The meeting was hosted by Alison van Keulen - Secretary General of the ISSA Education and Training for Prevention Section - and Ulrike Bollmann - Institute for Work and Health (IAG) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and President of ENETOSH.
Alison van Keulen opened the joint session with the very personal story of her son, who is a "wellbeing ambassador" at his school. Esther Buregeya, Associate Professor at Makerere University Uganda, reported on a study to assess the presence of mental health services in schools, communities and primary health care facilities in Uganda, followed by Ehi Iden, President of OSHAfrica, who reported on the national school health programme in Zambia. Winson Yeung, Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), Hong Kong SAR, China, briefly presented various safety and health promoting school programmes based on key performance indicators, and Hülya Ünver, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Turkey, drew on her organisation's wealth of experience.
A new "Good Healthy Schools Initiative" was presented by Maren Jennings, Leuphana GmbH, Germany. Two new working groups in the ISSA Section, one on "Vision Zero - Reaching the Unreachable", was presented by Evelien Jonkeren, Treasurer of the ISSA Section on Prevention in Transport, and the other by Mireya Rifá Fabregat, President of ENSHPO, on digitalisation. After a fruitful discussion, the meeting ended with an outline for further steps for the networks to shape the common direction and the plan for a next meeting to continue the joint work on the topics.