New report by Cedefop
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) published a new report on lifelong learning: "Learning while working".
Companies wish to improve their employees’ skills for a specific job, employees have an interest in developing skills that can generally raise their career and employment prospects. Adult learning in the workplace brings a fundamental contribution to lifelong learning strategies, flexicurity and employment policies, it also supports policy measures for increasing enterprises’ capacity for innovation, competitiveness and adaptation to sectoral changes.
This report calls for strong synergies between policies and programmes for innovation, research, enterprise development and training, which should go hand-in-hand. It is based on previous research undertaken by Cedefop between 2003 and 2010.
More information and the full report for download are available on the Cedefop website.
We have a new "Hot Topic" online. It is our HT #10: Demographic Change. In the future, the demographic change will start to increase its influence on all areas of life. Companies will have to deal with problems and challenges caused by this development - more elder workers, special, age- related injuries, risks and illnesses. Because of this, the demographic change will affect occupational safety and health as well.
Hot Topics are a collection of good practice examples - all of them are as well included in our TOOLBOX, some presented in the GOOD PRACTICE area. These collections are supposed to put a spotlight on a special topic. Take a look at all our Hot Topics by clicking the link in the main menu on the left.
priorities for modernisation of higher education in Europe
The European Commission plans to adopt a new Communication on the modernisation of higher education in the third quarter of 2011 to provide strategic direction for the development of European higher education in the next ten years. This new Communication will revisit and update the existing Communication on modernisation of higher education, which was adopted in 2006.
In preparation to this, you can participate in an interactive policy making online consultation on priorities for modernisation of higher education in Europe: education, research and innovation.
The process of public consultation is an effective instrument for political participation at the European level. Here you have the opportunity to draw attention to your concerns of the integration of safety and health in the university on curricular and organizational level.
The consultation can be accessed here, either as an online questionnaire or PDF file.
Winners from the education sector
At an awarding ceremony in Brussels, the European Safety Charter, an Initiative by the European Commission, awarded seven organisations which have undertaken specific commitments to reduce the number of road fatalities in their communities. The winners were selected from more than 500 signatories of the Road Safety Charter following an evaluation made by the Commission. Two of the winners have been undertaking special educational efforts for road safety:
1. In the institutions category, MATERSKÁ ŠKOLA DÉNEŠOVA, a kindergarten in Slovakia, committed to teaching children, in partnership with their parents, how to behave safely on the road. The kindergarten is located in Košice, east part of Slovakia. The awarded project is called ¨Bezpečne na ceste¨ (Safety on the road). More information here.
2. In the local and regional authorities' category, AYUNTAMIENTO DE VERÍN & CÂMERA MUNICIPAL DE CHAVES, two municipalities on the border between Spain and Portugal, committed to carry out together road safety education courses targeted at different risk groups and to launch a common road safety prevention campaign on both sides of the border. More information on this project here (Verin City Council, Spain) and here (Chaves City Hall, Portugal).
For more information on Excellence in Road Safety Awards, the other winners and the European Road Safety Charter, please go to All links in this article lead to the website of the European Road Safety Charter.

From Albania
We are glad to welcome a new member from a new member country to our network: Frosina Gjino, Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Directorate of the Albanian State Labour Inspectorate (SLI).
This directorate covers two sectors in the headquarters office and 12 Regional Directories in every district of Albania (The number of the staff covered by this directory is 170 persons). Mrs. Gjino is the Focal Point in Albania for European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Bilbao Spain.
The State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) is a central public institution, under the Minister of Labour Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, which is composed by the General Directorate on central level, regional directorates and local labour inspection offices. SLI is managed by the Inspector General who is the highest executive authority and responses to the Minister of Labour Social Affers and Equal Opportunities.
For more information, please visit the partner's page in our member's area here.
mini-grant program by IIECL
The International Initiative to End Child Labour (IIECL), in collaboration with the Emily Sandall Foundation, is now accepting applications for mini-grants in the spring and fall of 2011.
Young persons, adults, teachers, schools, students or non-governmental organizations who had an interest or is working with children and/or youth and need a small amount of funds to support a project idea to help end exploitative child labor, can apply for this award.
Emily grant applications are being accepted until midnight on March 31, 2010. Four mini-grants will be awarded in the spring of 2011. Individual awards are a maximum of $500 US. Emily grant application guidelines are very easy to follow. Each application received will be given full consideration.
For further information regarding the application process, please refer to the Emily Sandall Grants section of the website Reports of past award grantees are contained on the website as well.
Students, youth, young adults and teachers are encouraged to apply. Be creative with your ideas as to how to raise awareness and promote education to end child labor at your school and/or local community!
From Portugal
The Ordem dos Engenheiros (Association of Engineers), is active on two levels: nationwide, covering territories on the mainland and the autonomous regions of Azores and Madeira, and regional. Since 1992 the Order started to be represented in five regions and 12 colleges.
The association gives priority to the progress of engineering in its various areas throughout the national territory. The activities of the association covers holding of national conferences and other events such as symposia and seminars, as well as a systematic disclosure of publications of scientific and technical papers produced by the community of Engineers. Seminars, courses and other training as well as the existence of an updated library are examples of activities with major impact on training of engineers.
ETUCE study on work-related stress
ETUCE (The European Trade Union Committee for Education) is seeking for research institutes who are able to carry out a study in 500 schools in the EU/EFTA countries on teachers' work-related stress. Therefore, ETUCE has opened a call for subcontracting external expertise for a European-wide survey – assessment, comparison and evaluation of the impact of psychosocial factors on teachers at their workplace in the EU. Replies are expected by 15/12/10.
Please click here for the call for tenders (PDF file).
Riga Technical University
We are very glad to welcome the 50th member to the ENETOSH network: Riga Technical University! Our network now consists of 50 members from 21 different countries!
Riga Technical University is an accredited, internationally recognized European level university offering a wide range of academic and professional degree programmes across various fields of study. Several faculties of the Riga Technical University integrate occupational safety and health into their studies - for bachelor degree, master degree and, in the future, even for the doctoral degree.
Prof. Janis Ievins and Assist. Prof. Janis Berzins came to Dresden and signed the membership form in person. Click here for a picture of this visit.
Report for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum
The ILO estimates that unemployment is up by more than 30 million worldwide since 2007. The number of unemployed youth increased by 8.5 million between 2008 and 2009, the largest year-on-year increase in at least ten years. Against this sombre economic background, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems worldwide are under pressure to deal with a host of employment and workplace challenges.
On the ILO website, the complete report for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on Vocational Education and Training (29–30 September 2010 at the International Labour Office, Geneva) is available, as well as an interview with the ILO specialists Bill Ratteree and Michael Axmann about how TVET systems can respond to these challenges.
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