at IOHSC2017
21. Jan 2018 /
Once more, Diana Policarpo presented the Mind Safety - Safety Matters! project, coordinated by the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), Portugal, at the INTERNATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CONGRESS (IOHSC2017), invited by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Occupational Health and Safety Department, 6 – 7 December 2017” in Istanbul, Turkey.
This communication focuses on MS-SM project which integrates strategic partnerships to establish a collaborative and networked practice to study and propose innovative practices and materials for the teaching of occupational health and safety concepts, thus fostering a risk perception in the young people of school age and contributing to the creation of a safety culture.
The absence of workplace accidents occurs in companies where safety is a core nuclear value, meaning a value that translates into consistency between decisions, policies, resource distribution and organizational practices, where productivity never threatens safety. Therefore, with this project we intend to awaken our conscience and set out a path for the implementation of a safety culture that is expected, in the medium and long term, to be reflected in the reduction of occupational accidents and diseases in Europe and particularly in Portugal.
In conclusion, this conference provided the participants with a successful exchange of experiences and good practices in various contexts, whether professional or scholar.
Read more … Mind Safety - Safety Matters! Project In Istanbul