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Structure of the European education systems

The Eurydice Network, co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels, provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. Eurydice now released a new publication: "The Structure of the European education systems 2013/2014: schematic diagrams".
The diagrams show what mainstream schooling looks like in 33 European countries and how different levels of education, from pre-primary to tertiary, are broken down. The diagrams also indicate the general ages of students and the programme duration for each level. Names of national institutions and study programmes are listed in the language of each country. The Eurydice publication covers 39 education systems in the 28 EU Member States, the EFTA countries (Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) as well as the candidate countries (Iceland and Turkey).
More information on the Eurydice website. The publication (PDF file) can be accessed directly here.

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