Skills for Employment

The Global Public-Private Knowledge Sharing Platform on Skills for Employment (Global KSP) aims to help strengthen the links between education and training to productive and decent work by sharing approaches, knowledge and experiences that governments, employers, workers and international organizations have found effective in addressing these issues of common concern across the world.
Initiated by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Global Public-Private Knowledge Sharing Platform on Skills for Employment benefits from the support and collaboration of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Bank.
This collaborative platform pools the relevant knowledge products on skills for employment of each of the partner organizations. And it provides an unprecedented opportunity to enhance the exchange of ideas and experiences among policymakers, the private sector, TVET institutions, academic institutions, bilateral agencies, and other international organizations that have experience using skills development to improve employability and productivity, and who are interested in learning from others’ experience.

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