On 18 April the new ENETOSH Report 'The integration of safety and health into education - An empirical study of good-practice examples on www.enetosh.net' was launched at the 21 ENETOSH Network Meeting in Brighton.
Based on the settings approach of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its key elements of participation, empowerment, sustainability and networking a representative sample of good-practice examples within the ENETOSH database was analysed.
This study contributes to ‘practical evidence’ of the integration of OSH into education and learning processes at four levels of education (pre-school/school, initial vocational education and training, higher education, and continuing vocational education and training).
The study facilitates access to good practice examples and recommends future action for practitioners, disseminators and decision makers.
The results of the study were also used to identify good-practice models and trends for integrating safety and health into education.
You will find the report here.

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