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ENETOSH session at ORP Congress

On 26 April, ENETOSH made an important contribution to the 2023 ORP Congress, which was attended by more than 1,200 delegates in Bilbao and over 7,300 participants online.
During the opening of the Congress, ENETOSH President Dr Ulrike Bollmann gave a statement in the "International Strategy session: The Future of Prevention", on why mainstreaming OSH into education is so important for the future of prevention. ENETOSH then organised a very innovative session on "Sustainable Prevention". (photo ©FIORP)

More than 40 participants from more than 25 countries, on site and online, attended this hybrid network meeting of ENETOSH on the 27th April, 2023, in Bilbao, Spain, hosted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Main focus of the event was, besides the work of ENETOSH, the upcoming EU-OSHA campaign, integration of the SDGs into the educational system, and more.

New Member from Slovenia

A warm welcome to the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia as a new member to the ENETOSH network! The network now consists of 105 members from 39 countries, 18 of them individual members.

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (MDDSZ) is responsible for the status, rights and obligations of workers arising from labour and safety at work.

New Member

We are glad to welcome eosh (Environmental Occupational Safety & Health) from the UK as a new member to our network, which now has 104 members, 18 of them individual members. The goal of EOSH UK, an independent certification authority that is developing quickly, is to certify people who work in the field of Health and Safety.

The World Literacy Summit 2003 took place from 2 - 4 April at the University of Oxford. The Summit is supposed to bring together leaders from 85 countries representing over two-thirds of the world’s population, and all with a single focus – advocating, championing and educating on the vital importance of improving literacy levels across the globe. David Magee, founder of the ENETOSH Member OSH Literacy from Ireland, had the honor to be invited to this event as a speaker.

New Member

We are glad to welcome the Occupational Safety & Health Council (OSHC) from Hong Kong SAR as a new member to the ENETOSH network, that now consists of 103 members from 38 countries worldwide, 17 of them as individual members.

The third edition of the Global Community Health Annual Workshop by UNESCO CHAIR Global Health & Education will be held on 13, 14 and 15 June. The Global Community Health Annual workshop provides a space where community health and health promotion practitioners and policy makers can improve their skills and where researchers can gain in capacities to conduct community-based participatory research.

The 27th ENETOSH network meeting will take place on 27 April in Bilbao at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Members of the network and all interested parties are invited to meet, discuss and learn about the work and further development of the European Network for Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH).

The campaign "European Year of Skills" by the European Commission is supposed to put a focus on lifelong learning, especially on improvement of digital skills of workers and sustanability. The European Year of Skills will provide a new momentum to reach the EU 2030 social targets of at least 60% of adults in training every year, and at least 78% in employment.

The European Year of Skills will give a fresh impetus to lifelong learning, empowering people and companies to contribute to the green and digital transitions, supporting innovation and competitiveness.

Center for Public Health Workforce Development

The Center for Public Health Workforce Development is a valuable program within the Rutgers School of Public Health.The first yearly Impact Report highlights and shares accomplishments for the academic year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

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