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7th November at A+A in Düsseldorf, Germany

The 23 ENETOSH Network Meeting and Workshop “How to reach young people?” will take place in the scope of A+A "36th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health - SAFETY – HEALTH – ERGONOMICS" on 7th November in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The workshop is a follow-up event to the joint EU-OSHA – ENETOSH Workshop in Bilbao on musculoskeletal health for children and young workers. EU-OSHA has recently published the results of this workshop here.
Please find the confirmation form for participating the workshop here. If you are interested in participating, please send the filled in confirmation form to us by 7th October at the latest.
The complete A+A Congress program can be found here.
seminar summary now available

EU-OSHA in collaboration with ENETOSH (European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health) organised a seminar addressing the issue of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among young people and workers. The seminar was organised in the framework of an OSH overview project on MSDs and with a view to the upcoming Healthy Workplaces campaign ‘Lighten the Load’, to start in October 2020.
The event served as an awareness-raising activity on the need to promote good musculoskeletal health at an early age. Participants exchanged ideas in small groups led by experts on four different aspects: research, policy (OSH – ergonomics), practice (mainstreaming OSH into education), and communication (body self-perception).
On the website of EU-OSHA, reports on the main conclusions from each workshop are available now, as well as information on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, a practical guide for small businesses on psychosocial risks, stress and musculoskeletal disorders and information on mainstreaming OSH into education.
Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (IAA)

We are glad to welcome a new member to the ENETOSH network, which now has 93 institutional or individual members from 37 countries.
The Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (IAA) from Germany is an institution of experts, occupational physicians, company doctors, safety engineers and specialists for work safety with more than 20 years of experience in the support of companies in all industries. The Institute offers professional expert advice, helps to check regularly and train employees in work protection in a sustainable manner and provides risk assessments for all sectors (physical stress).
More information on the institute's website or in our members area.
published in Prevention Science Magazine

Talking Safety, a foundational curriculum in occupational safety and health, is a project run by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This curriculum, maintained by the NIOSH Safe • Skilled • Ready Workforce Program, is the culmination of many years’ work by a consortium of partners dedicated to reducing occupational injuries and illnesses among youth.
In March 2019, Prevention Science, the Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research, published a multilevel evaluation of the Talking Safety Curriculum for Middle Schools and High Schools by Rebecca J. Guerin (author), Andrea H. Okun, John P. Barile, James G. Emshoff, Michelle D. Ediger and Devin S. Baker.
This study evaluates the effectiveness of a foundational curriculum from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Talking Safety, to change adolescents’ workplace safety and health knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention to engage in workplace safety actions. The study also examines the impact of teacher fidelity of curriculum implementation on student outcomes. A multilevel evaluation, based on a modified theory of planned behavior, was conducted in 2016 with 1748 eighth-graders in Miami-Dade, Florida.
Get access to the full article here, to the "Talking Safety" curriculum here.
for mental resilience of Flemish youth

The Flanders Institute of Healthy Living launched a new tool to increase the mental resilience of adolescents (NokNok). Using a combination of online coaching, mental health tips, and exercises, it motivates and stimulates adolescents to strengthen their mental wellbeing and resilience. On this newly developed interactive coaching platform, adolescents learn how to cope with stressors, to improve their self-confidence and to develop a positive vision on life. The tool is easily accessible and young people can use it on their own pace.
The NokNok platform uses gamification elements to motivate and re-enforce young people. Colourful monsters play a major role in the look and feel of the website. Each of the NokNok characters has their own personality and give advice and tips on mental health. NokNok visitors create their own unique monster when setting up their account. Each one lives in its own NokNok-room which can be completely personalised. Users can choose things like pineapple wallpaper, inspiring quotes on the wall, cool plants, and unicorns as pets. The more progress youngsters make on the platform, the more decoration options they unlock to style their personal NokNok space.
More information and access to the platform on www-noknok.be
main challenges and strategies in OSH educational programs

„How can OSH programs enhance the OSH experts and professionals’ capacities?” was one of the leading questions at the International Seminar on OSH Educational Programs that took place within the scope of Korea’s 52nd National Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Week on July 3rd 2019 in Seoul organized by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA).
Commissioner Silas Sng from the Ministry of Manpower, Singapore; Alan Stevens, Head of Global Engagement & Partnerships at IOSH, UK; Young Bok Bae, Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Training Institute, OSHTI of KOSHA, Korea; and Dr Ulrike Bollmann, Head of International Cooperation at the Institute for Work and Health of the DGUV, Germany, presented the main challenges and strategies in the OSH educational programs in their countries. The session was moderated by Dr. In Jae Shin, Director General, Occupational Safety and Health Training Institute, KOSHA, who is a member of the ENETOSH Steering Committee.

in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Each year, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) seeks out speakers from around the globe to provide world-class education on topics important to IH/OH professionals.
Through collaborations with Dr. Ulrike Bollmann (ENETOSH), Dr. Thomas Fuller (Illinois State University), and Lester Claravall (Oklahoma Department of Labor), an abstract was put together discussing the ENETOSH ‘mainstreaming OSH into education’ concept. From the hundreds of abstracts submitted to the AIHA, “Global Occupational Safety and Health Education and Mainstreaming Collaborations” was one of the abstracts accepted. Fuller and Claravall co-presented this topic during the AIHce EXP 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The presentation identified OSH curricula for various educational levels, described the global need for expanded OSH education to build OSH professional competence, and identified new areas where OSH curricula might be applied in their organizations. In addition, Fuller discussed the ENETOSH / IOHA collaborations taking place between the two international organizations.
As a representative for ENETOSH, Claravall shared the current state of the art of the ENETOSH web platform and good practice examples. In addition, Claravall shared the ENETOSH model (see fig.1).
Fuller and Claravall fielded great questions from an international crowd of about 50 participants. At the conclusion of the session, many of the participants complimented how they liked the presentation because it introduced them to new insights they didn’t think about previously. The IH/OH professionals also had the opportunity to see firsthand how the ENETOSH model is currently being practiced in Oklahoma via curriculum policy and via the nation’s first ‘mainstreaming OSH into education” law (Senate Bill 262) passed in Oklahoma.
now available on nextskills.org

The full Future Skills Report 2019 is now available as a 69-pages PDF file and ready for download on nextskills.org.
How will higher education institutions have to position in order to prepare future graduates for the changing society and future work place? The Future Skill Report is based on a number of prior research studies on future skills – future learning and future higher education. It presents validated concept and elaborates a model of future skills, data on future learning and consolidated scenarios for future higher education.
The results presented from this Delphi survey are taking a broader view and go beyond digital skill demands. The approach elaborates on an experts’ informed vision of future higher education (HE), taking into account the demand for future skills, outlines the four signposts of change which will shape the learning revolution in higher education and presents a first model of future skills for future graduates.
This Delphi Survey is part of the Research Initiative on “Future Skills – Future Learning and Future Higher Education”, which started in 2015. It includes research on learning and change on organizations pathways to the future, their conceptions of the future workplace and the definitions of futures skills and involves data- and methodological triangulation in three separate modules building on each other.
a UNESCO Chair and UNITWIN Network

A new world-wide initiative in school health and safety promotion was launched for the coming four years at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris: the Global Health & Education.
This initiative provides a framework for participating universities to share their interests with partner organisations and institutions - for example, ENETOSH - in creating a new culture linking health and education. This initiative’s connections to UN agencies - both UNESCO and WHO - and its deep roots in existing international networks positions it as a strategic resource for knowledge production, knowledge transfer and capacity building at a global level.
The initiative will make a contribution to policy and practice by developing international research projects, translating research evidence, strengthening capacitybuilding and - within both institutions and networks - offering support to policymakers and practitioners at a global level. In particular, the goal of this network is to promote research and training while contributing to building, interpreting and disseminating a knowledge base in the field of health education and health promotion in schools.
As this new network is a unique opportunity for ENETOSH to disseminate the concept of ‘good healthy schools’ by sharing experiences and learning from other initiatives around the world linking health and education in school safety and health promotion, ENETOSH will be part of the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education initiative.
More information on the UNESCO CHAIR website.
at OSHAfrica

The Board of Trustees is an eight-man Governing Board of OSHAfrica, represented by highly qualified African Occupational Safety and Health professionals with equal representation from all sub regions of Africa in line with global gender equality framework and inclusivity which gives equal opportunity to every member irrespective of gender differences and physical disability or inability. The Board of Trustees now has established a new Training Advisory Council (TAC).
This new TAC consists of experts in OSH training from Africa and Europe and is supposed to leverage OSHAfrica's training programs to the desired level. At the beginning of 2019, a concept note for the three OSH Certification courses that were approved by the Board was finalized. The new Training Advisory Council will take over from the approved concept note and facilitate the development and implementation of these courses.
Prof Amani Waheed from Suez Canal University in Egypt will head this council and she will be assisted by Mr Joseph David Magee from the UK. Furthermore, the council consists of the following experts: Khayongo Barbra from Uganda, Prof Ntakirutimana Theoneste from Rwanda, Dr P Chitagu from Zimbabwe, Dr Aiweresia Vera Ngowi from Tanzania, Dapo Omolade from Nigeria, and Dr Ulrike Bollmann from Germany.
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