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New network member from Nigeria

We are glad to welcome Occupational Health & Safety Managers (OHSM) from Nigeria as a new member to our network. ENETOSH now has 82 members from 34 countries worldwide. Occupational Heath & Safety Managers Ltd. (OHSM) is the second member from Afrika.
OHSM has already been active in the network over the last years and participated in several meetings and events, e.g at the World Congress on Safety and Health 2014 and the 10th anniversary of ENETOSH In Bilbao last year.
To learn more about OHSM Nigeria, please visit the OHSM website, the partner's page on enetosh.net and watch the videos with interviews of OHSM representatives Ehi Iden and Dayo Omolade, Dr. Maymunah Kadiri and Ehi Iden on the 2015 and 2016 World Day for Health and Safety at Work.
Furthermore, OHSM runs a blog with interesting articles.
Free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway, together with colleagues at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Tanzania, has created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to reach health personnel all over the world – with the purpose of improving health and life of workers in developing countries. The course "Occupational Health in Developing Countries" is free for everyone to attend.
The first course starts 7 March 2016, and it is possible to sign up now. The course is at Master level but can be attended by anyone interested in work and health.
The course is teaching basic knowledge on work and health and how to prevent the development of diseases and injuries, caused by working conditions. The industrial activity in the developing countries is increasing, but focus on the working conditions is not following. Both the industry and the health services worldwide lack knowledge about the high risk of injuries and death in the work place. As a result, millions of people are getting hurt. This course is a contribution to reduce the problem.
All information and sign in for the course on www.futurelearn.com
The integration of safety and health into the education chain

An empirical study is started by WissensImpuls in cooperation with the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IAG) and the British Safety Council (BSC), to analyse good-practice examples of integrating safety and health into the education chain. The examples were collected by the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) over the last ten years.
The study is conducted in response to a request made by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 2015 to systematically analyse ENETOSH’s wealth of experience in order to make empirical statements on trends and promising models for integrating safety and health into education.
The project started in December 2015. The study consists of a qualitative analysis of criteria-based good-practice examples on www.enetosh.net as well as a statistical analysis of correlations and their size.
The category system on which the study is based as well as the study’s design will be presented at the 8th International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health in Istanbul.
A system of success in OSH

In Finland, the National Occupational Safety Card has rapidly become a popular way to complete the basic training in safety and health at shared workplaces. The card was established in 1997. In 2007 the Centre for Occupational Safety started coordinating the Occupational Safety Card related activies. The card has been developed by Finnish industrial enterprises together with social partners, insurance institutions and educational organisations.
IOSH is inviting researchers to submit proposals

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the world's leading professional body for people responsible for safety and health in the workplace, is inviting researchers to submit proposals (written in English) for high quality research that will support providing an evidence base for effective occupational safety and health (OSH) policy and practice. IOSH will consider any proposal that supports the certain theme/s and are keen to receive bids from researchers that intend to engage OSH practitioners (and/or other working professionals) as part of their field work.
The themes are: Health and wellbeing, Organisational change and OSH performance, Occupational Health and safety performance reporting and Sustainability and OSH as a material issue, Learning and Training Methodologies and OSH.
Researchers who have a proven track record in high quality research can apply for funding. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 15 March 2016.
More information and the applying form on the IOSH website.
Multilingual Multiplayer Online Quiz for Refugees

yeepa is a software solution for real time multi-player quiz gaming and measuring knowledge development. yeepa uses psychometric methods implemented also in PISA. While PISA is a paper and pencil test for students, yeepa is a socially interactive gaming platform on the Internet for everybody anytime. yeepa is currently introduced to schools and universities in Germany. 1000 medical students of the University of Mainz use yeepa to prepare for their examinations.
Learners log in via smartphone, tablet or laptop and compete against each other in quizzes relevant to integration in Germany. The quizzes introduce to the German way of life, culture and legal and political frameworks. They highlight issues of refugees and migrants in Germany. They also address refugees and potential migrants wishing to come to Germany. Critical incidents of the entire migration life cycle are presented and offer insights and solutions through further information and learning material.
As cultural diversity is an important topic in occupational safety and health, this tool can help to face challenges caused by growing numbers of migrants, refugees and of multicultural workplaces.
More information on www.yeepa.de
Mobility of Apprentices in Europe

EuroApprenticeship is a network of more than 250 competent bodies, intermediate organisations and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, which organise “in company learning mobility” or provide expertise, information, help and support to learning mobility projects for the benefit of SMEs, Skilled Crafts Companies, of apprentices and young people in work-based learning and training systems.
It provides information, tools, contacts and exchange of experiences to find partners, support and adapted solutions for organising transnational mobility. The Network will provide added value by supporting and guiding those organisations without any experience to get into mobility and integrating them in the EuroApprenticeship “club”, so that they can find partners and develop mobility on a wider scale.
Institute for Occupational Safety Improvement, Croatia

The Croatian Institute for Occupational Safety Improvement is a public institution committed to improving occupational safety and health at work and promoting a culture of risk prevention for the benefit of workers, employers and the whole society. Encouraging and supporting social partnership in the field of occupational safety and health, the Institute contributes to the positive impact on productivity, competitiveness and growth. Our programs are results-oriented. All activities of the Institute is based on multidisciplinary approach and teamwork. Our objective is to establish and implement standards of excellence in occupational safety as well as to enhance the work quality of professionals.
More information on the member's page of the institute and the institute's website.
asbestos awareness e-learning course

The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) was partner in a Lifelong Learning Project “Making the EU AsBestos Clean (ABClean) to create an e-learning course offer together with training providers and institutes for occupational medicine. In many Member States, asbestos related training requirements are often limited to workers in companies specialized in asbestos removal. This leaves out many workers who are at risk of exposure to asbestos, who receive no training on asbestos awareness at all.
For this reason, ABClean distinguishes between two types of workers when it comes to asbestos. The first group consists of workers in companies that are specialized in asbestos removal, who receive the appropriate training to perform this task and the second group consists of workers in other professions who are not specialized in asbestos removal, but who may encounter asbestos containing products in the course of e.g. maintenance, demolition or renovation. While some Member States have legislation in place to train this second group of workers on asbestos awareness, other Member States do not. In order to help address this discrepancy, the e-learning course is being offered together with training providers and institutes for occupational medicine.
The ABClean e-learning course is available in Polish, Lithuanian, Spanish and English. For more information see project website and project newsletter. For information on how to sign up for the course please contact Stephen Schindler (sschindler@efbh.be).
From the U.S.

We are glad to welcome a new member to the ENETOSH network: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
NIOSH produces new scientific knowledge and provides practical solutions vital to reducing risks of injury and death in traditional industries, such as agriculture and construction; and also supports research to predict, prevent, and address emerging problems that arise from dramatic changes in the 21st Century workplace and workforce.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the U.S. federal agency that conducts research and makes recommendations to prevent worker injury and illness. NIOSH has more than 1,200 employees from a diverse set of fields including epidemiology, medicine, nursing, industrial hygiene, safety, psychology, chemistry, statistics, economics, and many branches of engineering.
More information on the official NIOSH website.
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