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On-line Health and Safety Forum

Following a suggestion at a national training event for its Health and Safety Advisers, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), United Kingdom, established an on-line health and safety forum in February 2016 so that members could communicate with each other, develop networks, share good practice/success stories, publicise events and seek answers to particular questions.
There are currently 109 members, including NUT school representatives, health and safety representatives, health and safety advisers and staff. When a member of the group sends an email from the group email address nut-health-and-safety-forum@googlegroups.com, it goes to everyone in the group and replies also go to all members.
in APEC Economies

In the scope of the Russia Health and Safety Week 2017, a session under the title ‘Education for a culture of prevention’ was held on 12 April in Sochi. The session was part of the event ‘Building a Culture of Prevention on OSH in APEC Economies’.
Moderated by Dmitry Platygin, General Director of All-Russia Research Institute of Labour of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Russia and Dr Ulrike Bollmann, Head of International Cooperation at the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance and Coordinator of ENETOSH, several experts discussed the role of education and training for the development of a culture of prevention from different perspectives.

The APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Education strategy was endorsed by a leaders declaration at the 6th APEC Educational Ministerial meeting under the theme ‘An Inclusive and Quality Education’ on 5 – 6 October 2016 in Lima. The meeting was organized by Russia and Peru. The declaration said: ‘We encourage our economies to collaborate on improving education in the Asia-Pacific region under the principles established in the APEC Education Strategy. This strategy outlines a path for achieving a strong and cohesive APEC education community characterized by inclusive and quality education that supports sustainable economic growth and social well-being, enhances competencies, accelerates innovation and increases employability.’
for promoting age management at work

The Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards focus on companies and organisations that are committed to using effective methods to promote sustainable work.
Campaign partner SAP has received the award for the initiative ‘Run Your Health’ that empowers employees of all ages to take action for their health. In addition, campaign partner Toyota Material Handling was commended for a physiotherapy programme to prevent strain injuries at work and to deliver measurable change across partner companies. The award was handed over by Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.
On April 26 the winners of the other categories of the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards (big and small national organisations) will be announced at a conference jointly organised with the Maltese EU Council Presidency. More information here.

We are glad to welcome the 84th member to our network: BG ETEM from Germany. The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BG ETEM) is the statutory accident insurance for some 3.7 million people in more than 200,000 member companies. Tasks of BD ETEM are to support the member companies on issues of occupational safety and health, to visit, advise and train the employees in the companies, to investigate the causes of accidents, to measure (e.g. noise or hazardous materials) in the workplace and check equipment and tools. Furthermore, rehabilitation and compensation are as important as prevention of accidents and occupational diseases.
More information on the member's page or webpage of BG ETEM.
mobility of VET learners

In December 2016, the European Commission held the European Vocational Skills Week under the theme „Discover your Talent!“. It was a great success with over 700,000 participants and 900 activities across Europe.
After this great success, the Commission has decided to organise the pan-European event again and announced that this year's European Vocational Skills Week will be held on 20-24 November.
Building on last year’s theme ‘Discover your talent’, this year the Commission wants to draw attention to mobility of VET learners, addressing skills mismatches, and boosting partnerships between businesses and VET providers. The Commission is hoping to see many national, regional and local events and activities taking place across Europe organised by stakeholders, not only during the week, but through the year.
Please find more information on the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE).
International training course approved in Erasmus+

The Institute for Occupational Safety Improvement, Croatia, is working together with 2 universities from Croatia and 9 international partners from the UK, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland and The Netherlands on developing a culture of improving safe and healthy working conditions.
The aims of the Erasmus+ approved project "Joining the Dots: Creating Entrepreneurial Networks" are to raise awareness of young workers about occupational safety and health, to promote entrepreneurship with healthy workplaces, to promote sustainable work and healthy aging from the start of the working life, to prevent health problems from the start of the working life throughout the working life and to encourage the exchange of information and good practice.
In the scope of the project, the institute developed e-learning materials which may help young workers to prepare for their first job or to establish an own business with an accent on safe working conditions from the start of their working life.
These materials will be presented at the international training course, which will be held in London from 26th February 2017 and to 3th March 2017 in Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9AJ.
More information on the project and the training course you will find here, to access the institute's website, please click here. A description of the project can be found on the website of the European Commission.

Resource Pack for Networkers

This resource pack, published in 2015 by comnet (competences for networking) and promoted lately by EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) is a very useful resource, available for free download.
Networking is a key competence of practitioners in education, and networks are considered to have high potential for solving structural problems. The Art of Networking deals with planning and implementing a particular type of educational network: European networks in the framework of the EU funding programmes for lifelong learning.
The publication addresses professionals in education - teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators - who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future.
Topics addressed in The Art of Networking include: The mission of European networks in the EU funding programmes in education, Planning and establishment of a European network, Network management and implementation, Evaluation of a European network, Networks promotion, dissemination and sustainability.
The publication is available in English, German and French language versions and can be downloaded here.
A better preventive culture in a new labour market

“A dream of mine becomes true by an OSH event mainly dedicated to the topic of education and training” – Dr Ulrike Bollmann, founder and coordinator of ENETOSH, started her speech “Culture of Prevention: Learning for change” at the first thematic session of the OSH conference under the auspices of the Slovak EU Presidency on 24 October 2016 in Bratislava.
In advance State Secretary for Labour Branislav Ondruš, Maria-Teresa Moitinho from the European Commission, Jozef Kollár and Silvia Surová representing the Social partners and last but not least Dr Christa Sedlatschek, Director of EU-OSHA, underlined the importance of innovative approaches in OSH to keep pace with the technological and social change in our societies.
The increasing importance of education and training to cope with these challenges was reflected on at school level, in businesses, for OSH experts and the labour inspection. The panels were enriched by interactive workshops.
During the conclusions of the conference especially the people-centered approach was highlighted as the future of a better preventive culture.
Stefan Olsson, Director for Employment of DG EMPL, identified the common learning process as the highlight of this conference in Bratislava.
From the UK and Portugal

We are glad to announce that our network, which now unites 84 members from 34 countries, has two new members:
The »Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the world's leading professional body for people responsible for safety and health in the workplace. IOSH longs to give the safety and health profession a consistent, independent, authoritative voice at the highest levels.
IOSH supports its members in a variety of practical and effective ways. The institution offers online forums, networking events, conferences, exhibitions and helplines to share information as well as advice, legal guidance and best practice. IOSH runs high-profile campaigns to promote awareness of the issues that affect safety, health and wellbeing at work and highly regarded training courses.
For more information, see IOSH's member page or web page.
Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho (ACT) (Authority for Working Conditions) is a service of the Portuguese state aimed at promoting the improvement of working conditions throughout the mainland and one of the main actors of MIND SAFETY – SAFETY MATTERS ERASMUS+ project.
For more information, see ACT's member page or web page.
OSH training methodology and inspection at the ILO TC in Turin

Nuria Mancebo, University of Girona, Spain, presented examples of good practice and innovation in training in Europe in front of 25 managers of different departments and provinces from the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) of the People's Republic of China. SAWS is responsible for overall supervision, administration, direction and coordination of work safety across the country as well as responsible for education and training.
During the training the ENETOSH standard of competence was highlighted to point out that apart from OSH knowledge training methods and social competencies are of an increasing importance for the training of OSH inspectors and other technical staff. The training took place on 24 October to 3 November, 2016 at the ILO Training Centre in Turin.
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