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With people, about people, for people

More than 120 people joined the Symposium about people-centred prevention strategies at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore.
Divided into four groups, the participants explored different people-centred practices and voted the most effective key-factors to let people-centred prevention become a reality.

The following key-factors received the highest ranking:
  1. Promote peoples knowledge and skills;
  2. Bring the service to their door-steps;
  3. Customise programmes & services.
Bonnie Yau, Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong SAR, China and Hanan Elnagdy, Ministry of Manpower and Migration, Egypt, received the award for the most people-centred practices.

Please find more information in the symposium programme and the ENETOSH Newsletter #15, special edition XXI World Congress.
Pictures, outcomes, impressions, flipcharts, presentations, and more on the ENETOSH Events page.

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