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now available in 24 languages

The latest ENETOSH leaflet is now available for download in 24 European languages! These are 22 official languages plus Turkish and Macedonian. Please take a look at the column on the right side of this page. By clicking the appropriate country flag, you can download the leaflet in one of the following languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
Kick off meeting in Poessneck

On 26 January the kick off meeting of the Sifa Network Thuringia took place in Poessneck, Germany. The network aims at fostering the exchange of experience between all actors in the field of OSH-management and supporting continuous vocational training of safety experts. The network has an open loop, everyone who is interested in the work of safety experts is invited to join the network.
The network is under the auspices of ENETOSH. Ulrike Bollmann, coordinator of ENETOSH, underlined the importance of an international exchange of experience and the continuous professionalisation of safety experts. The Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance offers a broad range of seminars to develop the competencies of safety experts. The safety experts come from different branches and the attendants from all over Germany.
Jörg Stojke, director of the BGW Academy in Dresden, pointed out that networking between safety experts is of an increasing importance.
Conducted by The Institute for Work & Health, CA

This review was conducted to find out whether OHS training has a beneficial effect on workers and firms, and whether higher engagement OHS training is more beneficial than lower engagement OHS training. The systematic review team consisted of 16 researchers from the United States and Canada. The review team searched 10 electronic databases for studies of randomized controlled trials published on OHS education or training between 1996-2007. An initial 6,469 articles were identified and reviewed for relevance.

Our eighth Hot Topic is "Violence prevention". You can access this selection of good practice examples with short descriptions and further leading links to projects dealing with this topic by clicking "Hot Topics" in our main menu on the left.
Congress Centre Hannover

The Ethno-Medical Centre (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum) Hannover will host the congress "Demographic change – integration and health for all generations" to celebrate the International Migrant's Day with support of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Sports and Integration and the Federation of Health Insurances, BKK. The congress will take place at the Congress Centre Hannover on 18th December, 2009.
Demographic change and migration are often discussed as problems, as well as their impact on work and health. But if we take a look at the possibilities, the enormous chances for a positive social development become apparent.
Internationally accepted speakers, working in the field of migration, health and demographic change are looking for an intensive exchange of information and experience at national and European level by holding speeches, within workshops and a plenary discussion. A cultural program will complete this International Migrant's Day.
Participation is free of charge, but an application is necessary. Click here for the website and online application form (in German).
From Denmark, the UK and Germany

We are glad to welcome three new partners to our network:

BAR Bygge & Anlæg from Denmark. The Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction is composed of employers, managers and employee organizations within the construction area. It is one of a total of 11 Branchearbejdsmiljøråd.

BRITISH SAFETY COUNCIL. Founded in 1957, the British Safety Council is one of the world's leading health and safety organisations. The council's mission is to keep people healthy and safe at work and to support a healthier, safer and more sustainable society.

University Of Hamburg, Faculty Educational Science, Psychology And Kinesiology, Department Kinesiology And Training Theory
This Faculty is specialized in research and education in the fields of Kinesiology and sports science, biomechanics, sports mechanics, research methods in Kinesiology and training theory, health promotion and tests in motor skills.

> Please choose "Membership/ Member" in the main menu on the left (or click the map on the top right) and then a country to access our member's area and find more information, links and contact data.<
Workshop at A+A 2009

65 participants from 11 different countries attended the workshop “OSH and education - approaches to a successful cooperation”, which took place on the 5th November 2009 during the A+A conference in Düsseldorf. The workshop was organised by the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health, ENETOSH, in co-operation with the statutory accident insurance for the public sector of North-Rhine Westphalia and the expert group on education of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

The ENETOSH newsletter No 7 is available and ready for download in English and German. Please click the link "Newsletter Download" on the right side of this page.
Competence framework for VET professions

This handbook of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP has been produced to support practitioners and decision-makers, such as teachers, trainers and administrators, in their efforts to support the professional development and well-being of VET professionals and organisations.
Existing descriptions of the competences of teaching professionals mainly encompass those working in general education. This handbook is an attempt to capture the fast-evolving and complex activities and competences required of those working within vocational education and training.
The Handbook can be dowloaded from the CEDEFOP website.
Report on award ceremony

On 1st October 2009, the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) received the LEONARDO Award 2009: Innovation in Practice.
Before an audience of 500 in the crowded civic centre in Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Weiß, permanent representative of the President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB) presented the award to Dr. Ulrike Bollmann and Dr. Dirk Windemuth of the Institute Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), who, in their role as co-ordinators, accepted it on behalf of all the partners in the ENETOSH network.
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