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Asbestos became increasingly popular among manufacturers and builders in the late 19th century because of its sound absorption, average tensile strength, and its resistance to fire, heat, electrical and chemical damage. It was used in such applications as electrical insulation for hotplate wiring and in building insulation.
This serious risk for worker's health is closely linked to construction safety. Although materials containing asbestos are out of use in the construction sector, workers have to deal with this very dangerous substance in demolition works or reconstruction projects. Another risk is the long-term problem because of the causation of serious the illnesses even many years after contamination.
In our collection of good practice examples, we have a number of projects dealing with this problem. The new Hot Topic shows a list of these examples. Please choose "Hot Topics" in the main menu on the left to access this new one, as well as our other Hot Topics.
European project demographic change

Nineteen partner institutions from eight countries around the Baltic Sea launched this project: Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.
With demographic change - recently defined as one of the four key challenges for European regions by the EC - and the current economic crisis looming, the cities and regions of the BSR have to find creative ways of disclosing and utilizing unused opportunities.
One of these hidden potentials are people in the prime of their lives – the so called “Best Agers” (defined in the project as people aged 55 and older).
As previous projects have shown, the population of the Baltic Sea Region will rapidly become older and the 55+ age groups will experience large growth rates in the near future. The result will be a pool of older professionals who are healthier than ever, well-educated and motivated and who can be mobilised to counteract the negative effects of demographic change –shrinking regional workforces and the socalled "brain drain". The project will survey successful approaches and goodpractice examples, develop them further and transfer them to the partner regions with low-key Best Ager involvement.
Part of the project are also conferences and events, press releases, a website and a Facebook page, a Webinar-sequence for business planning and a newsletter. A special Mentor Programme in Denmark has already educated more that 80 mentors for young employees.
More information on the project and activities: www.best-agers-project.eu | Facebook page of Best Agers
"The mobility challenge"

Under the lead of ENETOSH this years workshop will deal with cross-border mobility and the recognition of qualifications. The workshop is part of the 32nd International Congress on Occupational Health and Safety (A+A) Safety, health, ergonomics in Düsseldorf and will take place on 19th October 2011. The aim of the workshop is to provide the participants with information about initiatives aiming to facilitate and stimulate cross-border mobility such as the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), the harmonization of professional qualifications e.g. in the area of medical education and continuous professional development of physicians and their specialized staff and the recent development of a European professional card.
These three approaches will be outlined by different speeches. In addition a market place with projects and good practice examples of how to improve the comparability and the acknowledgement of qualifications in Europe in different sectors will be carried out. A round table discussion will complete the workshop. Simultaneous translation will be provided in English and German.

More information about A+A International Congress: http://www.aplusa.de
Film produced on behalf of DGUV

The film "Alltagshelden" (Everyday heroes) has been awarded twice at the International Film and Video Festival "World Media Festival" in May 2011 in Hamburg. "Alltagshelden" won the price in the category "Education", as well as the Intermedia-globe Gold Award.
The festival involved over 300 respondents (production companies, agencies and clients) from 35 countries, including big names such as ARTE, ORF, University of Tokyo and NATO Headquarters.
The film "Alltagshelden" was produced on behalf of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and is the dominant part of the campaign "Jugend will sich erleben" (Youth wants self-experience) by the DGUV. The film shows a normal work day of three slightly different young workers - Michael, Micky and Mike. They encounter the same situations and risks, but their actions and reactions are completely different. The main goal of the film is to motivate young trainees to deal with issues of safety and health at work, on the road and in their leisure time. Producer, screenwriter and director of the film is Thomas Plonsker, Plonsker media GmbH.
You can watch the whole film here.
For more information, please visit the website of the World Media Festival and the webite of the "Youth wants self-experience" campaign.
A project from Greece

In Greece, the number of youth driving fatalities is the highest in Europe. Young Safe Drivers, a Greek Non-Profit Organization, wants to promote responsible safe driving through in depth research and education. The organization is dedicated to finding innovative methods through mobile phone software development and education that can be implemented not only in Greece but internationally. The overall goal is to prevent distracted driving and promote safety on all Greek roads.
The website and a Smartphone App preventing mobile phone use while driving is the answer to a safer driving network through out our world. The App, which is available for Android and Windows devices, blocks incoming and outgoing calls and texts while an automobile is in motion, the GPS software is activated when a vehicle reaches a given speed. Incoming calls are diverted to voicemail, incoming texts receive a response “I am driving, please try me later”. The App is globally accessible, easily downloaded, has parameters and many features, can allow specific calls, is activated by username & password, has remote accessibility and permits designated numbers and emergency calls.
More information on the website: www.youngsafedrivers.com
New Member of the ENETOSH network

The European Organisation for Stress Hazard Evaluation is a non-profit organization founded in Sweden with the aim to help reducing European occupational stress related costs: human costs to workers and their families, business costs to organisations and companies and costs to society. To achieve this aim, EurOSHE provides companies and public sector with tailor made Psychosocial Risk Management following the European framework (PRIMA-EF).
Psychosocial Risk Management starts with the identification of problems and an assessment of the risk that they pose: Psychosocial/Stress Hazard Evaluation.
EurOSHE’s aim is also to promote and support the scientific development of psychosocial risk management and its border areas, and to support research and education within this field.
For more information, please take a look at the partner's page of EurOSHE.
New partner in our network

We are glad to welcome the 53rd member to the ENETOSH network: the Zagreb University College of Safety (Visoka škola za sigurnost), Centre for Electronic Education. We now have members from 23 different countries!
The primary activity of the Zagreb University College of Applied Sciences in Safety, is the higher education of Safety experts in the area of Safety at Work, Fire Protection and Environmental Protection. The university wants to spread ideas and transfer knowledge of modern integrated approach to safety through education and training of safety experts, labour representatives, employers and their beneficiaries.
Click here for the partner's page of the University College.
New report by Cedefop

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) published a new report on lifelong learning: "Learning while working".
Companies wish to improve their employees’ skills for a specific job, employees have an interest in developing skills that can generally raise their career and employment prospects. Adult learning in the workplace brings a fundamental contribution to lifelong learning strategies, flexicurity and employment policies, it also supports policy measures for increasing enterprises’ capacity for innovation, competitiveness and adaptation to sectoral changes.
This report calls for strong synergies between policies and programmes for innovation, research, enterprise development and training, which should go hand-in-hand. It is based on previous research undertaken by Cedefop between 2003 and 2010.
More information and the full report for download are available on the Cedefop website.

We have a new "Hot Topic" online. It is our HT #10: Demographic Change. In the future, the demographic change will start to increase its influence on all areas of life. Companies will have to deal with problems and challenges caused by this development - more elder workers, special, age- related injuries, risks and illnesses. Because of this, the demographic change will affect occupational safety and health as well.
Hot Topics are a collection of good practice examples - all of them are as well included in our TOOLBOX, some presented in the GOOD PRACTICE area. These collections are supposed to put a spotlight on a special topic. Take a look at all our Hot Topics by clicking the link in the main menu on the left.
priorities for modernisation of higher education in Europe

The European Commission plans to adopt a new Communication on the modernisation of higher education in the third quarter of 2011 to provide strategic direction for the development of European higher education in the next ten years. This new Communication will revisit and update the existing Communication on modernisation of higher education, which was adopted in 2006.
In preparation to this, you can participate in an interactive policy making online consultation on priorities for modernisation of higher education in Europe: education, research and innovation.
The process of public consultation is an effective instrument for political participation at the European level. Here you have the opportunity to draw attention to your concerns of the integration of safety and health in the university on curricular and organizational level.
The consultation can be accessed here, either as an online questionnaire or PDF file.
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