Continuing vocational education and training


The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) strengthens the capacities of Member States to build effective and inclusive lifelong learning policies and systems, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4. It aims to develop learning ecosystems …


This Recommendation addresses ethical issues related to the domain of Artificial Intelligence to the extent that they are within UNESCO’s mandate. It approaches AI ethics as a  systematic  normative  reflection,  based  on …


The HUMAINE competence center establishes a process model for human-centered work with artificial intelligence (AI) and anchors it in the work processes of the application partners through close cooperation with operational practice. To this end, …

AUVA logo

Companies benefit from a comprehensive range of information and support from AUVA as part of the “Together Safe Digitally” prevention campaign. Discover all the offers and take the first step towards a safe and healthy digital working world.


The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki.


The Save a Colleague website is the result of the international Safety Training for Practical Life project, funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ program. All educational and training materials are collected on the website with …


TRAILS seeks to build on current data in skills mismatches and create novel tools and databases, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence. It will empower Vocational and Adult Education training to match employers with educational …


Workplace wellness is crucial for employee wellbeing and productivity. Gain the expertise to develop and implement effective wellness programs that prioritize the holistic health of your workforce with online courses delivered through edX.


Artificial intelligence (AI) once seemed like the stuff of science fiction. While we’re far from an age where digital helpers cater to our every whim, the advances made to this progressive form of technology have been staggering in the past decade …


This project, coordinated by LIFELONG LEARNING PLATFORM (LLLP) aims at ensuring more inclusive organisations, more inclusive education approaches and actions, through a capacity building process to better face and respond to current and future …

Thomas Murray

Cybersecurity is the protection of devices, services and data from cyber attacks. Everyone who’s connected to the internet needs cybersecurity, because attackers will look for common vulnerabilities rather than targeting a specific person or …

Home Instead

Dementia is a word used to describe a set of symptoms that affects a person’s memory and cognition or thinking, such as in the area of their language or problem-solving abilities. Initially, this may be small issues like forgetting the odd word or …


As an employer, you must protect your workers from the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling in the workplace. Manual handling means transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force. It includes lifting, putting down, pushing, …


If school management, teachers and other school employees act professionally and with awareness of their physical and mental health, they have a positive influence on the school climate and the quality of teaching. The students in particular benefit …


Developing schools with mental health. A resource for school leaders and the basis for MindMatters' in-depth modules for teachers.


In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to look at 20 of the best ways to put yourself in a position which stands out to employers. You can never guarantee you’re going to be the optimum candidate for a job – but by following the advice laid out …

The European Resaerch Journal

The primary aim of this study is to review the transformation of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices in the digital age, particularly in light of the onset of Industry 4.0.

Digital Engineering and Magic logo

This VR Safety Training is dedicated to such important topics as maintaining safety at the workplace, helping employees to eliminate hazardous conditions and avoiding them by following the OSHA 1910.269 standards requirements.


How new technologies shape our working lives and influence employees' health.


Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a very important issue for both practical purposes in industry and business due to numerous reasons, so a number of software, educational and industrial solutions are available. In this paper, the cloud-based …


There is accelerating development of digital Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) interventions in construction, but it is not clear whether they reduce the risk of injury and illness. This systematic mapping review summarized the state of the …


Fatigue and tiredness behind the wheel is one of the biggest killers on our roads. And while it's tricky to calculate the exact number of sleep or fatigue-related accidents, research highlighted by The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents …

Lanier Law Firm

Mesothelioma is a rare and serious cancer that affects the mesothelium, or lining, of various organs. You are at risk of developing this cancer if you have been exposed to asbestos. There is a 20-40 year latency between exposure and cancer …

european edtech alliance logo

Supporting the domestic and international growth of edtech and innovation in education, the European Edtech Alliance offers this public European Edtech map in order to create a common picture of the European landscape in this vibrant, booming and …

LDOH logo

The mission of the Learning and Developing Occupational Health Foundation is to support professional education in Occupational Safety and Health and to promote Occupational Health for all workers.

perosh logo

Training on emerging risks in R&D and production of new and advanced materials and nanomaterials: providing systematic approaches to deal with uncertainties.

napo logo

This film provides an introduction to workplace robotics safety, and describes some of the emerging robotic technologies, the types of accidents associated with robotics, the main hazards and how they can be controlled.

napo logo

This film provides an introduction to accident prevention when working at heights.

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Because of the measures to contain the coronavirus, many people are required to work from home. This may not always be as good as working in the office.

European Schoolnet logo

European Schoolnet presents a positive overview of how the EdTech landscape is evolving in Europe with the launch of the report "Accelerating EdTech Start-ups in Europe" launched on 6 June 2023 at the School Innovation Forum in Brussels.

what works wellbeing logo

This guide is intended to guide schools and colleges in England to take action to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of staff in education settings.

what works wellbeing logo

A report on wellbeing at work in the UK, to explore how wellbeing varies between occupations, how wellbeing changed over time across different occupations, how salary affects wellbeing and how the pandemic affected wellbeing.

cahoot logo

A platform for networking, connecting and learning together on a learning platform.

University of Birmingham logo

Two booklets providing practical guidance and recommendations for employees, employers and managers to better support employees in their efforts to manage a chronic musculoskeletal disorder at work.

Online training course on design of human-centred workplaces

The main objective of TRAIN4HCWORK is the development and implementation of a new online course (in English, Spanish, German and French) to strengthen the knowledge and skills of targeted professionals in the design of human-centred workplaces.

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Health environment is an approach to health promotion in the workplace, where employees' health is promoted through the organisation, organization and content of the work. The vision for Sundhedsmiljø is that the work itself contributes to employees …

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Report: Correlations between targets for the companies' work environment efforts and reported occupational accidentsIlluminated with the questionnaire survey 'Working environment efforts of companies' and follow-up in the register of reported …


The digital tools allow the creation of instruments that simulate construction scenarios allowing the identification and prevention of risks for teachers, technicians, and engineers.

Vision Zero logo

The project Vision Zero provides a collection of papers for employers and managers, for a variety of different branches.


Being able to share the road in a considerate manner is one of the most important parts of being a driver. We all have a responsibility to look out for each other, whether that’s checking for motorbikes in cities or horses on country lanes.

sphera logo

Industrial accident data over the past several years makes clear that while mitigating Major Accident Hazard events is a fundamental objective, so-called “black swan” events are becoming more commonplace – especially in the refining and petrochemical …


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a US federal agency that sets standards for safe working conditions. OSHA’s standards are highly regarded and used to set organizational benchmarks all over the world. In this article, we …

chanse logo

CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The main goal of the CHANSE programme is to announce a call for international research projects: …

suva logo

Cycling is good for your health, but sometimes dangerous. We show you how to avoid accidents and get to your destination safely - with practical riding tips, a safety check for your bike and a poster that will ensure you never forget your cycling …

Signed Safety logo

Signed Safety is creating opportunities for companies and organisations to enhance their workplace environment by keeping ahead of the increasing demand for high health and safety standards coming from employees, authorities and the public.

promis logo

The core of the PROMIS® service is the online integrated management solution. This application supports and integrates compliance with legislation and management systems in a user-friendly format that accommodates organisations of all sizes and …


The World Bank Group's Open Learning Campus (OLC) is exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to reshape and reimagine the learning experience of the future. These include transitioning from long lectures, flat pages of text, and …

rutgers logo

The mission of the Center for Public Health Workforce Development is to provide a link between our faculty and practice partners in teaching, research and the practice of public health. The continuing education activities are designed to strengthen …

EBOZP logo

The OSH encyclopedia is an internet encyclopedia that serves as a tool for orientation in the terminology of occupational health and safety and related areas. At the same time, it also serves as a translation dictionary.

ETSC logo

The ETSC Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) is a policy tool to help EU Member States improve road safety. By comparing Member States’ performance, it serves to identify and promote best practice in Europe and bring about the kind of political …

AK logo

eXtended Reality Training in the education and training of emergency services in the health and safety sector (XRTrain) - SIM Campus GmbH.

work ability house model

This mixed methods research (MMR) study explored older employees’ experiences of chronic musculoskeletal disorders (CMSDs) in relation to their employment, their perspectives on managing these conditions in the workplace and the strategies used to …

MSD guide for Employees cover

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employees with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.   

MSD guide for employers and managers cover

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employers and managers to better support employees in their efforts to manage a chronic musculoskeletal disorder at work.

JMIR logo

Health professions education has undergone major changes with the advent and adoption of digital technologies worldwide. This study aims to map the existing evidence and identify gaps and research priorities to enable robust and relevant research in …

sphera logo

With all that’s happening in the world, the time could not be better for a Digital Transformation. So how can digitalization improve Safe Operations?

Work Safety logo

With Work Safety, we give you the opportunity to use all the potential of digital continuing education/training on one platform or in individual courses. Be inspired by the digital learning experience.

ISSA Section Machine and System Safety logo

Digital manufacturing is the application of digital technologies to manufacturing, having the right information, at the right place, at the right time.The goal is to link disparate systems and span processes across all departments and functions …

Digitalization cover

Digitalisation is no longer new and it continues its evolution throughout industry. Employers are continuously working on minimising challenges and risks that digitalisation at the workplace causes. Digital technologies, that already complement human …

FARMRes logo

FARMRes “Farmers Assistance Resources for Mental Resilience” is an Erasmus+ project aiming to raise awareness and capacity for farmers to cope with mental health issues.

Hitachi Vantara logo

Hitachi’s Digital Health and Safety Solution offers a holistic, end-to-end solution to maximize people, asset, and shop floor safety.

Quentic logo

Digitalization can bring about a great deal of innovation, productivity and flexibility. Digital technologies are gaining even more ground in occupational safety, improving processes and heightening overall workforce safety.

Online Safety cover

Frontline workers in health, education and law enforcement provide essential services directly to the public.They often work with people facing online safety issues and have a unique opportunity to help their patients, students or clients.

SOM logo

This document highlights best practice pre COVID-19 and provides new information concerning what is a rapidly evolving situation. It was informed by a review of research, evidence-informed resources and tools offered by professional bodies, and a …

AKH Wien logo

With the help of staff, the intervention creates a work environment designed to be compatible with an ageing workforce, taking into account employees’ needs and abilities in different stages of their lives.

UAB Vonin Lithuania manufactures fishing trawls and fish farming cages. Established in Šiauliai in 2013, the company has since expanded its production capacities and workforce. Currently, it employs 242 workers, of whom 80% are women. In 2020, an …

Over 99% of SAP’s employees work at the office, from home, or are mobile. Desk-based work is the norm in the software industry, which is also the case for most SAP employees. As a result, they are exposed to ergonomic problems in the work …

triglav logo

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. implements a number of measures to manage and prevent MSDs in the organisation. The company maintains that it is critical to raise awareness and encourage employees to live a healthy lifestyle.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

Help for drawing up a modern substance abuse programme based on the organization’s needs.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

The “Supporting mental health at work” material provides supervisors with competence and confidence for building a work community that promotes mental health.

Mental Health at Work Programme logo

Resources and motivation for the second half of your career.

Addiction Guide logo

Addiction Guide is your trusted educational guide to addiction and recovery, founded by recovering addicts and board-certified addiction specialists.

An interactive Platform from Greece

The e-Drive Academy is an innovative educational Internet Platform for Safe, Smart, Ecological Transportation and Driving.

Website For Construction Safety

This website by the BAR Bygge & Anlæg (Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction) aims to raise awareness and knowledge about safety ...

Online Interactive Risk Assessment

OiRA is a web platform that enables the creation of sectoral risk assessment tools in any language in an easy and standardised way. It is developed and maintained by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) and it is based on the …

"Shattered Lives" is a campaign of the Health and Safety Executive, UK. Nearly 11000 workers suffered serious injury as a result of a slip or trip in the UK last year.

BGN – Statutory Accident Insurance for the food and restaurant business Germany

Working in the hospitality industry is marked by a high degree of emotional work. Handling guests, their complaints and special wishes requires good nerves and often brings about stress, time pressure and hectic.

Teacher training by the HSA

The Health and Safety Authority (UK) is supporting an initiative of the second level support service for technology teachers to provide training to all 1800 technology teachers in the second level system.

This is a project providing online and offline learning modules for engineers to increase their knowledge on ergonomics. This project was initiated by KAN (Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Standardisation), Germany.

ttk - The Occupational Safety Card

The Occupational Safety Card training in Finland has been designed first and foremost for the shared workplace of manufacturing industry, but it is equally applicable for the building industry, the public sector, shipbuilding, and more.

a project by the university of osnabrück

This project by the Institute for Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, which is part of the Faculty for Human Sciences of the University of Osnabrück is supposed to support the implementation of occupational health and safety …

A European project to the demographic change

Best Agers is a project in which older professionals worktogether with different age groups in the fields of business and skills development to generate new ideas and share their expertise and experience.

Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health

The Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health ( was developed to provide accurate, user-friendly information about safety and health for construction workers, employers, researchers and others worldwide.

asbestos awareness e-learning course

The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) was partner in a Lifelong Learning Project “Making the EU AsBestos Clean (ABClean) to create an e-learning course offer together with training providers and institutes for occupational …

SAACIWCE (Pakistan)

The Saeed Ahmed Awan Centre for Improvement of Working Conditions & Environment (SAACIWCE) Lahore is a pioneer institution in Pakistan providing professional services in the fields of occupational, safety, health and working environment. It is part …

Healthy Workplaces for all Ages

Throughout Europe, the proportion of older people in the population is growing, people have to work longer, and the average age of workers is increasing.

Preventing Injuries. Saving Lives.

Parachute is a Canadian national, charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives.

lebenslang gesund arbeiten

For this project, the German Gesellschaft für Arbeitsschutz- und Humanisierungsforschung (Association for Occupational Safety and Human Research) cooperated with with five companies in the electronics, mechanical engineering and plant engineering …

Brochure in several languages

Starting in 2015, Germany had to deal with a new challenge for politics and society: the big number of refugees coming to the country from many regions in the world, where war and hardship forces people to leave their home countries.

a project by world café europe

Over the next 50 years, the number of well-educated, experienced and engaged older adult Europeans will double. Their path of a life which embraces active ageing will profoundly impact European society, governmental policy-making and business …

Net-based Training for Work-Related Medicine

NetWoRM (Net-based Training for Work- Related Medicine), a project by the Clinical centre of the University of Munich Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, is a project for the further development and the worldwide dissemination of …

Free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway has created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to reach health personnel all over the world – with the purpose of improving health and life of workers in developing …

Online video-based courses is a website based in the USA, offering more than 300 video online courses. The high quality material can be used for training or online education, each course is offering a Demo and a syllabus.

BGW logo

Education materials for vocational training

"An apprenticeship that fits" for four professional groups The BGW offers you materials that support you in your lessons. Topics include first aid, skin protection, hand hygiene and needlestick injuries. The BGW has put together brochures for the …

The Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection — in collaboration with international and national experts developed the Viennese Database of Disinfectants, WIDES.

Tools of Change Website Founded on the principles of community-based social marketing. This site offers specific social marketing tools, case studies, and a planning guide for help

This manual is a work of reference for the working environment in the building and construction industry. The manual provides guidelines on good working environment practice and on how the rules of the Working Environment Act can be followed within …

The e-learning platform Integral II by the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) of the RWTH Aachen offers several courses for industrial engineering and ergonom

Napo, the animated hero promoting safety and health at work, debuted on a tablet. iPAD and Android users may now enjoy Napo’s adventures through a free application developed by the

The "Arbocatalogus" provides practical information on how to achieve the desired level of healthy and safe working in hairdressing salons. This concerns physical stress, allergenic effects and psychosocial stress.

The main objective of the PE-ABLE project is the development of the contents and the application of a formative tool to assure to European Occupational Safety professionals a worthy education and training along their professional career regarding to …

The GeoLibrary is a project of the Network of Collaborating Centres Work Plan in support of the WHO strategy of “Occupational Health for All.” The responsibility for constructing the library was undertaken by the Great Lakes Centers for Occupational …

This website provides information, resources and links to other websites related to this topic or promoting CPWR projects and campaigns.

The following online safety training courses are currently being offered: WHMIS Training Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Training
 Fall Protection Awareness Training 

This project was initiated by the "Berlin Initiative Healthy Work" after performing a survey at the beginning of 2010. Supported by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and

Trichocare Education now offers a new Distance Learning Course in Hair Science and Trichology. This helps make the discipline more widely available to those in the hair and beauty is a modern training portal that was developed for both individual and corporate e-learning needs. Founded in Poznan, Poland, in 2007, has produced divers

A new toolkit highlighting the changes to the labelling of chemical substances has been launched by EU-OSHA. The toolkit helps employers and their workers handle dangerous substanc

The creative safety blog does research and give information for Creative Safety Supply. The blog offers a valuable resource on using and maximizing the life of floor safety tape. T

This interactive, animated website provides new and useful information including the role of each stakeholder such as Government, Employers, Workers, OSH Specialists and Social Sec

yeepa is a software solution for real time multi-player quiz gaming and measuring knowledge development. yeepa uses psychometric methods implemented also in PISA.

"SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKPLACE interactively" - these are learning modules on various aspects of occupational safety and health. These learning modules want to impart knowledge on hea

OpenWHO is WHO’s interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. OpenWHO enables the Organization and its

A panel of experts — from industry, consultancies, academia and the Health and Safety Executive — with vast experience in preventing ill health in manufacturing developed the web-b

Children are exposed to pesticides through their work or involvement in agricultural activities, which can harm their health and development. This course explains how children are

This online learning game is supposed to help to build a culture of prevention including a safe and healthy behavior. It is about team building, leadership and participation. It is

BGW logo

As a teacher who teaches young people in the various nursing professions, you do invaluable preventive work every day for the professionals of tomorrow. Many work-related dangers and illnesses affecting nursing staff can be prevented at an early …

Sigurnost logo

The term lifelong learning in Europe was affirmed in the nineties of the 20th century, and the focus shifted from education, which is an institutionalized and organized process, to lifelong learning, which includes all forms of learning in all life …

ILO online access platform to legal research and training for developing countries.Researchers, law students, policymakers, judges and legal experts in low- and middle-income countries can now get free or low-cost online access to legal information …

The Flanders Institute of Healthy Living launched a new tool to increase the mental resilience of adolescents (NokNok). Using a combination of online coaching, mental health tips, and exercises, it motivates and stimulates adolescents to strengthen …

TUC Education is the TUC's training organisation for workplace reps and union officers. It has an unrivalled reach into Britain's workplaces to provide education and training for workplace representatives.

World Economic Forum

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends …

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