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Sub-Directorate General for Health and Safety at Work, Ministry of Enterprise and Labour of the Government of Catalonia

We are glad to welcome a new member to the ENETOSH network. Our network now has 60 members from 25 different countries.
The Sub-Directorate General for Health and Safety at Work of the Ministry of Enterprise and Labour is part of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya). The sub-directorate longs to increase awareness for Safety and Health at work, provides information and publications on occupational risks and how to prevent them, about accidents and occupational diseases, and about organization and management in prevention. It also manages the registry of reported work-related accidents in Catalonia and OSH data source, and provides specialised health and safety advice and support to businesses and other institutions.
Furthermore, the sub-directorate offers and promotes training, promotion and campaigns on safety and health at work on national level, and takes part in specific European campaigns.
For more information, please visit the sub-directorate's website.
The Mobility Challenge: Comparison and recognition of qualifications in health and safety in Europe

The advance of globalization has resulted in cross-border mobility of workers becoming an important topic in occupational safety and health (OSH). Aspects such as migration, multinational corporations and free movement of workers have an increasingly important role to play in health and safety. This event focused on the comparison and recognition of qualifications in health and safety in Europe.
More than thirty experts from all over Europe attended this workshop, which was held in the scope of the International Congress at A+A in Duesseldorf. The event was chaired by Dr David Gold (Gold-Knecht Associates, Switzerland) and Dr Ulrike Bollmann (ENETOSH). The workshop was divided into three parts: lectures and keynotes highlighting several aspects of the mobility challenge, three fora on the topics competence, safety card and construction, and finally a round table discussion.
Please click here for a report of the workshop, including handouts, presentations and pictures.
New network member from Russia

We are glad to announce that the OSH Training Centre "Uchebny Kombinat" in St. Petersburg, Russia, has joined our network as a new member. OSH Institute “Uchebny Combinat”, Kalinina 22 is one of the oldest OSH Institutes in St. Petersburg.
The main mission of the Institute “Uchebny Combinat” is to provide a wide range of high-quality OHS services targeted on improving of working conditions and assisting in creation of safe and health workplaces.
About 65 years the institute successfully provides training, consultation and information services in different spheres of OSH and related issues including vocational training for employers, employees, safety officers and OSH specialists and managers for Saint Petersburg, Leningrad region and other regions of Russia. Over 12 000 customers get services provided by the “Uchebny Combinat” annually.
For more information, please have a look at our member's area or the Training Centre's website.
26 November 2010, European Parliament, Brussels

Violence in the Education Sector

Thirty education and OSH experts at the ENETOSH Network Event “Violence in the Education Sector” quickly reach consensus: There must be a joint, holistic approach to preventing violence in schools.
Prof. Peter Smith from Goldsmith, University of London explained what is exactly meant by violence, bullying and cyberbullying in schools. Focus was placed on the “Multi-sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-party Violence and Harassment Related to Work” adopted in July 2010 due to the fact that the risk of experiencing both violence and harassment is greatest in the education and health sectors (EWCS 2005, Chapter 4). Penny Clark, Head of EU policy of the European Federation for Public Service Unions (EPSU) talked about the special conditions under which violence and harassment occur in the public sector. She also discussed the possibility of introducing measures for preventing violence as early as childhood.

57 partners from 25 countries and 601 examples of good practice from 39 countries in our toolbox - it was a good year for ENETOSH!
Press release By the European Transport Safety Council

Young people are among the groups facing the highest risks of dying while on the road: 140,000 young people aged 15 to 30 have lost their lives on European roads since 2001; 9150 of them in 2010. This age group represents 20% of the population of the EU, but makes up 30% of the total number of road deaths. Mortality of young people - number of deaths divided by population - is 69% higher than the corresponding figure for people of all other ages. The latest Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Flash also reveals that young males are a particularly problematic group, making up 81% of the number of young people killed on EU roads.
Portugal, Latvia and Spain lead the pack in reducing the number of young people road deaths. Good progress was also made in Sweden, The Netherlands and Switzerland, who have become the safest countries in terms of young people killed per young inhabitants. Young people in these countries benefited not only from measures specific to young people but also from general road safety measures, enforcement efforts and improvements in infrastructure.
For more information, the full press release, the full PIN Flash and to sign up to receive upcoming PIN publications by email, please visit the ETSC website.
Report of the event available online

On 30 June 2011, a seminar on Youth and Employment was hosted by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, and jointly organised by four European agencies: Cedefop, ETF, EU-OSHA and Eurofound. Following an invitation of EU-OSHA, ENETOSH attended this event as an observer.
During the seminar, the agencies highlighted the complementarity of their work by each presenting different aspects and perspectives related to youth employment in Europe and its neighbourhood countries. Topics included the transition from education to the workplace, guidance for young people at risk, safe and decent jobs for young people, the 'NEETs' phenomenon and its economic costs, the active inclusion of disadvantaged young people in employment and the global dimension of youth employment.
On the website of Eurofond, the report is available for download, as well as full speaker presentations.
New members in our network

We are glad to welcome the UKH as a new member to the ENETOSH network. The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse (UKH) is a regional institution of the statutory accident insurance for the public sector. In the Federal state Hesse of Germany, it is responsible for the insurance of a total of approximately 2.2 million Hesse employees and workers of the Hessian public service, volunteers, employees in relief services, private nursing staff, children in day care, pupils in public schools, students in vocational schools, students and private household workers.
„Prevention of occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health risks of apprentices and young employees in SMEs“

The project covers different sectors, such as hotel and restaurant industry, wood processing, metal working and plastic industry and aims at promoting occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises. It is based on the “10 keys to success” for a small enterprise in the area of prevention that are supposed to help owners and employees make their companies and workplaces safer and healthier.
Target groups are employees and employers in SMEs as well as stakeholders. One of the main target groups is teachers and trainers. The project website (in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian) offers examples of good practice, ideas, contents and tools, which may be used in the practice of SMEs.
This is a joint project of several partners: International Social Security Association (ISSA), British Safety Council, CRAM Alsace-Moselle (France), Bilateral Agency for Tourism in the Venetian Area (Italy), Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA), Prevent Belgium, German social accident insurance institution for the woodworking and metalworking industries (BGHM), BGN (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry), German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Raw Materials and Chemical Industry (BG RCI) and DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance).
More information on the website.
from Romania

We are glad to welcome a new member to our network: the National Research & Development Institute on Occupational Safety – INCDPM ”Alexandru Darabont” in Bucharest. The institute has been carrying out continuous activities for more than 50 years now, dedicated to education and research in the prevention of occupational risks, the legal grounding of industrial safety, occupational safety and development of the training system in this area, as well as in development of practical solutions and technical assistance to enterprises to improve working conditions. More information in our member's area and on the institute's website.
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