ENETOSH Network event during the Belgian OSH week
The European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) is going to carry out a special network event during the Belgian OSH week. The network event will be part of a conference under the Belgian Presidency.
Violence is a challenge that is getting more and more important for teachers and trainers. The event will present different scenarios of violence in educational establishments, especially at school. The new Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work will be introduced. In addition the ETUCE Action Plan on Preventing and Tackling Violence in Schools will be presented. Finally good practice, like the whole school approach, will exemplify how to cope with the challenge of violence.
The event wil take place on 26. November 2010, 9:00-11:00 o’clock at the
Square Conference Centre / European Parliament.
A collection of films related to work safety
This project was initiated by the "Berlin Initiative Healthy Work" after performing a survey at the beginning of 2010. Supported by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and BAuA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), this survey showed a strong request for this kind of media center (by 98% of the participating safety experts).
The collection "Arbeitsschutzfilm" went online in October and contains films from all categories of safety at work. The content is provided by several institutions from Germany and Switzerland. Users of the platform can register, comment the films and give hints to other suitable movies anywhere in the internet, in English and other languages as well.
More information and access to all films on the website (in German) www.arbeitsschutzfilm.de.
What competencies does an instructor or trainer in safety and health need?
This question was investigated in an empirical study carried out by Dresden University of Technology on behalf of the IAG between April 2008 and May 2010. The study was carried out to assess the validity of and further develop the competence standard that was set up within the framework of the EU project ENETOSH in 2007.
Following this study, overviews and checklists for each competence field are available to instructors and trainers including knowledge requirements and behaviour-related requirements (skills and wider competencies). Each competence field is assigned to one of the performance levels of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The ENETOSH Standard has been re-launched on 9th September at the WorkingOnSafety.net Conference, 8-10 September 2010, in Røros, Norway: www.wos2010.no
All documents of the validated standard are now available for download (in English and in German) on this platform, as well as more information on the validation study. Please choose "ENETOSH Standard" from the main menu on the left.
Ready for download
The ENETOSH Newsletter No. 8 is now available. Just click the portlet on the right side to download it (in English or German). If you would like to receive each new edition (the next one will be No 9 in November 2010) automatically via email, you may as well subscribe to our mailing- list by clicking "Newsletter subscribe" below the download-link.
Rethinking transfer: the sustainability of training in occupational health and safety
“Transferring the fire of our event into practice” was the motto of the 10th Training & Innovation event, which took place from 20 – 21 May 2010 at the DGUV Akademie in Dresden and was attended by a total of 65 participants from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Denmark and Canada. Representatives of accident insurance providers came together with participants from companies, universities, ministries and other public institutions as well as private providers of training, research and consultancy to have a frank and high-level exchange of ideas on how to make sure that seminars and training sessions have a more sustainable impact in practice.
For more information, please go to "Training & Innovation" in our main menu on the left.
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)
We are very glad to welcome this new partner to our network. The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is an Industry Federation within the European Trade Union Confederation and an autonomous organisation within the Education International Pan-European Structure. More than 100 Unions, institutions and organizations from 31 different European countries are members of this committee. ETUCE organizes and runs several projects on European level, for example on work-related stress, violence at work, violence and harassment (and cyber-harassment) at schools, gender equality in the education sector and a "European eLearning Forum for Education" (ELFE).
In June 2010 the ETUCE and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) held their first plenary of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in Education which has got Health and Safety issues as a priority topic on the joint agenda.
More information on the ETUCE website.
By the European Agency and the British Safety Council
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work released a new report: "Mainstreaming OSH in university education: challenges and opportunities".
When it comes to integrating OSH into university education, there are a number of particular challenges.
There is often a lack of teaching staff who have expertise in OSH, and a lack of OSH teaching materials suitable for university level. There can be a lack of funds for developing OSH education at universities, compared with schools. And university courses can favour theoretical learning methods over practical, active ones.
This report looks at the challenges of ‘mainstreaming’ or integrating OSH into university courses, as well as providing examples of imaginative ways in which these challenges can be overcome. And it shows that there are examples from around Europe of OSH successfully being made a part of university education.
On the website, the full report can be downloaded (in English).
A fact sheet is available in 22 different languages.

The second interesting report by the British Safety Council, "Ensuring the safety and health of young workers", focuses on the health and safety of young workers and is the second in a series of publications by the British Safety Council in 2010. The reports are designed to share best practice and to increase the understanding of the social, economic and personal consequences of workplace injury and ill health, and the sensible and effective actions that would help prevent such harm. The report shows projects by the BSC and examples from the work life of young workers. Four big companies from different branches were chosen to show their way of dealing with and caring for the safety and health of young workers.
Please visit the website of the BSC and click here to download the report (PDF file) directly.
Second ETUCE project on violence at school
ETUCE (The European Trade Union Committee for Education) started a second project on violence at school: "Teachers concerned about violence at school - cyber-harassment".
Cyber-harassment has more and more developed into a highly discussed topic at schools because it affects teachers at their workplace and their working conditions in a most dangerous way.
In the scope of this project by ETUCE, two surveys have been carried out. A seminar in Brussels, a conference in Bratislava and a special area on the ETUCE teacher's occupational safety and health website complete these activities.
creating an international Community of Practice and Learning
The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has started a new initiative. They are inviting experts in occupational safety and health worldwide to join a new listserv that focuses on preventing and reducing hazardous work for children and youth, age 14 and above.
The role of the listserv is to begin creating an international Community of Practice and Learning (CoPL) around hazardous work and young people. It will connect researchers, educators, policymakers, practitioners, and funders so they can share ideas, ask questions, disseminate practical tools, adapt educational materials, and find opportunities to work together.
After a two month trial phase, ILO IPEC will survey subscribers' views on future directions for the CoPL.
For more information, please send an email to: list-osh-youth@ilo.org or go to the ILO website.
Occupational Health & Safety NETworking in EASTern Europe
AIDII, the Italian Association of Industrial Hygiene is developing the project Occupational Health & Safety NETworking in EASTern Europe - OSH-EASTNET financed by European Commission under IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work".
The overall objective of the OSH-EASTNET action is to share knowledge and good practice between the Italian Association of Industrial Hygienists (AIDII) and National Association of Public Health of Albania, Macedonian Confederation of Employers of Republic of Macedonia - Medical Companies Association, Association for Safety and Health at Work – Serbia, Association of Public Health Research of Turkey with the view of improving OHS practices in the area and to enhance its harmonization with EU standards.
In the first 6 months, four meetings have already been organised (Brussels, Rome, Istanbul, Tirana) with great success.
The next meeting will be held in Rome on 30th September 2010 during the IOHA 2010 Conference.
For more information: www.oshnet.eu, alice.gargiullo@aidii.it
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