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Everyday heroes awarded

The film "Alltagshelden" (Everyday heroes) has been awarded twice at the International Film and Video Festival "World Media Festival" in May 2011 in Hamburg. "Alltagshelden" won the price in the category "Education", as well as the Intermedia-globe Gold Award.
The festival involved over 300 respondents (production companies, agencies and clients) from 35 countries, including big names such as ARTE, ORF, University of Tokyo and NATO Headquarters.
The film "Alltagshelden" was produced on behalf of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and is the dominant part of the campaign "Jugend will sich erleben" (Youth wants self-experience) by the DGUV. The film shows a normal work day of three slightly different young workers - Michael, Micky and Mike. They encounter the same situations and risks, but their actions and reactions are completely different. The main goal of the film is to motivate young trainees to deal with issues of safety and health at work, on the road and in their leisure time. Producer, screenwriter and director of the film is Thomas Plonsker, Plonsker media GmbH.
You can watch the whole film here.
For more information, please visit the website of the World Media Festival and the webite of the "Youth wants self-experience" campaign.

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