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children drawing

Sustainability in schools and education means running educational institutions in a sustainable way - taking care of resources, a safe and healthy work and learning environment, being climate neutral and being aware of environmental impacts, but it can be much more.

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Lady wearing Corona mask

Occupational hygiene can mean much more than "just" hygiene - but in times of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, hygiene itself gains very high importance.  Find a selection of examples of good practice from our database dealing with this topic.

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neck massage

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common work-related ailments. They affect millions of workers. MSDs are causing workers to leave the workforce early, which is a human and a financial burden.
But the numbers of MSDs among children and adolescents as well as young workers are also already worryingly high.
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COLOSH, a project by the Faculty of Safety Engineering of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, has been approved and will start on 1 November, 2024.
The aim of the project is to build the capacity and readiness of the partner institutions for an effective transition to international digital learning. This will be achieved through the innovative COIL approach, the effective use of digital technologies and the development of related skills for teachers and students. The project responds to the need for digitalization, internationalisation and practice-orientation of higher education in occupational safety and health (OSH).

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This project, coordinated by LIFELONG LEARNING PLATFORM (LLLP) aims at ensuring more inclusive organisations, more inclusive education approaches and actions, through a capacity building process to better face and respond to current and future societal challenges.
iBOX consists of an interdisciplinary, bottom-up process, involving key stakeholders in the design of innovative training resources collected in an online platform with the goal of supporting the digital transition, access and participation in learning processes and inclusion and diversity strategies in the sector.
One main output of the project is a Compendium of inspiring practices for Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Learning

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Conference Zagreb

Following the ENETOSH side event on 4 June, Ulrike Bollmann, President of ENETOSH, gave a speech on the risks and potential of digitalisation for teachers at the EUROPEAN FORUM ZAGREB 2024 on 5 June: teachers are the cornerstone of a healthy and safe digital education for the next generation and thus also for the quality of digital education. The focus of the lecture was on the challenges of implementing AI-based tools for teaching, learning and supervision and administration at schools.

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Good Practice

The examples of good practice provide ideas for innovative methods in education and training in occupational safety and health.

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