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#12: Teacher Training

We have a new Hot Topic on this web platform, which is a collection of good practice examples dealing with a certain topic - in this case: "Teacher Training". For the health and safety of our children, the training of teachers is of essential importance. Education at school has lots of boundary points with issues of safety and health: healthy food, environment protection and physical education as well as road safety, safety at school and at work, and, last but not least, violence prevention.
The projects listed in this Hot Topic are of different kinds: courses, training materials, campaigns - in the scope of the university studies of teachers as well as in the scope of their work at school or as independent learning resources such as e-learning platforms. To have a look at this collection (and maybe on the other 11 Hot Topics), please click "Hot Topics" in the main menu on the left side of this page.
New report by HSE

The new report "Healthy Design, Creative Safety - Approaches to health and safety teaching and learning in undergraduate schools of architecture" was prepared by the University of Sheffield
for the Health and Safety Executive and the Royal Institute of British Architects. In January 2010, the HSE and RIBA commissioned a team from the University of Sheffield to undertake a research project into the teaching of health and safety in undergraduate schools of Architecture in the UK. The need for the research was recognized by previous studies into ‘identification and management of risk in undergraduate construction courses’ [2001 and 2004] which highlighted the need for schools of architecture to have a more consistent and integrated approach to the teaching of health and safety. More recently in 2009, a project looking at ‘Integrating risk concepts into undergraduate engineering courses’ provided a precedent for individual higher education courses to embed health and safety into their core activities in innovative ways. In ‘One Death is too Many’ [2009] one of the key recommendations is a review of health and safety teaching in construction industry courses at Higher Education, suggesting that graduates do not have the knowledge of health and safety issues to play their role in reducing construction deaths. It is on this foundation that the Healthy Design, Creative Safety work is built.
To read the whole report, please click here for the HSE website.
ENETOSH SEE kick-off in Zagreb

Croatia will be the 28th Member State of the European Union from 1 July 2013 on. Serbia received the candidate status beginning of March. Maybe that was the right moment for ENETOSH to inviting the South Eastern European Countries (SEE) to reflect on the importance of education and training on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for the development of a culture of prevention. The event was hosted by the University College of Applied Sciences in Safety in the Europe House Zagreb and took place on the 17 April 2012. The meeting was supported by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).
47 representatives from 21 countries discussed on how “to get the ball rolling” for education and training on OSH in their home country.
World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association once again commemorated the 28th of April, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, with the motto “Promoting Safety and Health in Green Economy”. This year for the first time, the event was not in Skopje, but in “Dom na kulturata”, Bitola.
The event was attended by several representatives from Macedonia as well as guests from Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo and Monte Negro.
Nikola Georgiev, the ENETOSH Ambassador for Macedonia, had his own presentation in the scope of this event, where he had the chance to introduce the ENETOSH network and its work to the attendants and give a report of the SEE Kickoff Meeting at Zagreb in April.

OHS Induction training scheme for the building and construction industry

The European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP), whose 25 members and 29 affiliates are coming from 19 European countries, released a “Code of Practice: OHS induction training scheme for the building and construction industry”.
It is the intention to improve the safety on construction sites and to simplify procedures with regard to subcontracting and mobility of workers. Essentially performing a dual function, the code of practice not only promotes the free movement of workers within the Internal Market, but also guarantees a higher level of safety awareness to EU construction workers. This code of practice is a voluntary commitment of the construction sector to solve the problem of unacceptable accident rates so as to avoid legislation.
The code of practice aims to raise the standard of safety awareness in the Construction Industry, ensure that site personnel undergo basic OHS awareness training with the view to improve prevention of accidents and avoidance of health hazards and to provide all participants with a certificate which indicate that the holder has attended a basic course in health and safety.
The benefits to employers are: an improved safety culture and employee morale, a reduction in accidents and lost time due to accidents and an identification of personal with basic OHS training. The benefits to employees are: an improved safety and health awareness, recognition of OHS training, personal development and improved employment prospects.
Please click here for the AEIS website and the report.
Ready for download

The ENETOSH Newsletter No. 10 is now available. In this edition, you will find articles about the PRAISE project, Health and Safety Education in Malta, The SIFA Network Thuringia (Germany), the ENETOSH workshop at A+A, Social Networking and OSH, and more.
Just click the portlet on the right side to download it (in English or German). If you would like to receive each new edition automatically via email, you may as well subscribe to our mailing- list by clicking "Newsletter subscribe" below the download-link.
New report by IOSH

IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health), the Chartered body for health and safety professionals in the UK, is committed to evidence-based practice in workplace health and safety. IOSH maintains a Research and Development Fund to support research, lead debate and inspire innovation as part of their work as a thought leader in health and safety.
This report presents the findings of a review into the needs of undergraduate engineers, current health and safety training material and how it may structured and packaged for use in universities and other learning environments.
In this document, you’ll find a summary of the study IOSH commissioned to reassess the teaching of health and safety in undergraduate engineering courses. This report looks at the teaching material on health and safety principles and practice available to lecturers in the UK higher education sector, and forms part of IOSH's activities around embedding health and safety in professional and vocational education.
Click here for the IOSH Website and here for a direct download link to the report.
Thinking about Decent Work in Schools in Argentina

In 2003, Argentina became one the first countries to incorporate the concept of Decent Work to its national development agenda. Since then, a number of government programmes have put into practice different aspects of the Decent Work Agenda.
The Ministries of Labour and Education now organised a day for “Thinking about Decent Work in Schools”. More than 600 students from 15 secondary schools in the suburbs of Buenos Aires took part in the initiative, along with teachers, headmasters and teams from both ministries.
The premise was simple: participants had to think about the link between school and work and, more precisely, between school and the work that students want to do. The top national authorities for education and labour were there to listen to their ideas.
Furthermore, the project ‘Building a Future with Decent Work’, referred to by Labour Minister Tomada, was launched in 2004 by the national Ministries of Labour and Education and the ILO Country Office for Argentina. The achievements of this project include training 1000 teachers on the course ‘Explora Trabajo Decente’ (Explore Decent Work); offering all middle-school social sciences teachers in Argentina the opportunity to participate in the project Trabajarte, run by 21 teacher training centres; incorporating the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the concept of Decent Work into the middle-school curriculum through a Resolution of the Federal Education Council; running a regional experience-sharing workshop, where the leaders and promoters of the project in the region countries – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay – discussed the direction that the programme had taken in each country.
April 17, 2012 in Zagreb

Organised and hosted by the University College of Applied Sciences in Safety, this kickoff meeting for the South Eastern Europe countries (SEE countries) will be carried out in Zagreb, Croatia.
Representatives of health and safety institutions of these countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro) are invited to get more information about the network, co-operation and partnership. The aim is to expand the ENETOSH network and to win new partners from these regions.
On the 16th of April, the 13th ENETOSH network meeting will take place at Zagreb, too. In the scope of this meeting, the ENETOSH Steering Committee will come together for the first time. An official proclamation of the ENETOSH Ambassadors and the members of the Steering Committee will be carried out a at the end of the SEE kickoff meeting at the Europe House, Zagreb.
For more information and online registration, please go to enetosh.vss.hr
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