New Members of ENETOSH

We are glad to announce that we have two new members in our network, both from Kosovo.

The Institute of Southeast Europe for Health and Social Policies is a scientific, independent and non-profit organization with the experience in supporting development and strengthening health and nursing sciences in the area of Southeast Europe by cooperating, coordinating and supporting its activities with other university institutions operating in this field. ISEEHSP was established in 2008 with the main objective, advocating the advancement of health and social policies in Kosovo.

Heimerer College is recognized as the leading institution in terms of its education of health professionals in Kosovo. Although a relatively new higher education institution in Kosovo, Heimerer has already made its mark through the success of its alumni, students, and faculty. Heimerer College offers a diverse number of courses within health sciences in 6 accredited academic programs, 5 undergraduate – Nursing(BSc ), Logopedics (BSc), Occupational therapy, Medical Lab Technician program, Health professional Pedagogy/ Vocational nursing program, 1 graduate – Health Institution and Services Management (MSc) - and the newest MsC in Psychology: " Assessment and Intervention Psychology Program".

More information in our Member's Area.

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