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comes to a close

The ILO SafeYouth@Work Project, funded by the US Department of Labor, comes to a close at the end of 2019. The project worked in eight countries and at global and regional levels to make work safer and healthier for those aged 15 to 24, and to strengthen the foundations of workplace prevention culture.
The SafeYouth@Work Project collaborated with Governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, youth and other civil society groups and educational institutions, through activities supporting enhancements in OSH data collection, legislative reform, capacity building, advocacy and research.
The Project worked intensively in several countries to mainstream OSH content into TVET and similar training. The guides developed for this work are available at the Project website and at the ILO CINTERFOR website. It also established a training program on OSH for young workers at the ILO’s training center in Turin, and, finally, the Project developed an innovative self-training package on OSH for young workers.
These materials have been designed to have broad relevance and utility for OSH or youth-related organizations, as well as practitioners interested in young workers, training, and strengthening prevention culture. The Project’s record of successful interventions to improve OSH data, legal frameworks, capacity and awareness are designed to be adaptable and accessible to a wide range of uses and audiences.
between OSHAfrica and ENETOSH

The Occupational Safety and Health Africa Foundation (OSHAfrica) is a Pan-African organisation. Its main aim is to improve occupational safety and health across the African continent.
To support the training and education of occupational safety and health professionals and to promote mainstreaming OSH into education and training tailored to the African needs are two main objectives of OSHAfrica.
On November 6th 2019, Ehi Iden, President of OSHAfrica, and Dr Ulrike Bollmann, President of ENETOSH, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Both organisations have agreed to work together and help nurture a mutually supportive relationship aligned with each organisation’s aims and objectives.
Both organisations will endeavour to cooperate, wherever possible, on issues relevant to education and training in OSH at European level, Pan-African level and globally.
The full document can be accessed here.
More information on OSHAfrica on the website www.oshafrica.africa
Report of the Workshop at A+A now online

As a follow-up event to the joint EU-OSHA – ENETOSH Workshop in Bilbao on musculoskeletal health for children and young workers in March 2019, the 23rd ENETOSH Network Meeting and Workshop: “How to reach young people?” took place on 7th November 2019 at at A+A 36th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health in Düsseldorf, Germany.
More than 60 experts attended the workshop and listened to excellent presentations by Ilda Figueiredo (Portuguese Ministry of Education), Helena Lewis-Smith (UK) and Peter Paulus (Germany), Sigrid Zörgiebel-Schaefer (Germany - Japan), Mitchel Rosen (US), Lucie Kocurkova (Czech Republic), Heike Brüggemann-Prieshoff and Michael Hauke (Germany) and Kathi Musialek (Austria).
Interesting and intense discussions rounded off this very successful event. The process of implementation of research and good practice will be one focus of the next workshop in Dresden (May 2020), that will be dedicated to physical and mental health for young people.
The report of the workshop, with all presentations and a picture gallery, is now available here.
New report by from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland

This new report "New Forms of Work Among Young People - Implications for the Working Environment", released by the Nordic Council of Ministers, highlights new employment forms. Based on interviews with young employees, the report shows examples of new working environments, such as working in the gaming sector, on digital platforms, with social media and in flexible or temporary work arrangements.
Changes in the labor marked globally and in the Nordic countries involve new forms of work and atypical employment among young workers. A significant proportion of young workers are in temporary positions, working irregular working hours, and part-time work. The fourteen portraits of young people working in new and atypical forms of work in the Nordic countries in this report show that most of these young people have several jobs or incomes at the same time or a number of different jobs/incomes for short periods.
They are working at online platforms as e-sport gamers, YouTuber or Influencers, an thus move into the borderland of the meanings we usually ascribe to the categories ‘work’ and ‘working environment’. These developments also apply to traditional professions, such as carpentry work or service work, but the new aspect is that the work is mediated through online platforms, which seems to affect the working environment for those young workers. It is important to know more about new employment forms if we are to improve working environment among these young workers.
The project group consisted of participants from four Nordic countries - Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. Project leader was Johnny Dyreborg, Ph.D. of the National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark.
The report can be downlaoded as PDF or ePUB file or read online here.
new resource on MSDs by EU-OSHA

‘Conversation starters for workplace discussions about musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)’ is a great new resource. It is ready for download on the EU-OSHA website now (see link below). The brochure can be used to facilitate group discussions in the workplace or during training. The tool contains guidance for managers and employees on communicating about MSDs.
The conversation starters cover different scenarios, including tackling MSDs in a range of different jobs; telling an employer about a diagnosis of a musculoskeletal disease; speaking to a worker who may be suffering from back pain and tackling MSDs in a workplace where tasks are highly differentiated by gender.
Good communication between workers and managers about MSDs is essential to preventing and managing them properly. This practical resource makes clear the benefits of having honest and constructive conversations as soon as a problem arises.
In addition, EU-OSHA started promoting the topic MSD and the publication on social media, such as Facebook.
You can download the brochure (in English) on the EU-OSHA website. More information on MSDs are available here, including the interesting guide “Healthy workers, thriving companies - a practical guide to wellbeing at work”, that ca be downloaded as well.
Africa Safety Award for excellence

AfriSAFE is an annual award project that is committed to celebrating the best professionals and their achievements in keeping facilities and lives safe. Covering all specialties of health, safety and wellbeing practice, AfriSAFE aims to be the biggest unifying industry catalyst in Africa, recognizing exceptional professionalism, rewarding excellence and raising awareness on prevention of hazards.
The AfriSAFE project also involves yearly publication of the African Health and Safety Report and Directory of all Safety Professionals in Africa with areas of specialty for easy reference and networking.
This year, Dr Ulrike Bollmann, coordinator of the ENETOSH network, has been selected from several nominees to receive an award in one of the several categories, the “AfriSAFE Lifetime Achievement Award” for excellence and professionalism in her contribution to the growth and development of OSH in Africa. This nomination is a great honor and will be a motivation to strengthen ENETOSH's efforts for cooperations with OSH professionals and institutions in Africa.
The awarding ceremony will take place in the scope of an "Excellence Gala Night" on 8 November in Lagos, Nigeria. More information on the AfriSAFE website.
International Conference in Ivory Coast

eLearning Africa, the 14th International Conference & Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training & Skills Development will be held in Abidjan, Ivory from 23 - 25 October, 2019.
eLearning Africa was founded in 2005 and has hosted 17,278 participants from 100+ countries around the world, with over 80% coming from the African continent. More than 3,530 speakers have addressed the conference about every aspect of technology supported learning, training and skills development.
The conference includes core dialogues, discovery demos, knowledge exchange sessions, knowledge factories, panel discussions, panel talks, plenary sessions, pre-conference events and poster presentations on specific topics and informal networking opportunities in which practitioners share their experiences, ideas, new information and perspectives.
Workshops, conducted by leading experts and practitioners, precede the event. These small, intensive sessions offer attendees a unique opportunity to acquire new skills and learn about the latest developments.
eLearning Africa is the venue for Ministerial Round Table, an annual meeting of African ICT and Education ministers, who take part in a day-long discussion of key issues affecting education, training, skills and technology before the official opening of the main conference.
More information on the conference website.
from Malta

We are glad to welcome The Centre for Labour Studies (CLS) as a new member to our network, which now has 94 members from 37 countries worldwide. CLS is an independent, educational, documentation and research centre at the University of Malta. It longs to strengthen the University's link with working persons, employers and the world of work at large and promote social dialogue, active involvement and the effective participation of workers, and their representatives, in specific workplaces and in labour policy more generally.
To pursue this mission, CLS seeks to establish healthy working partnerships and promote synergies between academics, government, trade unions, employers and other actors from civil society involved in the field of labour relations, organise educational programmes aimed at sensitising people actively involved or interested in labour issues to current trends, relevant concepts and analytical tools pertinent in this area. The center acts as a national monitoring agency and clearing house for trends and developments occurring in employment and industrial relations and carries out research, consultancy and disseminate information on issues related to industrial and employee relations in Malta and abroad.
Since 1997, the CLS has been offering a Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety. Malta’s main crop of occupational health and safety practitioners has derived primarily from graduates of this diploma programme. In 2016 the Centre started offering this course at a Bachelor level as a Degree (Honours) in Occupational Health and Safety.
More information on CLS in our member's area and on the CLS website.
2019 edition

The Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute from Poland has been organising the occupational safety poster competition since 1997. The purpose of the competition is to obtain posters promoting the issues of occupational safety and health protection of man in the working environment.
The competition is organised in cooperation with Academies of Fine Arts (Cracow, Warsaw, Lodz) and under the patronage of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Chief Labour Inspector. The participants are artists, professors and students of artistic universities in Poland and abroad. The jury of the competition consists of representatives of artistic professions, science, ministries of health and labour, and trade unions, as well as enterprises whose business is related to the topic of the posters.
All posters of the competition from 2002 to 2019 can be seen on the CIOP website.
Child Safety in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there is a very active woman working intensively on child safety in Africa. Ugochi Obidiegwu is the CEO of Ulomka Multi Solutions, a growing Health and Safety business. Her safety movement focuses on creating unique safety education products for African children and educators in order to intentionally groom safety conscious children. Using “The Safety Chic” platform on social media, she engages in safety advocacy. The "Train Them Young Initiative" (#2TYI), under her company, has taught over 4000 students in Nigeria and Ghana safety skills and is being replicated in other African countries.
This is achieved via training and her child safety story book series – "The Adventures of Muna", which was self published on Amazon. It has been sold in 11 states and 7 countries. She convenes the annual School Safety Summit where relevant stakeholders proffer solutions to safety challenges affecting school children.
Due to her work, in 2016, she became a YALI Regional Leadership Centre Fellow for Emerging African Leaders. In 2017, she was a finalist for the McKinsey Next Generation Woman Leader Award. In 2018 she became a Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur and a Mandela Washington Fellow. She currently sits on the West African Regional Advisory Board to IREX and USAID on matters relating to the Mandela Washington Fellowship.
Ugochi Obidiegwu is committed to ensuring more children get safety education in Africa. She plans to keep introducing innovative safety programmes and products that enhance safety consciousness.
ENETOSH is very glad to cooperate with Ugochi Obidiegwu in the future!

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