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First Aid

Our seventh "Hot Topic" is online and can be visited by clicking "Hot Topics" on the left inside the main menu. Our "Hot Topics" are supposed to put a focus on a special topic - this time it is "First Aid".
ENETOSH workshop within the congress

The international Congress on Occupational Health and Safety (A+A), the largest national and international meeting for specialists in the field of safety, health and workplace design will take place at Düsseldorf, Germany, from 3rd til 6th November, 2009.
Within the scope of the A+A, the workshop "OSH and education - approaches to a successful cooperation" will take place on Thursday, 5th November 2009, 9:15 - 12:15 o'clock, at the international Congress A+A in Düsseldorf, Germany. The event will be carried out by ENETOSH in co-operation with the Statutory accident insurance for the public sector of the "Bundesland" North-Rhine Westfalia and the Expert group on Education of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).
Click here for the programme in English or German.
More information on A+A: www.aplusa-online.de
new project and product portal for Leonardo da Vinci

ADAM is a new web portal by Leonardo da Vinci, which is part of the European education and training programme "Life-long Learning". All projects, products and results produced by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme are presented on this web platform with descriptions, further information and web links. The ADAM portal is a comprehensive database with a list of all projects and an "extended search" function that makes it easy to browse and find all projects and products. All information is available English, German and French.
Please click here for the ADAM website or ENETOSH on ADAM
New area on ENETOSH.NET

This new area (see new menu item on the left) is supposed to put a special focus on examples of good practice that are using modern communication technologies such as e- learning, web platforms, podcasting or social networks (e.g. Facebook). This new menu item will lead you to a selection of projects and the links to their online activities. This selection will be growing and cannot be complete, of course.
Two new projects are in this list, too:
The "Young people at work" - website by Health and Safety Executive HSE has been relaunched and rebranded, with a new design and a better navigation. This website offers a health and safety podcast especially for young people.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA launched the new website "Teen Safety and Risk" including a special Facebook group.
ENETOSH project awarded

The European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health ENETOSH received the LEONARDO- Award 2009: Innovation in practice. The National Agency Education for Europe at the BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training has awarded three outstanding projects each from GRUNDTVIG and LEONARDO DA VINCI for the first time. The prize is supposed to award outstanding projects of high practical relevance.
Susanne Burger from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, chair of the jury, declared: The jury was especially positive about the project results that have been developed by the coordinator Institute Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance in cooperation with all partners of the project. The jury appreciated explicitly the impact in practice achieved by the commitment and expertise of the partners.
The award ceremony will take place in the scope of the annual conference of the National Agency at Bonn Bad Godesberg on 1. - 2. October. Please click here for the programme of the conference.
Global Partnership

The Robert W. Campbell Award is organized by the US National Safety Council (NSC) and supported by a network of 22 global partners across five continents. We are proud to announce that ENETOSH has become a member recently.
The international Award recognizes organizations that have successfully integrated health, safety and environmental management into their overall business operations. These cases, demonstrating health and safety and economic productivity have been converted to be used as resources for engineering and business schools, and to promote partnerships with business schools and cooperation with professors.
ENETOSH will support the Award’s work by promoting it and nominating candidates to serve on the international panel of reviewers.
More information: www.campbellaward.org
From Denmark and Romania

We are glad to welcome three new partners to our network:
The Confederation of Professionals in Denmark FTF, the trade union confederation for 450,000 public and private employees, making it the second biggest of Denmark's three main unions and a major actor in the Danish labour market, with its close on three million wage earners.
Erik Findalen, Director of the Technical School Hansenberg, Kolding Denmark. HANSENBERG is a modern educational institution with 150 years of experience in vocational training. The school offers a wide range of education and training programmes.
Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" from Iasi, Romania. The University has 11 of faculties for different fields of engineering.
New ENETOSH Partner is the Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Technical University.
Integrating risk concepts into undergraduate engineering courses

This report describes a joint project conducted by HSL and the University of Liverpool Engineering Department to integrate risk concepts into their undergraduate engineering course. The project defined risk education learning outcomes that can be integrated into an undergraduate engineering curriculum and implementing them by merging new teaching materials (involving real accident case studies) into core engineering modules. The report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The report was compiled by Nicola Stacey and Chris Simpson from HSL and Dr. Graham Schleyer from the University of Liverpool and is available for download on the HSE website.

Eight organisations and companies were honoured with an award at the ninth annual European Good Practice competition organised within the Healthy Workplaces campaign on risk assessment. The winners and commended entries all promoted good safety and health practices in workplace risk assessment, illustrated in the Good Practice Booklet.
Hundreds of entries from all over Europe were received, covering organisations of all sizes and sectors and subject to a wide variety of risk factors. The Good Practice Booklet gives details of the eight winning and nine commended entries.
In selecting the examples, the judging panel was looking for solutions that show innovative and sustainable ways to tackled risks at source, solutions that go beyond simple compliance with legislation and that actively involve the workforce and demonstrate that risk assessment is linked to a broader occupational safety and health policy.
The award winners included a partnership approach from Romania to create a safe and healthy school. The case can be read in the report.
Please click here for: The announcment | The booklet | TV footage of the winners | Photos of the award ceremony (all links leading to the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and opening a new browser window)
"be healthy - be yourself"

The European Commission is about to launch a new campaign to encourage young people to become more proactive in protecting their health.
Health is rarely a top priority for young people. And yet some health problems - related to obesity, alcohol, tobacco and drugs - often start at an early age. So it is important to address young people in an appropriate way. This new initiative offers a website in 22 languages to raise awareness for safety and health - with a competiton and a youth health blog to share experiences and opinions on health matters such as school sports, sex and nutritional education and local health issues. The EU is trying to address these different issues and encourage young people to become active partners in promoting their health.
More information on the website of the European Commission and the website of the Youth Health Initiative.
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