Initial vocational education and training


This Recommendation addresses ethical issues related to the domain of Artificial Intelligence to the extent that they are within UNESCO’s mandate. It approaches AI ethics as a  systematic  normative  reflection,  based  on …


The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in collaboration with Shanghai Open University (SOU) have launched a hybrid capacity-building project in October 2024 aimed at enhancing the digital competencies of adult educators.

Bewegtes Lerncamp

The concept of the Active Learning Camp was created during the lockdown phase and under the influence of this period on the development and learning areas of young people. These could be observed in both school and vocational education. The Corona …

Letrus Logo

Letrus is an AI-based literacy program focused on eradicating the literacy gap of K-12 students, starting in Brazil. Its unique methodology and technology have proven and unprecedented results in students' writing achievements according to a …


This initiative connects youth, local communities, and open-minded people from all over the world to collaboratively solve real-life challenges while using high-tech and indigenous knowledges. The Kabakoo Learning Experience equips young people in …

Economic World Forum

This report explores the potential for artificial intelligence to benefit educators, students and teachers. Case studies show how AI can personalize learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and integrate into curricula.


The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki.

unesco logo

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4. However, these rapid technological …

unesco logo

As the world is moving towards an increasingly digitized future, UNESCO has launched a series of regional seminars on the development of national digital and AI competency frameworks to equip educators and learners with appropriate digital skills.


Publicly available generative AI (GenAI) tools are rapidly emerging, and the release of iterative versions is outpacing the adaptation of national regulatory frameworks. The absence of national regulations on GenAI in most countries leaves the data …


This project, coordinated by LIFELONG LEARNING PLATFORM (LLLP) aims at ensuring more inclusive organisations, more inclusive education approaches and actions, through a capacity building process to better face and respond to current and future …


The European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training organisation (EfVET) has released the ‘Well-Being of Managers in leading the Green and Digital Transitions’ position paper.The document focuses on relevant occupational safety and …

European Union

The executive summary of the final report of the Commission Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training functions as a supportive document for the ethical guidelines. The report presents the efforts of the Expert Group …

mladihub logo

The project “MladiHUB – Digital Youth” is implemented by the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NMSM) and the Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technologies – MASIT, supported by the British Embassy Skopje. The aim of the …


Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) provides systematic and comprehensive descriptions of countries’ education legislation and policies related to the themes of the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. Data collection for each chapter is …


EdTech Hub is a global research partnership. The goal is to empower people by giving them the evidence they need to make decisions about technology in education.

suva logo

Young people are curious and want to try things out. Caution is often secondary. With our information you can channel the arrogance of learners and show them where the dangers lie. Ensure that your apprenticeship period is safe so that no accidents …


Each apprentice goes through different departments during their practical period in the supermarket. During on-site instruction, apprentices are made aware of the respective risks. Detailed information is provided in the state vocational schools in …

cahoot logo

A platform for networking, connecting and learning together on a learning platform.


SELFIE for work-based learning (WBL) is a free online tool for Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools and companies. It supports them in making the most of digital technologies for teaching, learning and training.

LEARN logo

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the road safety of children and youngsters across Europe.

LEARN logo

This LEARN! Flash report focuses on how education on traffic safety and sustainable mobility can be linked and supported to ensure that children receive high-quality education that teaches them to move around safely and sustainably.

This LEARN! Flash report provides an overview of the experiences with the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety and mobility education in Europe.

what works wellbeing logo

The group reporting the highest levels of loneliness in the UK is young people. Loneliness is increasingly recognised as a serious public health concern with robust links to mental and physical health, use of health and care services and early …

Ungdomsbyen logo

It takes a lot of courage to be young today. Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) gives students courage for citizenship and equips students and teachers to make sustainable choices that create value for themselves and others. Through our activities, …

Ungdomsbyen logo

Youth Town (“Ungdomsbyen”) developed a process tool which can be used to adapt existing, or design new, activities with a sustainability focus.

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Health environment is an approach to health promotion in the workplace, where employees' health is promoted through the organisation, organization and content of the work. The vision for Sundhedsmiljø is that the work itself contributes to employees …

Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljo logo

Report: Correlations between targets for the companies' work environment efforts and reported occupational accidentsIlluminated with the questionnaire survey 'Working environment efforts of companies' and follow-up in the register of reported …

chanse logo

CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The main goal of the CHANSE programme is to announce a call for international research projects: …

sicherunterwegs logo

The "trafficsafety4you" program was specially developed for 14 to 18 year olds. It comprises four modules, each of which lasts four school hours and is carried out by experienced traffic psychologists in the presence of the class teachers. There is …

suva logo

For apprentices, regular sports lessons are essential. Unfortunately, accidents often happen here. Various preventive measures help to reduce the risk of accidents.

comparethemarket logo

Learning to drive is an exciting time in the life of any young person. The freedom and independence which comes from getting behind the wheel is hard to match. New possibilities are suddenly available to you, with reliance on public transport and the …

suva logo

Cycling is good for your health, but sometimes dangerous. We show you how to avoid accidents and get to your destination safely - with practical riding tips, a safety check for your bike and a poster that will ensure you never forget your cycling …

JAC logo

Industrial accident prevention is a critical problem to avoid loss of human lives, injuries, damage of installations and financial losses. Training is only effective and sustainable, if the human trainees are affected by their training …

rutgers logo

The mission of the Center for Public Health Workforce Development is to provide a link between our faculty and practice partners in teaching, research and the practice of public health. The continuing education activities are designed to strengthen …

EBOZP logo

The OSH encyclopedia is an internet encyclopedia that serves as a tool for orientation in the terminology of occupational health and safety and related areas. At the same time, it also serves as a translation dictionary.


A set of preventive measures (technical, organizational, educational and other) with the aim of preventing occupational accidents, occupational diseases and other occupational health damage or reducing them to a minimum.

SimE logo

Ethics is a fundamental part of health care professionals’ competence and one of the major quality factors in good nursing care. Research shows challenges in learning and applying ethics. Ethical Coffee Room (ECR) is an electronic platform, where the …

krisenchat logo

During the first Corona lockdown in spring 2020, there were increasing reports of domestic violence. Many children and young people urgently needed help. To support young people in need, the “krisenchat” (crisis chat) was set up.Young people are …

Johns Hopkins Logo

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is pleased to offer a free, online training certificate program on Road Traffic Injury Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,hosted via the platform TRAMS.


In the virtual learning lab of WIFI Styria and the Styrian Chamber of Labor, training is undertaken that is dangerous under real conditions.

YOURS logo

Our Action Kit is the backbone of the work we do to empower young people in road safety. All around the world, youth who have been affected by road traffic crashes or want to take real action have picked up the Action Kit as an effective starting …

YOURS logo

The Toolkit is a document that will guide policymakers and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage and involve young people. Meaningful youth engagement, particularly in road safety, is something we’ve championed since the very beginning. We …

YOURS logo

Posters can be an effective awareness raising tool and used in the proper setting, can be the extra nudge to encourage a young person to be safe on the road.

YEDI logo

Youth Development and Empowerment Initiative (YEDI) is an adolescent health organisation that educates, empowers, and inspires youth and community development in Nigeria using sound, proven models.

MSD guide for Employees cover

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employees with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.   

MSD guide for employers and managers cover

This booklet provides practical guidance and recommendations for employers and managers to better support employees in their efforts to manage a chronic musculoskeletal disorder at work.

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid logo

It is important to pay attention to safe and healthy work in (vocational) education. For workers to prevent personal suffering, injury and health problems. For companies, because healthy employees and sustainably employable workers are more …

IAG logo

Do you want to further develop your didactic and methodical skills? Would you like to know where your individual strengths as a trainer lie? Are you also interested in finding out where you can still improve? Based on the requirement profile for …

SimE logo

The overall objective of the SimE project is to improve nursing students’ ethical competence by creating three common study courses in order to develop more aligned VET programmes.

SOM logo

Good musculoskeletal (MSK) health is integral to a full working life. This MSK Health Toolkit for employers and further education institutions from SOM, the British Society for Rheumatology and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities was …

Danish ASP

The Danish UNESCO-ASP (Associated Schools Project) network is part of the International UNESCO ASP Network, which presently includes 11,500 schools and educational institutions in 182 countries.

FARMRes logo

FARMRes “Farmers Assistance Resources for Mental Resilience” is an Erasmus+ project aiming to raise awareness and capacity for farmers to cope with mental health issues.

Online Safety cover

Frontline workers in health, education and law enforcement provide essential services directly to the public.They often work with people facing online safety issues and have a unique opportunity to help their patients, students or clients.

YouthLink Scotland logo

YouthLink Scotland is committed to the role that Learning for Sustainability has in both a current and future practice as a youth work sector. On this website, you can find the current projects that YouthLink Scotland is supporting, resources on LfS …

Lifelong Learning Platform logo

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth, coming from all over Europe and beyond.

Charlie Waller logo

Charlie Waller is one the UK’s most respected mental health charities, founded by the family of Charlie Waller who took his own life in 1997 whilst suffering from depression. The charity helps young people to understand their own mental health, to …

Addiction Guide logo

Addiction Guide is your trusted educational guide to addiction and recovery, founded by recovering addicts and board-certified addiction specialists.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan logo

The YWRCC will help prepare young people for joining the job market for the first time. They will learn workplace health and safety and minimum legislation (e.g. for safety, pay and hours of work) he or she and their employer must follow.

Oklahoma Department of Labor logo

Teen workers are twice as likely to be injured on the job. The annual “Speak Out for Workplace Safety” video contest is underway. The contest is designed to increase awareness about safety for young workers.

An interactive Platform from Greece

The e-Drive Academy is an innovative educational Internet Platform for Safe, Smart, Ecological Transportation and Driving.

Ireland’s youth information website

A project to empower young people throughout Ireland ...

LOcHER is an approach for students and apprentices to identify health and safety risks in their area of study ...

an interactive booklet

The interactive booklet “OSH! What a bright idea” is the result of the international project “Mind Safety - Safety Matters!”.

Teaching Young Workers About Job Safety and Health

Talking Safety, a foundation curriculum in occupational safety and health. This curriculum by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the culmination of many years’ work by a consortium of partners dedicated to reducing …

College students solve physical workload problems

Young people with jobs in agriculture and horticulture are exposed to physically demanding working conditions ...

Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems

STAD started in 1995 as a project, and is since the year 2005 a section within the Center for Dependency Disorders in Stockholm ...

Full Breath

"Volle Puste" (Full Breath) is a project by the Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.

Nationally recognised certificate on OSH knowledge

Passport to Safety is an innovative national youth health and safety test and transcript programme in Canada ...

Website For Construction Safety

This website by the BAR Bygge & Anlæg (Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction) aims to raise awareness and knowledge about safety ...

Youth Employment Educational Outreach Game

Paying Attention Pays is a fun, innovative, interactive, educational and rewarding game ...

"Jugend will sich erleben" (Youth wants self-experience) is a project by German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) ...

Young Worker Safety

„HEADS UP – WORK SMART WORK SAFE“ is a project of WCB Worker’s Compensation Board in Alberta, Canada.

Training material for vocational school students

Where do I have to wear a helmet? How can I leave the building quickly?

Initiated by HSE

The website provides information for young people, employers, schools and parents and useful links to downloadable documents.

Website for young people at work

The website " (youth with job) is a project of the Danish working environment council BAR U&F ...

Health and Safety Courses, Training, Health and Safety Audits

This website by the British Safety Council offers lots of information and resources for young people and employers ...

a project by the university of osnabrück

This project by the Institute for Dermatology, Environmental Medicine and Health Theory, which is part of the Faculty for Human Sciences of the University of Osnabrück is supposed to support the implementation of occupational health and safety …

This project of the construction supervision council of the canton Zurich wants to sensitize pupils and give them knowledge about noise.

Everyday there are more than 350,000 workers on the job in British Columbia. They might be ...

SAACIWCE (Pakistan)

The Saeed Ahmed Awan Centre for Improvement of Working Conditions & Environment (SAACIWCE) Lahore is a pioneer institution in Pakistan providing professional services in the fields of occupational, safety, health and working environment. It is part …

Preventing Injuries. Saving Lives.

Parachute is a Canadian national, charitable organization dedicated to preventing injuries and saving lives.

Since the 1980s, the BG BAU is supporting the interplant training centres ...

BAR U&F Denmark

“Ny i job” or “New Kids on the Job” is teaching materials addressed to young people in transition between education and job ...

Vocational-pedagogic concept for the metal- and electric industry

According to an INQA-project, a concept has been developed for vocational education personnel in the metal- and electric industry called “from teacher to learning assistant”.

Workplace Hazard Awareness Course

A new qualification designed to improve young people’s understanding of safe working when taking part in work experience.

Telephone help line for summer jobs advice

Every year LO conducts union outreach activities, called “Facket I sommarland” (trade union summer assistance for young people) among young people aged 16-20 years.

Free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway has created a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to reach health personnel all over the world – with the purpose of improving health and life of workers in developing …

A project by GlaxoSmithKline Poland

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has set principles and launched various initiatives to help young workers ...

Interactive educational software about risks in retail

Many young people are employed in the retail sector and the number of work-related injuries is relatively high compared to other sectors.

A project by RHI AG Veitsch/Radex GmbH & Co

The aim of this project is to teach apprentices in the fields of ...

Safety and Health in small enterprises

This brochure supports to rise the awareness of entrepreneurs of possible sources of danger in the enterprise.

E-Learning program for trainers

This E-Learning program offers several possibilities for vocational trainers to get information about the subject "drugs" ...

BGW logo

Education materials for vocational training

"An apprenticeship that fits" for four professional groups The BGW offers you materials that support you in your lessons. Topics include first aid, skin protection, hand hygiene and needlestick injuries. The BGW has put together brochures for the …

Young Workers Zone, designed to help young people stay healthy and safe at work. Young people can get the information and tools they need in order to venture into the work world on a safe footing.

This manual is a work of reference for the working environment in the building and construction industry. The manual provides guidelines on good working environment practice and on how the rules of the Working Environment Act can be followed within …

The tool is suitable for educational staff in a wide variety of educational establishments, such as preschool educational establishments, schools, training schools and universities

The "Risk out!" campaign of the statutory accident insurance dedicated itself in the years 2010 and 2011 to safe driving and transport.

BGHM logo

Every beginning is difficult! Everyone has this experience in the course of their life and unfortunately the accident statistics also prove it: Young employees, and thus trainees as well, are exposed to a much higher risk of having an accident or …

Napo, the animated hero promoting safety and health at work, debuted on a tablet. iPAD and Android users may now enjoy Napo’s adventures through a free application developed by the

SHNW is a transnational project presented by partners in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece and Romania that intends to transfer a innovative solutions to the problem of accide

This website provides information, mobile apps and material dealing with the dangers of writing text massages while driving. Even a “Texting & Driving simulator is available. Especially the Film “From one second to the next”, directed by Werner …

Restaurants and other eating and drinking businesses employ 11.6 million people in the United States. Nearly 30% of these employees are under 20 years of age. Many young workers' first work experience is in the restaurant industry.

Agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in the nation. Each year, more than 2 million youth under the age of 20 are exposed to farm-related safety hazards. As a result, a significant number of young people are killed, injured or …

The following online safety training courses are currently being offered: WHMIS Training Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Training
 Fall Protection Awareness Training 

Trichocare Education now offers a new Distance Learning Course in Hair Science and Trichology. This helps make the discipline more widely available to those in the hair and beauty

A new toolkit highlighting the changes to the labelling of chemical substances has been launched by EU-OSHA. The toolkit helps employers and their workers handle dangerous substanc

This interactive, animated website provides new and useful information including the role of each stakeholder such as Government, Employers, Workers, OSH Specialists and Social Sec

The Flanders Institute of Healthy Living launched a new tool to increase the mental resilience of adolescents (NokNok). Using a combination of online coaching, mental health tips, and exercises, it motivates and stimulates adolescents to strengthen …

World Economic Forum

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends …

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