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available on this platform!

Two new factsheets are available now on enetosh.net. Factsheet #3, "An introduction to networking", and Factsheet #4, "Evaluation of quality of academic safety, health and environment education".
In Factsheet #3, Tim Tregenza of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work offers interesting views and thoughts on the topic networking. On two pages, he gives basic information about networking, as well as facts about network typology, size and structure, on network resilience, evaluation methods and network membership.
In Factsheet #4, Paul Swuste of the Safety Science Group, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and Frank van Dijk, Learning and Developing Occupational Health Foundation (LDOH) and ICOH Scientific Committee Education and Training in Occupational Health (SCETOH), write on three pages about the evaluation of quality of academic safety, health and environment education. Their focus is on quality, quality assessment, transfer of education, transfer at different levels of education and evaluation of outcomes, in daily practice and on scientific level.
You can access all ENETOSH Factsheets on our "Publications" page.
Occupational Safety Health & Environment Organization

We are glad to welcome PSC as the 90th Member of the ENETOSH network, which now covers 37 countries worldwide.
Pakistan Safety Council under supervision Society of Occupational Health & Safety Professionals was established in the year 2011, and is registered with Government of Pakistan. PSC-SOHSP is to make the Occupational Health Safety training and related programs adaptable, demand based, need oriented and effective in terms of cost-benefit analysis. The health and safety programs are conducted with required involvement and participation of stakeholders and its management team.
PSC-SOHSP is guided and operated with reference to the relevant and applicable Health and Safety laws and regulations and has an association with health and safety professionals in different regions.
The organization is working to promote the safer working environments by promoting the awareness and providing trainings to avoid illness, injuries and accidents, which may occur at the workplaces or work environment.
PSC-SOHSP believes that safer working environment provides benefits, not only to the employees but it also enhances productivity of an organization and ultimately contributes in the economy's growth. Safer working environment also plays a significant role in terms of employees’ job satisfaction, lowering production cost, meeting targets and increasing profitability.
More information in our member's area or on the PSC website.

We have a new member in our network, which now consists of 89 member institutions and individual members from 36 countries worldwide.
AOSH Awarding Body UK Ltd. is a progressive and fast growing autonomous awarding body, its purpose is to certify practitioners in the health and safety profession. AOSH UK offers Certified Safety Specialist (CSS). which is the pioneer certification (in the UK) in safety, health & environment accredited by IAS/ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standards for personnel certification programs. The CSS certification purpose is to promote excellence and professionalism in the health & safety field. The CSS certification authenticates that certified individuals have met minimum formal education, competency and experience requirements. For more information, please visit the AOSH website.
Competition by BSC

The deadline for "Images of wellbeing", a competition by the British Safety Council for both moving and static images, aimed at workers with an interest in design and design students, has been prolonged to 19 October.
The competition is encouraging people to explore static posters and the evolving field of moving image posters. It is free to enter and there will be an exhibition.
Submissions from those under 21 years and those 21 and over will have their own prize awards. More information on the website.
Version 3.0

The new strategic framework of ENETOSH is based on an analysis of the network’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) carried out by the ENETOSH members in September 2017.
Following an intensive discussion at the 21th ENETOSH Network Meeting in Brighton in April 2018, the ENETOSH strategy 3.0 was approved by the ENETOSH Steering Committee by end of June.
The strategy paper describes the vision, mission and the operative goals for the network.
The ENETOSH Action plan 2018 – 2020 gives details about the future work of the ENETOSH Task Forces.
You can read the paper "Strategic Framework" here.
A guide by the Institute for Work & Health, Canada

Essential Skills and OHS Training: A guide to embedding an essential skills curriculum within an OHS training program provides an overview of the process involved in modifying the curriculum of an existing occupational health and safety (OHS) training program in order to address gaps in essential skills among worker trainees. Essential skills are the foundation for learning all other skills, and include reading, writing, numeracy, document use and more.
The guide was developed through a research collaboration among the Institute for Work & Health, Blueprint ADE, Labourers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 506 Training Centre, Infrastructure Health & Safety Association, Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, SkillPlan, and experts in the design of essential skills curriculum.
Learn more about the guide and download it on the website of the Institute for Work & Health.
Multimedia competition by BSC

The British Safety Council has launched a multimedia competition. The organisation has a long history of producing posters to inform, educate and campaign around safety, health and wellbeing. With the way we consume media changing, posters are becoming more digital friendly and the competition is looking for both moving and static images to illustrate your messages.
The competition is called "Images of wellbeing" and is aimed at workers with an interest in design and design students.
The deadline is 3rd September and submissions from those under 21 years and those 21 and over will have their own prize awards. The competition is encouraging people to explore static posters and the evolving field of moving image posters. It is free to enter and there will be an exhibition in October.
People are also asked to submit a statement on how their work addresses the topic, for example how it enhances wellbeing within the workplace or college.
Details on the competition can be found here, and on Facebook here.
Private Knowledge Sharing Platform

The Global Public-Private Knowledge Sharing Platform on Skills for Employment (Global KSP) aims to help strengthen the links between education and training to productive and decent work by sharing approaches, knowledge and experiences that governments, employers, workers and international organizations have found effective in addressing these issues of common concern across the world.
Initiated by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Global Public-Private Knowledge Sharing Platform on Skills for Employment benefits from the support and collaboration of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Bank.
This collaborative platform pools the relevant knowledge products on skills for employment of each of the partner organizations. And it provides an unprecedented opportunity to enhance the exchange of ideas and experiences among policymakers, the private sector, TVET institutions, academic institutions, bilateral agencies, and other international organizations that have experience using skills development to improve employability and productivity, and who are interested in learning from others’ experience.
New website online

OSHAfrica, structured with a Regional Administrative Office in Lagos, Nigeria, and with sub-regional leadership offices across all African sub-regions, launched the OSHAfrica web platform with the aim of bringing activities closer to each OSHAfrican.
Occupational Safety and Health Africa Foundation with the trademark OSHAfrica is a Pan-African Occupational Safety and Health organisation legally registered in 2017 with the principal aim of bringing together Occupational Safety and Health professionals across Africa, creating an atmosphere for collaborative work, sharing of knowledge and OSH data across different countries and sub-regions of Africa. One of the founders (from Nigeria) is a member of the ENETOSH network. Of course, Education and Training in OSH across Africa is one of the important topics of OSHAfrica.

The OSHAfrica idea was conceptualised in ICOH Conference 2015 held in Seoul, South Korea. At a meeting during the conference, 23 African representatives agreed to create a unified Pan African OSH body. They created a WhatsApp Group called OSHAfrica which grew to 120 members discussing Occupational Safety and Health in Africa. The next step on this way is the new OSHAfrica web platform.
OSHAfrica is aspired to be the African information agency on Occupational Safety and Health.
The official launch of the project took place on 2 May at the 2018 ICO Congress in Dublin.
Launched in Brighton

On 18 April the new ENETOSH Report 'The integration of safety and health into education - An empirical study of good-practice examples on www.enetosh.net' was launched at the 21 ENETOSH Network Meeting in Brighton.
Based on the settings approach of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its key elements of participation, empowerment, sustainability and networking a representative sample of good-practice examples within the ENETOSH database was analysed.
This study contributes to ‘practical evidence’ of the integration of OSH into education and learning processes at four levels of education (pre-school/school, initial vocational education and training, higher education, and continuing vocational education and training).
The study facilitates access to good practice examples and recommends future action for practitioners, disseminators and decision makers.
The results of the study were also used to identify good-practice models and trends for integrating safety and health into education.
You will find the report here.
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