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Current Coordinators

In the scope of the ENETOSH Steering Committee meeting on 21 March 2019 in Bilbao, Nuria Mancebo Fernandez, University of Girona (UdG), Spain, has been elected as the new chair of the ENETOSH Steering Committee. She follows Matthew Holder from the British Safety Council (BSC) who were in this position since 2014. Diana de Sousa Policarpo, Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), Portugal, became the new co-chair of the committee. Ulrike Bollmann, coordinator of ENETOSH, thanks Matthew for the great support of the network through his ongoing personal engagement and past BSC support and looks forward continuing good cooperation in the future.
by ANKEY Consulting in Turkey

In the scope of an EU funded project in Turkey, ANKEY Consulting has been shortlisted with two French partners in technical assistance for improving Occupational Health and Safety especially in the mining sector.
ANKEY now does urgently need key experts in OHS with a great experience in implementing/designing of trainings, additionally minimum 2-3 years experience in OHS trainings in the mining sector, and is looking for two experts: a team leader and a training expert. Nationality does not really matter as long as he/she is from one of European Union 28 or European Non-EU 28 countries.
Please click here for a PDF telling the exact requirements needed for Key Expert 2 (team leader - this one is needed especially urgently) and Key Expert 1(training expert).
Applications should be sent to Mehmet Cakar at ANKEY Consulting.
More about ANKEY Consulting and contact details on the company website.
Technical University of Ostrava

The International Summer School is a short term activity provided by the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. For the summer 2019, 7 interesting one-week courses were prepared. It´s a great opportunity to use holidays to explore new places, meet interesting people and boost knowledge. Each course takes 5 working days.
The topics of this year's Summer School cover a broad range from "Adventures of architecture in Ostrava urban wildness" to "New approaches to quality management", which contains novelties in quality management and integrated management, as well as risk management in quality management, and more.
The International Summer School will take place from 8 - 19 July 2019 in Ostrava (CZ).
More information and the whole Summer School programme on the website.
from the project "Mind safety - safety matters!

This new brochure is available now on the website of Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho (ACT), project coordinator of the project.
This publication is based on the General Principles of Prevention and aims to contribute to the promotion of a safety culture on workplaces, resulting from the need to reinforce OSH Education through collaboration and shared experiences, providing support for the teachers, and raising students' awareness about Safety and Health issues.
The contents presented in this document express the teamwork developed by a consortium of seven partners from 5 European countries (Czech Republic, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain) and is an output of the project “Mind Safety – Safety Matters!”
The project “Mind Safety-Safety Matters!” – funded by the Erasmus+ Programme – it is geared to in- service teachers and students ages 14 to 18 (lower/upper secondary levels). This option is supported by the fact that these students belong to an age-group which is concluding their learning cycles in general or vocational education, and are eventually about to enter the labour market.
The publication can be found here (in Spanish, link to the ACT website) and here (in English).
to OSHAfrica by CIEH

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), Ireland, is getting rid of their stock and has donated the big number of 18.000 OSH training books to one of our member institutions, OSH Literacy. The books range from Level 1 - 3 (English language) and cover a variety of OSH related subjects. David Magee, CEO of OSH Literacy, asked ENETOSH to look for an organization that could be interested, and we were able to convey this big amount of OSH knowledge to OSHAfrica.
The books will be distributed equally across all the regions in Africa and will serve as a great resource for OSH practitioners, professionals and others involved in the practice of OSH. The Board of Trustees and the scientific committees of OSHAfrica will work out the logistics for the distribution across the continent.
At the moment, the shipping of the books is being arranged. David Magee, who is accredited to teach most of the CIEH programs, already offered to run some teacher/trainer training courses for teachers and trainers in Africa on how to effectively use/deliver the courses.
Programme Officer at ETUCE

The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has a vacancy for a full-time Programme Officer at ETUCE – the European Trade Union Committee for Education in Brussels.
The vacancy is for a one year temporary contract that can potentially be converted into a permanent employment contract, subject to the needs of ETUCE at the time when the temporary contract expires. The vacant position is to be filled as of 1 February 2019.
The selected candidate is to work as a Programme Officer under the supervision of the European Director, assisting in the implementation of the ETUCE work programme, EU funded projects, and working particularly with the following areas within education trade union policies at European level: Working conditions and occupational health and safety, digitalisation in education and other related labour market issues.
As ETUCE organises conferences and other activities abroad, the position requires frequent travelling in Europe and includes the responsibility to represent ETUCE at events and meetings with the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Candidates are invited to submit their application including a cover letter and CV by 25 January.
For more information, please click here.
Call for abstracts

From 23rd – 26th September 2019, the 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work – WOS 2019 will take place in Vienna.
The congress, focusing on the prevention of workplace accidents – WOS: Working on Safety – aims at bringing together experts from all over the world in order to facilitate a high-level exchange of experience, new findings and good practice solutions. The congress will be an excellent occasion for representatives of H&S organizations, labour inspectors, safety professionals, researchers, policy makers, labour administrators and other experts to broaden the personal prevention horizon and to get in touch with experts from other countries and other safety-cultures.
Main theme of the conference will be "The Future of Safety in a Digitalized World".
The submission deadline for abstracts has been prolonged to 31 January.
More information on the conference and link for submission of abstracts on the WOS 2019 website.
The 91th member of ENETOSH

We are glad to welcome this new member to our network, which now has 93 members from 37 countries worldwide.
The foundation LDOH - Learning and Developing of Occupational Health - is an initiative of occupational health experts, who have done occupational health projects all over the world, in countries like Turkey, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Chili, Peru, Colombia, Antiles.
LDOH has the mission to support professionals through developing and promoting good quality education and information on Occupational Safety and Health. The focus is on supporting Occupational Safety and Health experts, and on committed primary and community health care professionals and volunteers. So, LDOH wants to contribute in meeting the huge global need for good education, training and information. In this effort, the Foundation wants to join other initiatives in the overarching objective of Universal Health Coverage (WHO).
For more information, please visit the LDOH Website.
Building Competence in Risk Management of Future HSE Professionals

Main objective of this project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union is to develop relevant and high-quality competences of future HSE professionals in the area of RM through transnational cooperation among universities, insurance institutions, enterprises and other key stakeholders.
Project partners are VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava (project leader), University of Minho and Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risks.
The project is focused on building practical skills, incorporating management skills, of university students – future safety professionals (in industrial, consultancy and insurance companies as well as in governmental bodies) – in the area of HSE risk management. These skills will be developed through the set of innovative teaching methods (e.g. brainstorming, mind mapping, discussion and project methods) and tools (e.g. case studies and best practices examples, online risk assessment tools, safety games – table games and virtual reality games). Special attention will be paid to bringing close-to-real-world scenarios to the students and to active involvement (engagement) of students in teaching.
The methods and tools will be incorporated into existing subjects at the partner universities and new voluntary subject will be prepared incl. e-learning support for distant study. Furthermore, summer schools and module of industry trainee programme focused on HSE risk management will be prepared and organized in close cooperation with industry. Courses for university teachers on interactive teaching will be carried out.
Kickoff meeting of the project was organized by the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava in September 2018.
More information on the project's Facebook page.
Memorandum of Understanding with ENETOSH

The International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) is an association of occupational hygiene organisations from across the world.
From its creation in 1987, IOHA has grown to 35 member organisations, representing over 20,000 occupational hygienists worldwide.
In the scope of their 11th International Scientific Conference a Memorandum of Understanding between IOHA and ENETOSH was signed in Washington on 23rd September 2018.
The aim of the memorandum is to encourage collaboration in the field of education and training in OSH at a European level and globally.
The photo shows Andrea Hiddinga (IOHA, on the right) and Dorothea Koppisch (DGUV, on the left), signing the memorandum.
The full document (PDF) you can find here.
Website: https://ioha.net/
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