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Diana Policarpo, presented the Mind Safety - Safety Matters! project, coordinated by the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), Portugal, at the conference „Each single accident at work is too much”, 11 – 12 October 2017 in Riga, Latvia. The project aims to provide a collaborative and inclusive learning approach on OSH by establishing an interface between teacher education/training and learning contexts in OSH. Varpu Kujala, from the Rajamäki School in Nurmijärvi, gave an insight in the OSH practice at schools in Finland.
At the conference, organized by the State Labour Inspectorate of Republic of Latvia in cooperation with the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI), and the EU-OSHA, the participants analyzed key factors of an adequate approach to prevention in OSH. Apart from this the conference provided the participants with a successful exchange of experiences and good practices in the school context. A highlight – as usual – was the visit of Napo at this conference.
with EU-OSHA as European social partner in the education sector

ETUCE has recently been granted the status of Official Campaign Partner of EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Occupational Safety and Health, and is participating in the “2017 Healthy Workplaces for All Ages” campaign.
Especially in the context of the 2017 campaign’s objectives of “Promoting sustainable work and healthy ageing from the start of the working life” and “Encouraging the exchange of information and good practice aimed to preventing health problems throughout the working life”, the EU social partners in education: ETUCE-the European Trade Union Committee for Education and EFEE-the European Federation of Education Employers, have recently signed the OiRA memorandum of understanding (MoU) with EU-OSHA for the development, use and maintenance of an OiRA tool with the EU social partners in education.
This MoU for the OiRA project stems from the EU-funded project “Social Partners Promoting Decent Workplaces in the Education Sector for a Healthier Working Life” run jointly by ETUCE and EFEE. The project resulted in a set of practical guidelines on How to Promote Joint Social Partner Initiatives at European, Regional and Local Level to Prevent and Combat Psychosocial Hazards in Education.
The education sector is characterised by a number of risk factors, especially psychosocial risks, which include stress, harassment and violence. The OiRA tool will be based on inputs from the social partners (ETUCE/EFEE) built on the concept of the promotion of decent workplaces in the education sector. ETUCE welcomes this new partnership and it is looking forward to a fruitful cooperation.
Please find more information on the website of OiRA - Online Interactive Risk Assessment.
There is a call for expressions of interest for an expert, advertised now at the EU-OSHA website.
ENETOSH Symposium at the XXI World Congress 2017

More than 120 people joined the Symposium about people-centred prevention strategies at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore.
Divided into four groups, the participants explored different people-centred practices and voted the most effective key-factors to let people-centred prevention become a reality.

The following key-factors received the highest ranking:
  1. Promote peoples knowledge and skills;
  2. Bring the service to their door-steps;
  3. Customise programmes & services.
Bonnie Yau, Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong SAR, China and Hanan Elnagdy, Ministry of Manpower and Migration, Egypt, received the award for the most people-centred practices.

Please find more information in the symposium programme and the ENETOSH Newsletter #15, special edition XXI World Congress.
Pictures, outcomes, impressions, flipcharts, presentations, and more on the ENETOSH Events page.

ENETOSH is now an official partner of the ISSA Vision Zero campaign.
See Dr Ulrike Bollmann presenting the membership document in Singapore on 5 September on the picture on the right.
The campaign was launched in Singapore at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work by the International Social Security Association (ISSA).
Vision Zero is based on the belief that all accidents, diseases and harm at work are preventable and on the commitment of Vision Zero Companies and Partners to promote the three core values of this campaign: Safety.Health.Wellbeing.
Find out more on the campaign website.
5th September 2017, Singapore

This symposium, organized by ENETOSH in the scope of the the XXI World Congress 2017 (3 - 6 September, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore), will take place on 5 September 2017. The workshop will be co-organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Council (WSHC), Hong Kong/China, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MoLSS), Turkey.
In Symposium 15 the participants will develop a common understanding of people-centred prevention. Acting as an expert group the participants will analyze key-factors of the new approach to people-centred prevention in OSH. The key-factors are derived from the practices of good models that will be presented lively (walk the talk) in the symposium. A personal journey of reflection and a strategic viewpoint will complete the session. On the top there will be an award for the most people-centred practice.
Please find the programme for the symposium here.
World Congress website: www.safety2017singapore.com
Education in OSH, emerging trends and unmet needs

This symposium, organized by the Scientific Committee Education and Training in Occupational Health and supported by the Croatian Institute for Health Protection and Safety at Work, will be held from 26 -28 October in Zagreb, Croatia.
Topics of the symposium are: experiences in training health professionals - current situation and unmet needs around the globe, international collaboration in strengthening capacities in OSH training, education of students and professionals- troubleshooting and how to do it, education of new target groups, and more.
More information, program and registration on the symposium website.
"Vision Zero" – No accidents – learning and working in health and safety

The 5th University Conference, hosted by the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IAG) in Dresden (Germany), will be held from 18th to 20th September 2017 at the DGUV Academy in Dresden.
The core aim of the “Vision Zero” strategy is the avoidance of serious accidents – in other words, accidents in which people are killed or suffer life-changing injuries. “Vision Zero” will be the main theme of the fifth international University Conference, which will examine university-specific issues from this perspective. Amongst other things the focus will be on questions related to road safety (especially journeys by bicycle) and safe sport at universities.
More information, program and registration form on the conference website.
Occupational Skin Diseases

We have a new "Hot Topic", it is our #16. In our Hot Topics, be present a collection of examples of Good Practice with a special focus.
This time the focus is on Occupational Skin Diseases (OSD). In many professions, like hairdressers, nurses, in the construction industry, in laboratories or the high-tech business, the protection of the biggest organ of your body - the skin - is essential.
And often not self-evident. This means that the awareness of the risks and the knowledge about effective ways of protection is of very high importance. At work, as well as during education in pre-schools and schools, vocational schools and universities, awareness and knowledge of OSD can and should be included into everyday life, into lessons, lectures, education and training.
To access our Hot Topics, please choose "GOOD PRACTICE" in the main menu above, then click "Hot Topics" in the menu on the left.
OSH Literacy

We are glad to welcome a new member to our network, which is growing and has now 85 members from 35 countries.
OSH literacy is registered in Ireland as a non-profit, social enterprise. Its goal is to raise awareness of OSH literacy as a specialised literacy in its own right and for it to be accorded the same level of importance and recognition, within education, training and the workplace, as other key-skill literacies such as computer literacy and financial literacy.
OSH literacy specifically focuses on OSH education and training and currently has projects in Asia, the Middle-East and Europe, working collaboratively with NGOs, businesses, education and training providers, as well as other stakeholders, to design and deliver specific OSH literacy training programmes for trainers and teachers.
Please visit our member's area or the website for more information: www.oshliteracy.org
APSEI - Associação Portuguesa de Segurança

We are glad to welcome a new member to our network, which now has 84 members from 34 countries worldwide. APSEI - Associação Portuguesa de Segurança is a Portuguese association of institutions and individuals involved in Health and Safety at Work. The 450 APSEI members are service providers, trainers, health and safety technicians, PPE distributors, among others. The association is also active in other Safety’s topics like Fire Safety. APSEI has a strong partnership with the national Authority for Safety at Work (ACT), which is also a member of ENETOSH.
APSEI was founded in 2006 and is a partner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security and the Ministry of Economy. The association is also recognized as a training provider. At European level, APSEI is represented in CFPA-Europe (European Confederation of fire protection associations) and Euralarm (European association of the security systems industry). More information in our member's area or on the APSEI website: www.apsei.org.pt
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