic in volume 21 of the series, "Physical activity offers in day-care facilities". Read more

The ups and downs of sitting

Actually sitting is not really a problem. You sit down, and after a little time you stand up again. But the time span between sitting down and getting up has steadily grown longer in our modern … Read more

House of good and healthy school

A couple of health and safety activities at the school, like physical activities, safety education, health courses, classroom management, prevention of drug addiction, and more. Read more

Operational Pandemic Planning

The coordination group for biological agents (KOBAS) of the DGUV has updated and continued the 10 tips for operational pandemic planning. This leaflet provides information on what needs to be … Read more

Cyber bullying first aid App

Online bullying can become a serious burden for young people. That's what the members of the klicksafe Youth Panel thought too and developed the cyberbullying first aid app. This has meanwhile won … Read more

Timetable for 30 minutes daily exercises for school children

A time table for 30 minutes of physical exercises per day for school children to keep them active and healthy. All execises are shown in YouTube videos that are linked in the time table. Read more

Healthy and cheerful with a fresh pinch of exercise per day - despite Corona!

A program for physical exercises for school children to keep them active and healthy. Read more

Exercise course for school children

A program for physical exercises for school children to keep them active and healthy. Read more

Federal Working Group for Posture and Exercise Promotion

The Federal Working Group for Posture and Exercise Promotion eV (BAG) is a non-profit association that was founded in 1961. Since then, the BAG has been dealing with movement in the context of … Read more

Schoolbag Safety

schoolbag Safety – How can you support your child’s spine at school Carrying schoolbags has a major impact on a child's back health. An inappropriately or incorrectly packed schoolbag may contribute … Read more

Digital Learning Room in a Car Workshop

Anyone starting an apprenticeship as an automotive mechatronics technician will receive safety instructions both in the company and in the workshop. Read more


„BASE“ definition: B = „Breakdown“ (analysis), A = „Arrangement“ and occupational health, S = „Schooling“/Training (kinesic behaviour and health awareness), E = „E…“ personal respo Read more

Napo in “Where is my head?”

This film supports the Napo prevention campaign "Fight the risk", which deals with safe driving and transportation. It shows that a rash - headless - behavior can quickly lead to a Read more

Napo in “Safe on the way”

In-house transport must be well thought out and organized. This requires planning, implementation and control by the employer. But employees must behave responsibly at the wheel of Read more

Guides to culture-sensitive consultancy

In association with external partners, the IAG develops guides which assist labour inspectors and OSH professionals in overcoming intercultural barriers and attaining better access Read more

"Play Safe…Stay Safe"

The "Play Safe ... Stay Safe" campaign has been set up to explain the dangers of treating quarries as playgrounds. Read more

Napo in “Attention – chemicals!”

This film is an updated version of 2001's "Napo in the realm of symbol," in which the old chemical hazard symbols have been replaced by the new GHS symbols. He shows, in everyday s Read more

At eye level (Augenhoehe)

… inspiring conversations on new ways of working Self-organisation, participatory leadership, transparency – these are some of the trends that are being discussed in the context of Read more

Sustainability in the organic chemistry lab course (NOP - Nachhaltigkeit im organisch-chemischen Praktikum)

Research and innovation are preconditions for the transformation of economic and social processes in favor of a sustainable development. Chemistry, the science and practice of the Read more

Interactive Safety Instruction – day of action in enterprises

Each event consists of three actors and one moderator. With the assistance of the moderator and the actors the participants describe their every day working life and situations tha Read more

Project association for pro-health schools in Saxony

Project in Saxony for health in schools. Promotion of health in schools as an integral measure and as a contribution to school development. Read more

Training in fire safety

A very practical oriented training programme that aims to raise awareness on fire safety to demonstrate specific good practices on the issue. Read more

FAOS – Building accident awareness for a life-time – schools partnership project

In March 2001 all partners of the projects agreed on a 3-year-pilot programme, setting themselves five objectives to fulfil during this time. 1) to set up an extended partnership w Read more

Accident prevention in shipbuilding and repair

The project was conducted in five Phases: 1.Initial approach towards employers, employees, local and state authorities by interviews using five types of questionnaires. 2.Statistic Read more

Information is power

Information campaign promoting proper OSH standards, aimed at those people in SMEs in charge of accident protection and prevention. Due to limited financial and organisational reso Read more


Most adolescents in Greece receive only scarce information about work accidents (mainly from mass media) and general environmental healtheffects (primarily at school), but no tuiti Read more

OSH training in universities and technical professional schools

It is widely acknowledged that there is a general lack of OSH training in technical universities in Greece. If training is provided it usually consists of one-off OSH classes that Read more

Building accident awareness for a lifetime

An accident prevention and awareness building programme was combined with a school repairs programme across both primary and secondary schools in Achaia, Greece: ‘FAOS – Building a Read more

Cooperation for safety

The company undertook a three-year safety programme entitled ‘Cooperation for Safety’, with the aim of improving management skills and the behaviour of managers, supervisors and em Read more

Young Safe Drivers

Young Safe Drivers, is a Greek Non-Profit Organization, whose purpose is to promote responsible safe driving through in depth research and education. The organization is dedicated Read more

Demolition Safety

The training consists of three stages: 1) Setting the scene: on their first day at work the young workers are presented with their new job and an instructor explains the workplace Read more

Prevention and Reduction of Child Labor in the City of Quetzaltenango

Prevention and Reduction of Child Labor in the City of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala is a project whose goal is to prevent and reduce child labor in the city of Quetzaltenango by means Read more

Teaching OSH and ergonomics at Budapest University of Technology

An onsite department is able to provide OSH and ergonomics teaching in other departments, including on the MBA business studies course. Read more


A campaign for teachers and students in Hungary to prevent musculoskeletal disorders with physical activities. Read more


There is no compromise when it comes to safety. Continuous training on latest equipment and techniques is the first step towards the “Zero Harm Culture” that enables individuals to work responsibly … Read more

YOGA Exercises for work related MSDs in Welder Trade Training course

In ITI Latur Welder Trade Instructors and trainees during training course use to complain about work related MSDs, resulted in abscentism from training practicals. An attempt was made to aware and … Read more

Napo in “Safe maintenance”

Poor standards of maintenance are a major cause of accidents and occupational diseases. Many accidents happen during maintenance work, or because of lack of maintenance or as a res Read more

Mobile tools for OHS – there’s an app for that!

A website showing a collection of available Apps dealing with OSH. With the proliferation of smartphones, like Research in Motion’s ubiquitous BlackBerry and Apple’s iPhone, came a Read more


Materials designed for employers and young people about the occupational hazards and risks faced by young workers and what to do about them are the contents of this toolkit. These Read more

Global plan for children's environmental health

The overall goal is to create safe, healthy and clean environments that allow children to grow and develop in good health and to contribute to the economic and social development o Read more

Developing an Alternative Curriculum for Child Laborers through ICT Application

The project will create an alternative education center that offers children and hard-working adolescents the opportunity to continue their primary studies. The classes will have a Read more

The Workers' Health Education website

Workers’ Health Education is an initiative aiming to stimulate and support education and training in basic occupational safety and health knowledge and skills all over the world. T Read more

EDFORSA - Risk Prevention and Health Protection in Adult Education - Education FOR Safety

A modular training programme available in many different languages containing occupational safety and health management in an enterprise ... Read more

International Safe Schools

International Safe schools is part of a larger movement, the World Health Organization Safe Community movement. Read more

YouTube channel of ILO TV

This YouTube channel concentrates all ILO TV available worldwide, to fight child labour. Read more

Children's environmental health

Environmental risks have an impact on the health and development of children, from conception through childhood and adolescence and also into adulthood. The environment determines a child’s future ... Read more

OiRA Online Interactive Risk Assessment

OiRA is a comprehensive, easy to use and cost-free web application. It helps micro and small organisations to put in place a thorough step-by-step risk assessment process ... Read more

Worker’s Health Education

The Workers' Health Education website aims to provide a database of learning materials for safe and healthy work all over the world. It collects, selects and organizes learning mat Read more

Best Agers Project YouTube channel/Facebook page

An EU-financed project in the Baltic Sea Region running 2010-2012. Its aim is to show how we can benefit from increased economic activity of older people. YouTube channel with videos and Facebook … Read more

From ugly duckling to swan: The way forward for micro and small enterprises in occupational health and safety

Angel Vidal, the founder and director of PROTÓN ELECTRÓNICA, says that in order to create a viable health and safety system he first needed to challenge bad habits, including his o Read more

International Safe Schools

There are many resources and programs that are approved by the International Safe schools Committee to assist in fulfilling the Indicators for Safe schools. Read more

GEM - Gender Equality Matters: Tackling Gender-based Violence

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is a partner of the new 24-MONTH European REC Programme Project GEM - Gender Equality Matters: Tackling Gender-based Violence". Read more

Key Principles For Improving Traffic Safety And Mobility Education

This report sets out recommendations in the form of Key Principles that should be implemented in all European countries, in order to ensure that everyone – and especially children and youngsters – … Read more

International year of sound

The International Year of Sound (IYS 2020) is a global initiative to highlight the importance of sound in all aspects of life on earth and will lead towards an understanding of sound-related issues at … Read more

Trends shaping education spotlights: Coronavirus special edition

The COVID 19 pandemic has disrupted education around the world. As the first shock passes, planning is taking place on two timescales: the short-term challenges in the return to school, and the … Read more

Knowledge Map: WASH in Schools and Coronavirus

The WASH in schools Network (UNICEF, GIZ, Save the Children, WATERAID; Emory, LSHTM, among others) has compiled this knowledge map with links to relevant materials about COVID-19 for learners, their … Read more

Education responses to COVID-19: Embracing digital learning and online collaboration

With the spread of the covid-19, countries are implementing emergency plans to slow down and limit the spread of the virus – and prepare for a possible longer term disruption of school and university … Read more

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Schools

A WHO webpage with questions and answers on schools and COVID-19. Read more

OIRA online Tool for COVID-19

OiRA – Online interactive Risk Assessment – is a web platform that enables the creation of sectoral risk assessment tools in any language in an easy and standardised way. Read more

Protecting teleworkers’ safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic

The sudden increase in teleworking from home during the COVID-19 pandemic has put workers at greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders and mental health problems. A new report looks at these risks, … Read more

Napo is… teleworking to stop the pandemic

Napo wants to ensure that everyone can work at home productively, and as safely and healthily as possible. With the support of the Boss and co-worker Napette, Napo has some good advice, and says: … Read more

Global HF/E Education Map

It is sometimes a challenge for the public and influential stakeholders to know where to find suitable resources for HF/E education or training. Read more

Greening technical and vocational education and training: a practical guide for institutions

This Guide is designed to help leaders and practitioners of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in improving their understanding and implementation of education for sustainable … Read more

Schools in action, global citizens for sustainable development: a guide for students

The UNESCO Associated schools Project Network (ASPnet) in Action: Global Citizens for Sustainable Development student guide aims to introduce secondary school students to Global Citizenship Education … Read more

Schools in action, global citizens for sustainable development: a guide for teachers

The Global Citizens for Sustainable Development Teachers’ guide aims to introduce teachers to Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It provides secondary … Read more

Stay safe and be prepared: a student's guide to disaster risk reduction

A guide with lots of graphics, comics and games for student to show them how to keep safe and prevent accidents. Read more

Sustainable and climate-friendly schools – a teacher’s guide to taking action

This guide has been developed for use by people who want to make their school more sustainable and climate-friendly. Often, teachers are the ones to lead whole-school projects within their schools. Read more

Getting climate-ready: a guide for schools on climate action

More and more schools around the world are adopting whole-school approaches to climate action. In a whole-school approach, students’ classroom learning about climate change is reinforced by the formal … Read more

Education for sustainable development: sourcebook

The purpose of the publication is to describe ways in which education for sustainable development (ESD) can be integrated into primary and secondary schooling. This collection of briefs is designed to … Read more

Bringing training on safety management to the regions

This project organised training workshops in ten Irish regions,with 267 participants in total. Read more

Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement uses hands-on experiences to help young people understand the economics of life. In partnership with business and educators, Junior Achievement brings the real w Read more

Professional Studies in Electronic Engineering and Electronic and Computer Engineering

This third year module covers topics such as ethics, continued professional development (CPD), communications, health and safety and contribution to society. As part of this module Read more

"Safety Smart Right from the Start at DIT" – A Step Closer to the Real World

The Health and Safety team and various departments, schools, and the Staff Training and Development Office within DIT are all consulted and provide input into the safety induction Read more

Construction Safety Partnership

The programme started in 2001 and was continued in following years. The Construction Safety Partnership consists of training programmes: Safety Training (for construction workers), Safety … Read more

"Steps to safety" and "Safe and well"

Series of learning resources for participants on ‘Skills for Work’ courses. ‘Steps to Safety’ caters for participants with English language needs and those with very low literacy skills. Read more

Preventing Accidents to children and young persons in agriculture

A project by the Health and Safety Authority, Dublin to raise awareness amongst farmers regarding hazards for children at the farm ... Read more

Choose Safety Update

The Authority has completed extensive revisions and amendments to the ‘Choose Safety’ school text. Read more

The Construction Safety Partnership

The CSP Programme of Work for 2013 focuses on a number of key issues including Design and Procurement, Small Contractors and Domestic Clients, Worker Engagement, Management Systems Read more

Overtaking Cyclists

Website by RSA with information and material on cyclist safety. Read more

626: welcome at work in safety

Information handbook for foreigners. Starting from some schools where foreign languages are studied in depth, ... Read more

At school and at work in safety

Handbook on Law Decree 626/94 written by students for students. Read more

"Week for the prevention in the workplace"

To rise awareness and to promote the culture of prevention in young people contributing to the training of a citizen-worker who is fully aware of the importance to preserve health. Read more

Education in health

To stimulate actions improving behaviours which lead to conditions of psychophysical well-being, ... Read more

Knowledge for prevention/Training for defence

Project articulated into 3 modules equal to 36 hours, to inform about dangers relevant to the territoryand to the work environment. Read more

Light backpack

Class rooms are equipped with school books which are numbered and after being used they shall be put back in the fitting cabinet. Read more

Prevention Campaign “Let’s see it clear”

A campaign to prevent eye disorders Read more

Safe School Project

Responsible and well- trained citizens able to adopt proper behaviours in situations of danger. Read more

Safety at school

To become aware of the connection between nutrition, health and safety ... Read more

Safety at School “The Panic”

Safety at school - panic - a problem that effects everyone. Students will be provided with the necessary means in order to perform the evacuation exercises ... Read more

Safety is at stake

To inform the school personnel on possible risks ... Read more

To experiment safety in labs

Improvement of the safety conditions of the machinery used in the labs and to make the machinery safer in the labs of the Institute, ... Read more

"We, the children and fire- related dangers"

Fire education and prevention project to educate about fire-related dangers. Read more

"A journey in the school, a journey around the world"

To make researches and contribute to the prevention and knowledge of risks, by providing clues for good practices to the school organization. Read more

Safety in mechanics, chemistry and electro-technical labs

Three videos on safety in mechanics, chemistry and electro-technical labs. Read more

Histories and memories

Occupational risks through literature, history, law, pedagogy. ANTOLOGY – BOOK 1997 to rise the awareness and the attention towards occupational health and safety issues. Read more

Safemarket/ Prohibited Risks - 2 Video games

2 iteractive video games with different characteristics: SAFEMARKET requires a deeper technical knowledge on occupational safety. Read more

Tutoring people in the building trades in Italy

Gaining access to workers in the small building trades to promote the safety message is always a huge challenge in this notoriously difficult sector, with a high accident rate. Read more

Education to Safety

The project provides for:Training of the teachers involved Self-production and collection of teaching material from several Institutes (ISPESL, INAIL, Ministry of the Interior, Str Read more

"Licence for work involving fire"

The planned improvement campaign involved limiting the use of tools that could constitute sources of fire (angle grinders, welding tools, cutting tools and tools for oxyacetylene w Read more

Licence for work involving fire

The planned improvement campaign involved limiting the use of tools that could constitute sources of fire (angle grinders, welding tools, cutting tools and tools for oxyacetylene w Read more

Napo goes mobile - Safety with a smile

Napo, the animated hero promoting safety and health at work, debuted on a tablet. iPAD and Android users may now enjoy Napo’s adventures through a free application developed by the Read more

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

We have begun activities in different areas of social and digital inclusion with projects in various stages of completion: some are in the planning phase, others are considered pil Read more

Ergonomics at school. The school of ergonomics.

school plays a vital role in the formation and preparation of the child in all areas of life, including education in the prevention of diseases. The book "Ergonomics at school - The school of … Read more

Covid-19 and School Ergonomics

A fact sheet by INAIL, offering information for pupils and students on COVID-19 and ergonomics. Read more

Asbestos in Kyrgyzstan

A paper with lots of information on Asbestos, ist production and ist impact on the huma organism. Ecological Movement "BIOM" is a public non-profit organization established in 1993, uniting on a … Read more

Preparation of schoolchildren, students and new employees for safe work

The labour protection specialists provide introductory instructions to new employees including the students at practice on working procedures at the enterprise, labour protection r Read more

Preparing new pharmaceutical workers: in-house and with education establishments

Young people have the opportunity to acquire professional skills and occupational safety and health knowledge during their studies. The knowledge acquired is general and is useful Read more

Road Traffic Safety Campaign "Look the Road in the Eye!"

Video: Give the road ALL your attention! The road is demanding. The road will hit only you once Read more

Education of pupils on occupational risk (Preparation of young people for safe and healthy work)

The company “SDG” has a purpose to improve health and safety at work situation in Lithuania and teaching is one of its practices. We took an active participation in the “Safe Start Read more

Preventive practice at secondary school

In order to make the school safer and healthier, Vilnius Pilaites Secondary School is combining various preventive methods against offences, use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, viol Read more

Kaunas University of Medicine programme related to OSH

The course of occupational safety fundamentals, carried out by professional staff of the Faculty of Public Health, targets the B.Sc. students of the faculty during one semester of Read more

Peripatetic health and safety teachers

Malta’s Directorate for Educational Services includes a Health and Safety Unit, covering risk education and safety management in schools External, peripatetic health and safety tea Read more

Nanotechnology risk management

With this website, HSE wants to raise awareness for this new technology and its risks in the production process. The website provides information on this technology, risk managemen Read more

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health - Nepal

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health (IJOSH) is an international peer reviewed journal covering occupational health, safety and health. Read more

Healthy schools in the Netherlands

The school programme of NIGZ focuses on promoting health and safety in primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands. Read more

Management of Safety, Health & Environment

Delft TopTech, school of executive education at Delft University of Technology, offers a unique Master’s programme in Safety, Health and Environment Management. Geared towards trai Read more

"Kansarme Jongeren" – promoting safe and healthy computing at school and home

Various aspects of healthy computing were highlighted in a series of themes; “How do you sit?”, “How long do you sit?” “Get moving!!”, etc. Specially designed student workshops wer Read more

Students make machines safe

The project was set up as a cross-section (mechanics, welding, electronics) and cross-subject initiative. First the safety officer of the school checked the legislation and applied Read more

Split the risk

"Split the risk is a programme that aims at young people. Awareness for risks is supposed to be strenthened by the type of media young people use - TV and internet. "Split the risk Read more

Center for School and Safety

This Centre for school and Safety gives current and practical information through their website, www.schoolenveiligheid.nl. Read more

Reducing Dermatitis among hairdressers

The government (Ministry of Social Affairs), employers and employees representatives agreed that they wanted to see a major reduction in the number of new cases of dermatitis among hairdressers ... Read more

Hazenberg Bouw BV programme 55+

Hazenberg Bouw, one of about 120 construction companies that make up TBI Holding, is situated in Vught, a small town in the south of the Netherlands. Older workers are usually spared physically … Read more

Safety for and by everyone

The Roelof Van Echten college was created a few years ago by a merge of several schools. One of the challenges was to develop one culture and vision towards health and safety among the different … Read more

Safety Package for teachers in secondary schools

The safety package is offered by the Platform VMBO Building, Housing and Interior and Voion, the Employment & Training Fund for secondary education. The teachers have a tool to secure education and … Read more

Emergency Planning in schools - the case Oversteyns (Video)

A video on emergency planning in schools. In three parts. The video shows „The case Oversteyns“ – a fire emergency and the trial afterwards. The parts are each ca. 9 minutes of len Read more

Safety at primary schools – working towards a school with no accidents

Key elements Development of safety management tool – On the basis of data about accidents that happen and their scenarios, a safety management tool was developed consisting of six Read more

Forklift Heroes

The Forklift Truck Hero was an example to colleagues and other forklift truck drivers. Cards were also sent to forklift truck drivers featuring the top ten risks. A workshop was developed aimed at … Read more

The healthy hairdresser campaign

The "Arbocatalogus" provides practical information on how to achieve the desired level of healthy and safe working in hairdressing salons. This concerns physical stress, allergenic effects and … Read more

Occupational skin disease

Occupational skin diseases are among the most common occupational diseases reported. Read more

Your Sustainable School

The successful Your Sustainable school programme started in Wellington is going nationwide. With help from the Ministry for the Environment, it is offering free Train the Trainer workshops to help … Read more

Ulomka Blog

On this blog, interesting and useful safety tips for child safety at home and in school can be found Read more

The Adventures of Muna: A kid to kid safety guide

Muna is your typical 7-year old African girl - happy, expressive and boisterous. Her day is filled with activities which have the potential to cause her harm, and so she needs a safety guide. Read more

Students Training on Emergency Response in Lagos

A Lagos /Nigeria) based Safety firm, Occupational Health and Safety Managers, (O.H.S.M.) has trained over 900 students on how to respond to emergency situations. This training is p Read more

School Safety Summit

The annual summit is a conference, where experts in school safety can exchange knowledge, network and present or plan projects on the topic. School Safety is one of the least discu Read more

Safety Posters and Books

Ulomka Ltd. Offers a variety of safety posters and books for children in this online store Read more


IS THIS school SAFE AT ALL?' is a school safety assessment guide for parents and school owners. Read more

School Safety courses

A huge number of school safety courses, provided by SAFEschoolS, Nigeria. Read more


Every October, we campaign for safer schools by sharing tips, information and resources to get schools all over the world taking action on safety. Read more


Safe schools started off with a vision to provide safety education to children in schools. It rapidly became a household name and the go-to and leading provider of school safety services in Nigeria … Read more

Safety and Health in the elementary school "Kongresi I Manastirit", Skopje, North Macedonia

In this elementary school, the basic safety preventive measurements are stated in special school Act which applies to both teachers and students. It involves the safety measurement Read more

Occupational safety and health in chemical secondary school “Marija Kiri”, Skopje, Macedonia

Students acquire details knowledge of risks associated to work in the chemical industry Read more

Occupational safety and health in vocational secondary school “Vlado Tasevski”, Skopje, Macedonia

Transport – in this sector the student in second, third and fourth year of study in two different courses and in the practical exercise have total of 22 hours dedicated to OSH, wit Read more

Safety and Health for school children – university course in the Pedagogical Faculty “Goce Delcev” – Stip, Macedonia

The title of the course is "School safety and hygiene" and is taught in the first and second years of study with 2+2 hours per week or total of 30 credits per semestar. The course Read more

Occupational safety and health in Faculty for Machine engineering on University “St. Cyril and Methodoius”, Skopje, Macedonia

There are 14 study groups at the Faculty and all of them have OSH subject and practical studies as well. The tradition of teaching OSH is big at the Faculty as the OSH interdiscipl Read more

Safety and Health for school children - university course in the Pedagogical Faculty -Goce Delcev - Stip, Macedonia

The title of the course is "school safety and hygiene" and is taught in the first and second years of study ... Read more

Nursery with innovative link between ergonomics and pedagogy

Nidaros kindergartens in Trondheim working on a completely new way. Child care centers are added to the right so that the children can make the most even. The adults working as tutors. Read more

Master of Philosophy in Health Sciences Programme Occupational Hygiene

This programme is the only University-level programme in occupational hygiene in Norway, but the programme will address the growing demand for occupational professionals both in No Read more

Kids and Media

Kids and Media is a non-profit, charitable organisation which gives information and advice about children’s use of digital media. The Kids and Media website (available is Norway, U Read more


The SAACIWCE has introduced innovative low cost technologies for addressing the safety, health and environmental problems faced by workers particularly the vulnerable segments of the workforce like … Read more

Occupational Safety Poster Competition

The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute has been organising the occupational safety poster competition since 1997. The purpose of the competition Read more

Engineering Studies of Occupational Safety Management PD

240 hours of educational activities throughout 2 semesters. The classes include lectures as well as practical and laboratory classes. Read more

Engineering Studies of Occupational Safety Management

Safety and Health Management in the Workplace – Engineering Studies in Higher School of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice. Read more

Health and Safety Management in the Workplace

This program is to educate professional human resources employed both in an enterprise and outside about health determinants, systems of quality management, environmental hazards and ... Read more

Materials for Teachers in OSH

The materials were prepared by experts and teachers associated by Centre of Teachers’ Development and Practical Education. Read more

Postgraduate studies run by the School of PH

The studies are composed of lectures and practical classes. The sessions take place once a month – three days a week. Every session consists of 13 units (26 hours). The innovative Read more

Safety Management, Occupational Hygiene and Ergonomics

During the educational process the students acquire current knowledge regarding ergonomics, safety and health protection, analysis and assessment of occupational risk, safety and work hygiene … Read more

Educational Package for Higher Education Institutions “Learning about Work – Safety, Hygiene, ergonomics”

The educational package is an electronic version of multimedia didactic materials of the subject called “Learning about Work – Safety, Hygiene, Ergonomics” consisting of 60 hours o Read more

School without violence

The "school without Violence" social program was conducted in Polish schools in 2006-2013 by 18 regional dailies of Polska Press Grupa (until 2015: Polskapresse and Media Regionalne) and the Orange … Read more

STOEN for the Safety of Children – STOEN Safe Energy Programme

STOEN's Safe Energy programme was launched by the STOEN RWE Foundation to address first grade students of primary schools. Accidents of electrocution still happen in Poland. Every Read more

Post-graduate studies “Safety and health in the working environment” - conducted in a traditional and distance learning method

The curriculum of post-graduate studies “ Safety and health in the working environment” consists of 20 modules. Traditional (intramural) studies, conducted in a traditional method, Read more

Children's art competition as an instrument for education and promoting safe behaviour in the school environment

This case describes how teachers are involved in the planning and implementation of a health and safety art competition. The competition aims to raise awareness of OSH among teachers and head teachers … Read more

Occupational safety and ergonomics in academic education in Poland

An evaluation of OSH education at the tertiary level in 2004/2005 in Poland, carried out by Jerzy S. Marcinkowski - a wide set of data, concerning Polish universities, economy an Read more

A Set of CIOP-PIB’s educational materials for teachers

The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) carries out activities in the area of promotion of safety culture and training and education. Read more

Leadership for safety at work

CEMEX Poland undertook the accident prevention programme under the title ‘Leadership on Occupational Safety’. Top-tier management – the CEMEX Poland President, board members and di Read more

Work Science – Safety, Hygiene, Ergonomics

This package is supposed to make it easier for lecturers to teach interdisciplinary knowledge about safety, ergonomics and hygiene. The package contains eight modules with lessons, guidebooks and … Read more

Safe Kindergarten and Safe School

A package of material for kindergarten and all kinds of schools, dealing with the topics “Safe Kindergarten” and “Safe School”. Lots of material, like lessons, drawing books, Puzzles, and more. Read more

Health promotion in the Amar Terra Verde professional school

Key elements Professional School Amar Terra Verde, Lda, was created in 1993 as a private institution. The school has three establishments, in Vila Verde, Amares and Terras de Bouro Read more

Developing new practices to ensure all organisational levels are involved in improving safety and health

With the support of SONAE’s safety and health at work departments, several initiatives were introduced. There was a programme of awareness presentations for managers aimed at promo Read more

ACP Kids

The ACP Kids is a road safety education program of the Automobile Club de Portugal, aimed at children from 4 to 9 years old. Read more

A safe start in motor vehicle manufacturing

A series of actions were adopted to minimise the hazards, risks and outcomes resulting from employing young workers. These include: providing working conditions that guarantee the Read more

Overview of OSH Teaching in Portuguese Universities

In Portugal there are around 25 Universities and 15 Polytechnic Institutes. Most of the engineering undergraduate curricula include disciplines/courses on OSH. These disciplines, s Read more

Learn by doing in Portugal

The DEMI (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) is part of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology in the New University of Lisbon (FCT/UNL) in Portugal. It provides Read more

High-risk and high-stress activities in the Algarve

This project was about providing practical guidance, training in the use of safety equipment, the dissemination of good practices and other preventive procedures. Read more

A partnership approach to creating a healthy and safe school

Prior to this project, students and teachers of the Mihail Sturdza Secondary School were exposed to various risks. No standard tool was used for risk assessment. Additional problem Read more

On-line OSH

“Viilor“ Economics College provides training for students 14 to 20 years old, within both an industrial high school and a vocational school Industrial high school students graduate Read more

Management and miners working together to reduce early retirement

Rudnik is a privately owned mining company that specialises in the production and processing of lead, zinc and copper ores. Upon privatisation in 2004, the company recognised that Read more

Occupational Health Doctorate

This doctorate is carried out by the European University Belgrade in cooperation with Albert-Schweizer University, Geneva. Read more

WSH Nation

The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council was established on 1 April 2008. It comprises 18 leaders from the major industry sectors (including construction, manufacturing, marin Read more

CHERISH Junior Award: health promoting Preschools in Singapore

The CHERISH (CHampioning Efforts Resulting in Improved School Health) Junior Award in Singapore is modelled after the Health Promoting School concept of the World Health Organizati Read more

Health Promotion Club: cultivating youth health ambassadors

This project is an extension of current youth-led health advocacy efforts. Health Promotion Board (HPB) Singapore first efforts in youth health advocacy started in 2005 with the Yo Read more

PreEmploymentTraining (PET) Initiative

In Singapore, the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSH Council) aims to implement Occupational Safety and Health education in all levels of school, from pre-primary and primary Read more

Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021

The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council has launched its first Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign on 9 December 2021 ... Read more

Health Promoting Programmes for Primary Schools

At HPB, we encourage schools to establish a culture that promotes healthy living. Here are some programmes your school can adopt to empower students, staff and parents in supporting this culture. Read more

Healthy Meals in Preschools Programme

The Healthy Meals in preschools Programme (HMPP) empowers preschools to provide healthier meals and encourages them to educate children on eating right. Read more

Drive Safe, Work Safe Campaign

Vehicular safety continues to be one of the focus areas in 2018. Drive Safe, Work Safe Campaign 2018 aims to highlight the importance of adopting good driving practices and taking care of one’s health … Read more

Safe Hands Campaign

The Safe Hands Campaign 2020, led by Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) and supported by the WSH Council, is telecast online on 19 May 2020. This year’s Campaign continues to emphasise the risks … Read more

Slips, Trips and Falls Campaign

WSH Council calls upon the Industry, employers and employees to “Take Time to Take Care” of their safety and health at work. In support of this year’s National WSH Campaign “A Word of Care”, companies … Read more

Target Zero Falls Campaign

Fall from heights (FFH) remains one of the most notable causes of workplace incidents in 2018. The Target Zero Falls Campaign 2018 is the second of three phases of the National WSH Campaign 2018 and … Read more

Safe to school

This transport project contains activities and activities for children appropriate to their age in kindergarten and at the elementary level develops elements of traffic education in children. Read more

Integration of OSH at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Kosice

A study programme on OSH is run at the Safety and Quality Department of the Mechanical Faculty of the Technical University of Kosice. Level I is at Bachelor level, Level II is an E Read more

Integration of OSH at the Faculty of Metallurgy

A course on occupational safety and health (OSH) is running within the study programme of integrated management systems (quality, environmental and safety management systems) at th Read more

This is me

“This is me” is a youth specific internet helpline and a youth prevention programme for schools consisting of several workshops on life skills development of young people. Read more

Curricula of OSH issues for teachers in primary and secondary schools

Sveral curricula for safety and health in schools of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education,University of Maribor, Faculty of Education. Read more

Computers at school

This practical case starts with a short story in which some situations related to the use of computers at school are described. Read more

Safety signposting and health

This section is about safety signposting and health at the working place. It includes: several recommendations that constitute ... Read more

Do not leave your health at work

This program is not only for children but also for all the school workers. “Teaching quality demands working conditions quality”. Read more

Education for health

We are proposing the Education for Health as a formation process. Read more

How to work in a chemical laboratory

The activities included in this software application will help the students in order to know the basic materials used in a chemical laboratory. Read more

"Occupational Health and Safety as subject for transversal teaching" Guide for primary school teachers

This book is aimed to help the teachers by giving them the necessary tools in order to incorporate the adequate positive attitude towards occupational safety and health ... Read more

Evacuation Plan

Students from La Segarra High School created an evacuation plan. Video: Evacuation plan for schools ... Read more

Keep yours eyes open

At home, at the school and in the street. Look out! Keep yours eyes open. Prevention from the schools. A Program of the Catalonian Department for Labour and Industry. Read more

Promotion of risks prevention

Campaign of the Instituto de Seguridad y Salud Laboral Región de Murcia for promotion of risks prevention. Read more

Empleajoven Program

All the information available at this virtual office is thought to help young people who are starting to look for a job. Read more

Good practice guide to improve today’s young people situation

Young people’s situation is characterized by remarkable inequalities in the occupational field. Read more

Youth participation campaign against precarious employment

With this campaign the Council tries to eradicate the precarious employment young people are facing in Spain. It is not only an awareness campaign but also a call for action. Read more

Resources Guide for young workers or students in Ireland or the United Kingdom

This guide is an useful and effective tool for all the young people willing to go to Ireland or the United Kingdom whether to work or study. Read more

Guide to understand the difficult world of contracts

Today’s labour legislation is very complicated. There are more than twelve different types of contracts, each of them with its own characteristics, virtues and defects. Read more

Associate Degree in Occupational risks prevention

Since its creation in 1999, 200 students have obtained the Associate Degree on Occupational Risks Prevention ... Read more

Bachelor Degree in Medicine

Course by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Interesting subjects are: preventive medicine and public health; physic medicine and rehabilitation and occupational medicine. Read more

Bachelor Degree in Occupational Therapy

Course by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The main subjects are: public health; occupational therapy psychological basis and health promotion. Read more

Environment management in the enterprise

Bachelor degree at the Universidad de Barcelona to train technically qualified professionals in order to contribute with preventive measures to environmental management problems ... Read more

Health economics and health institutions management

Course at the Universidad de Granada, which develops, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the directorship, organization and ... Read more

Distance course: Occupational risks prevention

This course is addressed to the workers legal representatives, specially to prevention delegates and to those workers without any experience in the field of occupational management ... Read more

Occupational risks prevention: Occupational Safety

Semi-presential course to identify, evaluate and control the risks related to the occupational safety, ... Read more

Occupational safety and health. Occupational risks prevention

Course for students, employed persons and OSH experts at the University of Valencia. Read more

Social Welfare Strategies

Course for approachment to occupational welfare, the main factors of occupational unrest at the office, preventive and ... Read more

Drug addiction prevention

Activities related to the drug’s physical and social effects. It explains the effects concerning both legal and illegal drugs but it pays special attention to alcohol and tobacco. Read more

Working with the materials of a chemical laboratory

Package of activities that will help the student to get in contact with the materials used in a chemical laboratory. Read more

Construction Industry Professionnel Card (TPC Project)

The program “Aula Permanente” (initial health and safety training) will be a requisite to obtain the “ Tarjeta Profesional de la Construcción” (Construction Industry Professional C Read more

Initial conferences to teachers, OSH experts

Initial conferences to teachers and OSH experts, primary school: First level (10-12 year old) and second level (12-14 years old). 1º: Conferences to teachers and OSH experts 2º: Wo Read more

Trainingship in enterprises - Occupational risks prevention

Course to give the specific training required for the development of the functions established by the prevention services regulations, to train those responsible for the prevention Read more


The main goal of this Web Page is to guide the Teaching and Social Education young students during the search of their first job. Read more

Aragon’s training and insertion program for young people

The project consists of selecting young people with low qualifications who will receive personal counselling in order to achieve their occupational insertion with training contract Read more

PON ARTE EN CUIDARTE! Manual de prevención de accidentes para

To raise awareness among adolescents about accidents and how to look after themselves. Covers: accident prevention in general; falls; cuts and burns; fires explosions; chemicals; e Read more

"Programa Universitas" for occupational risk prevention

In order to perform the higher level functions, a person must have a university degree qualification and have completed a recognised course to become a senior safety technician tha Read more

WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMON Primary Education Project

The foundation of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer in Spain, together with PAU Education to develop a project at school. The idea of starting this intergenerational dialogue emerg Read more

Safety is child’s play

This project aims at showing children aspects of work safety. Target group are primary level pupils between 7 and 11 years of age, lower class to lower middle, with extreme poverty Read more

Safety and Health for New Workers - SHNW

SHNW is a transnational project presented by partners in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece and Romania that intends to transfer a innovative solutions to the problem of accide Read more

Health and safety promotion at Zaragoza University

The Unidad de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (UPRL) (Prevention Unit of Occupational Risks) of the University is located in Zaragoza. The objective of the UPRL is to provide the following services to … Read more


The main objective of the PE-ABLE project is the development of the contents and the application of a formative tool to assure to European Occupational Safety professionals a worthy education and … Read more

Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in Social Service Community Projects in Higher Education at Tecmilenio

With the purpose of providing an opportunity for students to explore ways in which they can “leave their mark” in the world the University designed and implemented the Positive Action program. Read more

Case studies to integrate and promote global issues in STEM education

With the aim of integrating Sustainable Development as a cross-cutting element in all university courses in the science/technology field, the research group of Engineering Sciences and Global … Read more

Socially Distant TPR Action Flashcards

TPR stands for Total Physical Response. It's a way of helping students learn a language through physical actions. These actions can be done in small environments, either at home or in class. Read more

Laptop Ergonomics

This short, wordless video (apart from the title in Spanish) provides basic advice and tips on improvising to make using a laptop at home more ergonomic, for example in the context of sudden home … Read more

Occupational risks prevention, Quality and Environment

This course offers an integrated and complete training on occupational risks prevention as well as on professional skills. Read more

17 ODSesiones

The University of Murcia has decided to respond to the challenge and chip in with a new project called 17 Odsesiones. The name is a play on words as SG in Spanish is OD, so we can Read more

100Percent Pure Hard Training Stockholm

In 2007 STAD started work on the project “100% pure hard training” which is a collaboration model for reducing the use and supply of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and other ba Read more

Healthy Ageing

Healthy Ageing is a project co-funded by the European Commission. The aim of the project is to promote healthy ageing in later life stages (50+). Healthy Ageing is the process of optimising equal … Read more

Work Healthy

Roughly one in five pupils in Europe has or has had eczema (see atopic eczema) or asthma. They are much more sensitive than others to things that irritate and damage the skin and t Read more

Generation Pep

Generation Pep is a non-profit organisation initiated by the Swedish Crown Princess Couple, with the vision that all children and young people in Sweden should have the ability and desire to live an … Read more

Agenda 2030 Graduate School

Lund University in Sweden offers, in the scope of its Agenda 2030, PhD courses based on the issues defined by the sustainable development goals. Read more

Working environment and safety

The course conveys knowledge about risks in the workplace. Based on different perspectives oriented organization, social processes and leadership, interaction between people and te Read more

The “School Environment Round”

It is a participatory approach. Starting point is the formation of a working group then following steps should be followed: 1. Planning: how to carry out the round 2. Communication Read more

Training concept of the Swiss Accident Insurance (SUVA)

SUVA teaches OHS knowledge in trainings and courses. The newest version of SUVAXs educational concept for Occupational Safety and Health, which has been valid since 1st January 200 Read more


The Cronus camp is a violence prevention camp organized by experienced experts for the Kanton Zug. On the basis of respect for each others, the children get to know several martial arts techniques. Read more

Energizer & Co.

In cooperation with the Beltz Verlag, IQES has created online and IQES seminars, a set of 50 methods for active learning: The set of cards contains 50 Exercises, which are not inserted in the phase of … Read more

Corona Virus and schools

A short video to help pupils and student coping with hygiene to prevent COVID-19 infections after the end of Corona lockdown. Available in German, Spanish and French Read more

The project of labour inspectors’ training about the child labour

The beginning of the project is May, 1992 and it lasted for one year. It was organized by Presidency of Labour Inspectors Committee in the scope of the Turkish Ministry of Labour ... Read more

Spreading a safety culture through proactive management practices, individual and team participation

Starting in 2006, Tofaş introduced a ‘Step-by-Step’ approach to occupational safety. Firstly, basic training, coordination with the works trade union, accident analysis and risk an Read more

Curriculum of Occupational Safety Expert, Occupational Physician, and Occupational Nurse Certificate Trainings at Labour and Social Security Training and Research Center (ÇASGEM/MOLSS)

Occupational physicians training programme, prepared by Occupational Medicine Training Commission consists these subjects: Principles of OHS implementation and ethic, OHS precautio Read more

Occupational Health and Safety at Vocational and Technical Training Schools

On 6 January 2009 a two-year agreement led by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and Ministry of National Education (MEB) was set up. The aim was for vocational and technic Read more

Integration of Occupational Health and Safety into Education System

It is aimed to increase OSH awareness in whole society by an intervention while they are still students. In order to reach this end, training programs and modules will be updated as the main activity … Read more

"The safe kindergarten"

On this website, run by the Accident Insurance North Rhine-Westphalia, children, pupils and other visitors can click through a unique virtual model of a kindergarten and find out where there are risks … Read more

"The Safe Learner Framework"

The Safe Learner framework is designed to help LSC- funded organisations, employers and others to make the concept of Safe Learner meaningful and useful. Read more

"Glasgow’s vocational programme"

The programme offers awards such as a Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) and National Certificate awards (NC). Read more

The power of partnership

This project takes a partnership approach to improving the awareness of safety issues within small companies. Read more

"Working Well Together (WWT)"

The WWT Campaign is a vehicle to promote health and safety messages in new and innovative ways. Read more

"A recipe for safety: Occupational health and safety in food and drink manufacture"

This book advises on managing safety risk and occupational health priorities in the food and drink industries, and also offers sources of further advice and information. Read more

Fire safety for children

Fire safety educational strategies aim to engage young people in a funny interactive approach to reduce incidents of fire injuries and death. Read more

"School Travel Plan (STP)"

A school travel plan is a document produced by a school in conjunction with the Local Authority. Read more

Workplace Hazard Awareness Course

The course is useful to anyone, but is specifically designed to help young people improve their ability to spot and understand hazards in preparation for work experience and formal Read more

Learning through theatre

A DVD was produced called “Health and Safety on Work Experience”. The learning styles of different pupils were considered in order to appeal to auditory, visual and kinaesthetic le Read more

Splaat – Safe Play at all times

The target schools are primary schools that are situated within a one-kilometre radius of Laing Homes’ construction sites. The Splaat initiative includes five main components: - Sa Read more

Check it out

The „check it out“ video package provides insight into the place of work. The video can be used in a number of ways. The Video includes three main components: 20 minute video, an i Read more

Working safely in a multicultural food and drink industry

The health and safety guide for multicultural workforces is an initiative of the Centre for Occupational Safety, United Kingdom. This project is aiming to creating a positive healt Read more

Better Backs campaign

The campaign builds on the success of the 2006 campaign, which focused on reducing cases of back pain caused or made worse by work. In this campaign the focus is on prevention of m Read more

Training package for pre 16 year old pupils

The challenge was to develop a product that could be used in the classroom along the lines of the drama. Partnership working between The Humber EBLO and Impact had led to the produ Read more

Tomorrows doctors putting OSH on the graduate medical syllabus

Initiative made under the context of UK OSH strategy to include risk education in education at all levels and to raise awareness of OSH in key professions such as medical staff s Read more

Creating a safety culture at live music events

In the initial stages of the project, the holders studied relevant legislation from seven countries and found that legislation on workers’ safety in the live music industry was eit Read more

Risk education in engineering - Development of year one materials

The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) in association with the University of Liverpool established a project to incorporate risk education into the curriculum of an undergraduate e Read more

Involving children in classroom design

The two year AHRC funded project was completed in June 2009. The research, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, involved staff at Coventry University School of Art a Read more


The basis for most health and safety legislation in the UK is risk assessment. Most of the legislation applies to all school activities, not just practical chemistry. The approach Read more

Dangerous substances everywhere

Chemicals are not just used by scientists in laboratories. Most people use chemicals as part of their job or at home every day. Cleaning products such as bleach and oven sprays are Read more

Farming out the safety message to students

Farm safety is firmly on the curriculum for the new intake of students at the Scottish Agricultural College, with practical advice and guidance from the Health and Safety Executive Read more


This campaign by the British Safety Councils aims to decrease the numbers of accidents and injuries at the workplace by offering a qualificatoion to pupils before they enter their Read more

Starting out: your employment rights and responsibilities (DVD)

The Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) has produced a DVD, designed primarily for key stage 4 students (14 -16 year olds) aimed at making young people more aware o Read more

Classroom risk assessment tool

HSE has worked in collaboration with DfE  and  the devolved administrations to develop this tool  . It enables to produce a tailored assessment by selecting the relevant hazards an Read more

Child Safety Education Coalition (CSEC) Toolbox

CSEC believes that children's lives should be made as safe as necessary in order to eliminate unacceptable harm, not as safe possible. If young people do not experience real, contr Read more

Young Enterprise Charter

Young Enterprise is the United Kingdom's largest business and enterprise education charity. Every year it helps 250,000 young people learn about business and the world of work in t Read more

A whole-school approach to a healthy school

The National Healthy Schools’ Programme, lodged within the whole-school approach, provides a model for partnership working between health services, local authorities and schools, w Read more

OHIP Occupational Health Internship Program

The Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is summer internship program to help medical, nursing, public health, and other students learn more about the field of occupationa Read more

The Missing Game

British Safety Council’s Speak Up, Stay Safe campaign aims to put young people and confident communication at the heart of good health and safety. In equipping young people with in Read more

Planning and Leading Visits and Adventurous Activities - Guidance for Schools and Colleges Teaching Children and Young People from 5 to 18 years

This guidance is to help schools and colleges and their pupils to get the best out of opportunities to learn outside the classroom, including those which involve adventurous activi Read more

THINK Ressource Center

The resource centre is a one stop source of THINK! road safety education materials. There are 25 lesson packs that will help you teach a range of road safety topics to children and Read more

Aston Martin apprentices speak up

Apprentices at Aston Martin explain why risk awareness is a crucial part of learning new job skills; and call for all young workers to speak up if they feel unsafe. This video i sp Read more

Health and safety in schools - report

This research was commissioned to explore the viewpoints of school staff responsible for managing day-to-day health and safety in schools. This study explored what guidance schools Read more

Stress: speak up, get help

Website and video. Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways o Read more

Drive Smart Initiative

Drive SMART is a partnership between Surrey Police and Surrey County Council (including Surrey Fire and Rescue Service), with the aim of reducing road casualties, tackling anti-soc Read more

Bullying at school

A wbsite giving advice on bullying at school, usefuö for teachers and parents Read more

"Safety Pass Alliance"

SPA provides a nationally recognised standard of Health and Safety assurance for Contractors, Agency Staff and Employees. Read more

"Road Safety Unit"

The Road Safety Unit is an approach to teaching road safety. There are different units for the different age groups and the different target groups. The Road Safety Unit is divides into different … Read more

Integrating OSH into University Engineering degree courses

The University of Liverpool integrates, in association with the Health and Safety Laboratory, OSH into different courses. The aims of this cooperation are to create the ultimate learning environment … Read more

Occupational Health Toolkit

The Toolkit is a free resource. It brings together information, guidance, fact sheets, case studies, training materials, presentations and more to help you tackle occupational health problems. Read more

Risk assessment - A brief guide to controlling risks in the workplace

This revised leaflet aims to help you identify, assess and control health and safety risks associated with workplace hazards – the guidance replaces 'Five steps to risk assessment'. Read more

Machinery Risk Assessment

The ability to carry out a detailed machinery risk assessment has, for some time, been a key skill required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs. Machinery risk assessment is also … Read more

ACT-UK Virtual Construction Site Simulation Centre

The simulation centre, believed to be the first of its kind in the United Kingdom is run by ACT-United Kingdom. It features a state-of-the-art computer-generated simulation to create a virtual … Read more

Anti-Bullying Resource Pack

Anti-bullying resource pack for schools, youth clubs and community groups to help tackle bullying in fun and engaging and informative ways. Read more

Asbestos – the hidden killer

Special website run by HSE providing information on asbestos and asbestos- related risks and dangers. The website contains information, brochures, videos and more. Whats is asbestos? Where can it be … Read more

Oil refinery’s safety training programme

At the Stanlow Oil Refinery in Ellesmere Port by Essar Oil, a training programme for apprentices is provided, which explains the risks that they will face in their jobs. The progra Read more

Introduction to asbestos learning package

This 45 minute interactive lesson with supporting activities and materials is aimed primarily at trades apprentices in the 16 - 19 age group, for delivery by college lecturers and other vocational … Read more

Coping in the classroom – an occupational health risk for teachers

Teaching can be a rewarding but challenging profession. Pupils have different experiences and abilities, and come from various backgrounds. Therefore it’s particularly challenging for teachers not … Read more

Fork lift safety training and Apprenticeship

On this website by the Fork Lift Truck Association, several training courses are available. Read more

Construction risks: an apprentice's view

A video produced by the British Safety Council shows a young construction apprentice working on a new block of flats who talks about workplace risks and how learning new skills includes doing the job … Read more

Truck driver's blind-spot and cycling

A frightening insight into how drivers of semi-trucks can easily miss cyclists travelling alongside them. Read more

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week is an event that can happen at national, local or organisational level, which raises awareness about road safety, and encourages everyone to take action to prevent casualties and make … Read more

Asbestos in schools

This website by HSE offers a variety of information and material related to abestos – guidelines, regulations, information on inspection initiatives and a checklist. Read more

Risk Assessment

This leaflet is aimed at employers, managers and others with responsibility for health and safety. It will also be useful to employees and safety representatives. As part of managing the health and … Read more

Safety courses at North Lindsay College

A couple of courses related to safety at work by North Lindsay College, United Kingdom. Read more

Progress 2wards healthy Ageing in Europe

A Suffolk County Council led consortium - including partners from Spain, Denmark, Germany and Italy - has been awarded from the EU's PROGRESS Programme to improve understanding of how best to help 45 … Read more

Junior Road Safety Officers

JRSO stands for Junior Road Safety Officer. There's no one correct way to run a JRSO programme – it all depends on what best suits each school. However, one very important role is the JRSO … Read more


P2BS offer all the services Safety, Health & Wellbeing to help you with your companies safety journey. All services are designed to complement your current initiatives however they can be used as a … Read more

Skin at work

Work-related skin disease (e.g. dermatitis) can affect people in a wide range of occupations. Wherever you work, this site shows how the APC approach (avoid, protect, check) can reduce the chances of … Read more

Jolly Back

Jolly Back offers several information sheets on topics dealing with ergonomics and prevention od MSDs, like: How to improve back health in primary schools with physical activity, How to choose an … Read more

Healthy and happy home learning – a guide to children’s ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of optimising environments, equipment and tasks so that children can work, study and perform at their best. This guide is intended to help parents and carers support children … Read more

Physical Literacy Intervention Programme

Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists designed five exercises that pupils should complete every day for 15 minutes over a six week period. These exercises were designed to improve core … Read more

HSE’s ‘Risk-reduction through design’ Award

The 'Risk-reduction through design’ Award is sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF). Read more

This girl can

This Girl Can celebrates active women who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. Launched in 2015, we have successfully persuade Read more

Young Life School Savers Club

Young Life Savers Club (your safety matters) is a subsidiary of Combined Training Solutions Limited (CTS), an international company with its core specialization in Health & Safety training and … Read more

Awareness and Prevention of Back Pain and other Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Early Years Workforce

Back pain and associated conditions are a common problem in childcare. 82% of United Kingdom early years and primary practitioners experience work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) — which … Read more

Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)

Since September 2018, The University of Derby has been one of only four Universities in the country to offer graduate level practitioner competencies for students studying BA (Hons) Early Childhood … Read more

COVID-19 and school safety website

The national education union (NEU) is working to help ensure the health and safety of their members, their families and schools to continue to face the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

Ergonomics & Human Factors

An interactive website and PDF file with information about how to stay healthy when working at home. Read more


In the United Kingdom, a reported 22% of children and young people claim to have been the target of cyberbullying making this one of the most important new areas of behaviour to understand and to … Read more

Childnet international

Childnet’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The network works directly with children and young people from … Read more


Founded by Martyn Reah, #teacher5aday is a huge connection between teachers to keep the conversation going around mental and physical wellbeing. Read more

Every Teacher Matters Network

The ETM Network is part of the Every Teacher Matters Project, founded by Suneta Bagri. The project consists of Coaching, Personal Development, Wellbeing Workshops alongside a range of other services, … Read more

Every Mind Matters

There are little things we can all do to help look after our mental health. Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical … Read more

Keeping Young People Safe

Awareness raising activities and workshops are run during the school year to support students understanding and management of potentially unsafe or concerning situations including bullying, Internet … Read more


This project offers information, advice training and school programmes to raise awareness on bullying, offer help and give advice. Read more


Learnometer is a device to monitor and examine the learning environment at school to make it healthier and to reduce factors that could make it less healthy. Read more


A project for better design of learning environments to make schools ha healthier place, prevent MSDs and let ergonomics be a part of design. Website, magazine, events, and more. Read more


A couple of websites that offer information, advice and help in case of bullying or cyber-bullying, for different age groups: 4-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14 years or 15-18 years. ThinkUnited Kingdomnow is the … Read more

Sustainable St Albans

Sustainable St Albans is a charity (no. 1173118) set up by a group of ordinary people across St Albans, Harpenden and the villages. Together we find positive and creative ways to act locally to raise … Read more

Sustainable Schools

Sustainable schools began as a government initiative in collaboration with the SDC over 5 years ago and was a result of the first Education SD Action Plan published in 2003. Read more

Coronavirus: what you need to know – staff mental health and wellbeing

Ten points on how to protect staff mental health during the Covid-19 crisis. Information and resources on the topic. Read more

Robert W. Campbell Award

The US National Safety Council (NSC) with global partners organise the international Robert W. Campbell Award, an international award for business excellence. The award recognizes Read more

OSHA training programme for authorised trainers

The United States of America’s (USA) Department of Labour, Occupational Safety and Health Administration carry out activities in the area of training and education. The Occupationa Read more


This American Society of Safety Engineers' new Target Teen Work Safety Tool Kit is an informative and interactive tool designed to educate young workers, parents and employers on i Read more

NIOSH Science Blog

The NIOSH Science Blog, established in 2007, wants to use Web 2.0 technology to promote safety and health. In the blog posts by experts, all kinds of OSH related topics are being d Read more

CIRCLE project

CIRCLE has been working since 2002 to reduce and prevent child labor by promoting education and awareness-raising locally-initiated projects all over the world. Since then, the fol Read more

Motorcycle Safety Guide

Motorcycle deaths and injuries are an important public health concern and economic liability in the United States. “Our role is to identify ways to prevent injury and death and rig Read more

ERC continuing education program

The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center (ERC) for Occupational Safety and Health Continuing Education Program offers short courses to prepare environmental and occupational Read more

Online Training Modules for registered Sanitarians

This portal, run by the Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center (ERC) for Occupational Safety and Health Continuing, offers a variety of free online courses for sanitarians, co Read more

Pima Prevention Partnership

Pima Partnership Schools is part of Pima Prevention Partnership (PPP), a non-profit organization serving Southern Arizona since 1992. PPP builds partnerships with young people, fam Read more

Young Worker’s Health and Safety - LOHP

Youth are often at high risk for injury due to their inexperience, lack of training, and developmental stage, among other reasons. LOHP has worked for over 15 years to promote the Read more

Honey Bee Initiative

Bees pollinate one-third of the food we eat and are the “most important pollinator worldwide” (United Nations Environment Programme). But for reasons including colony collapse diso Read more

SafeYouth@Work Project

SafeYouth@Work Project: Building a Generation of Safe and Healthy Workers The US Department of Labor-funded SafeYouth@Work project aims to promote the occupational safety and healt Read more

Al's Pal - Kids making healthy choices

The Als's Pals package includes a comprehensive curriculum and two days of extensive workshop training for teachers, instructional assistants, administrators, and resource specialists such as … Read more

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to improve peer relations and make schools safer, more positive places for students to learn and develop. Read more


The GeoLibrary is a project of the Network of Collaborating Centres Work Plan in support of the WHO strategy of “Occupational Health for All.” The responsibility for constructing the library was … Read more

Safe-In-Sound Award

The Safe-in-Sound Excellence and Innovation in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards™ honor excellent hearing loss prevention (HLP) practices in the work environment. Read more

Teens at Work

According to official employment statistics, more than one third of 16 and 17 year olds in Massachusetts - over 50,000 teens - are employed, on average, at any given time. Thousand Read more

Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors

This publication is intended to provide a resource for residential home builders and construction contractors, subcontractors, and supervisors to prevent these kinds of injuries. Read more

Virtual Risk Manager

We provide organizations with everything they need to achieve and sustain a crash-free culture® that does not accept collisions as an inevitable part of driving for work. Read more

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