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Symposium At The XXI World Congress 2017

ENETOSH will organize the symposium "S15 - People-centred prevention strategies on OSH" at the XXI World Congress 2017 in Singapore. The workshop will be co-organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Council (WSHC), Hong Kong/China, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MoLSS), Turkey.
In October 2016, an ENETOSH think tank was held at Occupational Safety Research Institute (VÚBP), Prague, Czech Republic, to start to prepare the symposium. Representatives from 13 member institutions worked on key messages, basics and ideas and discussed form and content of the workshop. A planning committee was set up to further prepare the symposium.
Reminder: Abstracts of contributions for one of the 30 symposia at the World Congress 2017 can still be submitted. Deadline for submissions is 5 December, 2016.
5th Safety & Security Conference

Susanne Ulk from the ENETOSH network participated in the conference “Proteger 2016 - 5th Safety & Security Conference” with a presentation on the ENETOSH project.
Proteger 2016 took place in the Estoril Congress Center 18. – 20. October, and the organizer was The Portuguese Safety and Health Association, APSEI.
The purpose for ENETOSH participation was to emphasise the importance of international cooperation and knowledge-sharing on issues concerning education and training in occupational safety and health. The Good Practise Examples GPE´s) were enhanced as examples on knowledge sharing. The ENETOSH Standard of Competence for Instructors and Trainers in Safety and Health was highlighted as well.
The subsequent discussion showed general concensus: Networking and international cooperation are important issues. And when it comes to mainstreaming OSH into education and training, ENETOSH is the appropriate choice for networking. As regards to teaching and didactics you do not need to reinvent the wheel, you can get ideas and inspiration from other countries, the cultural diversity taken into consideration.
New Network of south east european institutions

BALcanOSH.net is a wide network of professional civil society organizations, supported by the social partners in promoting the idea that creating a preventive culture can lead to safer and healthier jobs. During the BALcanOSH initial meeting in Pristina in September 2016, the new network was initiated.
MOSHA (Macedonian Occupational Safety And Health Association), a member of the ENETOSH network, is the leading institution, in partnership with the Serbian, Kosovar, Albanian and Montenegrin OSH associations, in associate partnership with the IOSH, Croatian OSH institute, Slovenian association of safety engineers and Bulgarian OSH foundation.
Several initial meetings in the partner countries and conferences have been and will be held, like the First International Balkan Regional Conference "OSH BON-TON" in October 2015 in Ohrid, Macedonia and the 2nd international conference "Occupational Cancer and more" in November 2016 in Bled, Slovenia.
In the scope of the International OSH Conference in Obzor, Macedonia, in May 2015, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between BALcanOSH and ENETOSH.
For more information, visit the BALcanOSH website or follow the hashtag #balcanosh on Twitter.
3 - 6 September 2017, Singapore

The website and the list of symposia that will be offered in the scope of the congress has been launched. ENETOSH will hold the symposium "People-centred prevention strategies on OSH".
Motto of the XXI World Congress on Safety & Health at work 2017 is "A Global Vision of Prevention", with three topics.
Topic 1: Vision Zero - From Vision to Reality
Topic 2: Healthy Work - Healthy Life and
Topic 3: People-centred Prevention.
Objectives are to provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge, practices and experience between participants with the aim of promoting safety and health at work, to reinforce and build networks and alliances while laying the groundwork for cooperation and strengthening relationships among all concerned and to provide a platform for the development of knowledge and strategic and practical ideas that can be immediately put into use.
The congress will take place form 3-6 September 2017 at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
ENETOSH is an official campaign partner

ENETOSH will support the Healthy Workplaces for all Ages Campaign 2016 - 2017 of EU OSHA to raise the awareness around the importance of safe and healthy work at any age.
In April 2016, EU-OSHA, together with the European Commission and the Netherlands’ EU Council Presidency, launched its 2016-17 campaign, Healthy Workplaces for All Ages. This new campaign focuses on sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working life and highlights the importance of risk prevention throughout a person’s career. Based on the European Parliament project ‘Safer and healthier work at any age’ conducted by EU-OSHA, the campaign highlights the benefits of good occupational safety and health for workers, companies and society as a whole.
ENETOSH will especially promote the life-course approach of the campaign. By doing this, the network will stress the importance of learning and re-learning within an ageing society. In addition the network will raise the question about the different prerequisites for a good learning and working environment at different ages.
Click here for the official campaign website website.
finds ‘dearth’ of adequate safety advice in the UK

The inquiry into apprentices by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), which was published by its National Occupational Safety and Health Committee (NOSHC) in May, found there was a misunderstanding of who a “typical” apprentice is.
The report found that the safety advice currently available ‘assumes’ that apprentices are 24 or under, male, and working in a manual trade. However, recent evidence shows that the typical apprentice is 25 or older, female, and in the service sector. This can lead to a ‘dearth’ of adequate safety advice for apprentices in the UK.
In fact, according to its findings, almost three quarters (73%) of all apprentices starting in 2014/15 were in three sectors: business, administration and law (29%); health, public services and care (26%); and retail and commercial enterprise (18%). A total of 53% of these apprenticeships starts were by women (264,800) and 47% by men (235,100), said the report.
More apprentices also have disabilities today. In the year analysed, 2014/15, 44,000 (9%) of apprenticeship starters had learning difficulties and/or disabilities. The number was 26,000 in 2009/10 and has risen in four of the past five years.
Now RosPA is starting work to address issues identified in the report and to extend and enhance the available information on apprentices. Through NOSHC it aims to engage with the GB health and safety community to identify further good practice and disseminate through the RoSPA Young Worker’s Website.
See the full report here (PDF file).
For mainstreaming OSH into education

The European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) is supporting the Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho (ACT) in the framework of the MIND SAFETY – SAFETY MATTERS! ERASMUS+ project. This project aims to establish an interface between teacher education, professional training and learning contexts in occupational safety and health. It will help to improve and innovate methods of teaching safety and health issues in the classroom, to motivate and prepare young people to work in safe conditions, and to be responsible citizens after leaving school.
The project will also promote teachers’ active involvement and active participation in their own training, to test, experiment, develop and implement methodologies and tools in school, enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning process, innovating practices for improving teaching competences and abilities in order to deliver occupational safety and health issues.
Practical outcomes of the project, which is a cooperation of Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho (PT), Universidade de Aveiro (PT), AFTEBI - Associação para a Formação Tecnológica e Profissional da Beira Interior (PT), The National Research and Development Institute of Occupational Safety (INCDPM)(ROM), Výzkumný ústav bezpecnosti práce Praha (CZ), Technische Universiteit Delft (NL) and Universitat de Girona (ESP), will be an OSH Teacher Education Reference Guide, a Practical Guide for teachers (OSH! What a bright idea!) and a booklet for students.
24 - 25 August, Suntec Singapore

Debuting in 2010, The Singapore WSH Conference was established as a premier platform for workplace safety and health (WSH) stakeholders across the region.
This year, the Conference is poised once again to bring together WSH professionals, business leaders and government officials to learn about latest trends and developments impacting WSH and its practice. The fourth edition of this biennial conference is expected to bring together more than 800 delegates from across the region and industries.
The Singapore WSH Conference 2016, with the theme “Total WSH: The Future of Our Workplace”, highlights the importance of adopting a holistic approach towards managing both safety and health risks in the workplace. Leading practitioners and businesses will share their insights and experiences on how addressing health, along with safety, contributes to employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity, as well as organisational sustenance and business success. The Conference will provide leaders and professionals with key knowledge and tools to achieve sustenance in their efforts towards better safety and health outcomes.
The Singapore WSH Conference 2016 is co-organised by the WSH Council, WSH Institute and Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
For more information about the Singapore WSH Conference 2016, please visit www.singaporewshconference.sg
Joint Workshop on Mainstreaming OSH into Education

In October 2005, ENETOSH was launched at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in Bilbao. On the occasion of its 10th Anniversary, ENETOSH returned to Bilbao. The highlight of the 2015 ENETOSH events in Bilbao was the Joint Workshop on Mainstreaming OSH into Education: Sharing Knowledge for Global Prevention on 15 – 16 October. The workshop was organised by a team of colleagues from ENETOSH, EU-OSHA, ILO, ISSA and NIOSH. 45 participants from four continents attended the event in Bilbao.
First results from this workshop are now available on this website. In addition you will find the video “10 Years of ENETOSH”, all presentations and a picture gallery here.
Joint Workshop: Sharing Knowledge for Global Prevention, 15 – 16 October 2015, EU-OSHA Bilbao

The draft program of the 2nd Joint Workshop is ready now. Mainstreaming OSH into Education will be tackled from four perspectives: Research, Education, Training/Service providers and Awareness raising. In addition reference will be made to Regulation, Dialogue and Financing. Experts from different regions of the world will discuss recent findings and current developments in education and training on OSH. The leading question will be of how to share the knowledge within the field globally.
The workshop is jointly organized by ILO, ISSA, EU-OSHA, NIOSH and ENETOSH.
If you are interested to participate in this workshop please send a message to: enetosh@dguv.de. Due to organizational reasons the number of participants will be limited.
Please click here for more information and the program:
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