European Association for Injury and Safety Promotion
Every half an hour a young person dies of a fatal injury in Europe. This adds up to 20,000 young people losing their lives each year. Twice as many young people die of fatal injuries than all other causes of death combined such as cancer and diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems. Yet according to the European AdRisk project, much can be done to prevent injuries among 15-24 year olds by understanding and addressing their risk-taking behaviour.
The EC financed AdRisk project, ‘Community Action on Adolescents and Risk- Taking’, now launched a package of materials and information targeted at policy- makers, stakeholders and professionals at both the European and national levels to help save the lives of Europe’s young people.
Our Newsletter No. 6 is now available. Please click the portlet on the right side to either download it (in English, German, French, Danish, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Czech, Finish or Lithuanian) or subscribe to our mailing- list.
The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) is the European Industry Federation for the construction industry, the building materials industry, the wood and furniture industry and the forestry industry. The EFBWW has 68 affiliated unions in 27 countries and represents a total of 2,350,000 members. The EFBWW is a member organisation of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and has its headquarter in Brussels, the capital of Europe.
Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Munich
The institute is part of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. It provides the following services: Ambulant diagnosis for clarification of suspected occupational or environmental diseases, environmental monitoring, counselling of colleagues related to questions in the fields of occupational, environmental or social medicine, preventional examinations according to various German regulations, pre-employment examinations etc.
In cooperation with the Initiative for New Quality at Work (INQA), the project "Full Breath" (Volle Puste) has been initiated. The project is supposed to raise awareness of the role of respiratory and skin diseases when choosing a profession.
Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA)
We are proud to announce that the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) has joined the ENETOSH network as an associated member.
The Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency (KOSHA) is a public and non-profit industrial accident prevention organization established on December 9, 1987 as a government-funded institute in accordance with the Korea Industrial Safety and Health Agency Act (Law No. 3931). KOSHA seeks to contribute to the growth and development of the national economy by maintaining and improving the safety and health conditions of workplaces and runs, among others, practical training programs for safety and health management, a correspondence training program for supervisors at workplaces, general training programs for supervisors at workplaces and an Occupational Safety Training Institute.
You will find more information on the KOSHA Member's page on this platform and on the KOSHA website.
web-based learning environment for schools
Paedimed, coordinated by the University of Heidelberg, is a health promotion project based on a resource oriented salutogenic health concept. By specific measures, individuals shall be enabled to increase their control over their own health status and to improve their health actively. This concept focuses on the resources of individuals and not on risk factors. The aim of paedimed is to develop, implement and evaluate a web-based learning environment for schools. This will focus on the subjects of skin, skin diseases and sexuality, sexually transmittable diseases. Participating countries in the paedimed project are Germany, Italy and Romania.
Training for teachers of vocational schools and instructors
Reducing the number of work accidents of young workers and job-starters is the aim of a new, common project of four sections of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). The project is looking for new pathways to integrate Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) into initial vocational education systematically. The focus will be on vocational schools, external plant centres and small and medium sized enterprises (SME).
Intercultural Dialogue in Work and Health
The Institute Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance will be organizing the 8th Training & Innovation from the 3rd till the 5th of July 2008. This year´s topic is Intercultural Dialogue in Work and Health. Again the event will be carried out in co-operation with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Conference languages will be English and German. Speeches, workshops and conclusions that will be carried out in the conference hall, will be translated simultaneously.
The English version of the programme can be viewed and downloaded here. Please click here for the German version.
The registration form in English is available here, the German version here. All documents come in PDF file format and will be opened in a new browser window.
For more information on the 8th Training & Innovation, please click here.
Safety and Health: A Societal Responsibility, June 29 - July 2, 2008, Seoul
The World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, which is being organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) is the world's largest international event in occupational safety and health.
3rd and 4th of July 2008, Porto
The 8th International Congress on Occupational Safety and Health at Work will take place on 3rd and 4th of July 2008 in Oporto Congress Center - Edifício da Alfândega, Porto. This year the Congress has a leading subject, the risk assessment and the subject “Healthy and safer workplaces, good for you, good for enterprises”.
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