Trichocare Education now offers a new Distance Learning Course in Hair Science and Trichology. This helps make the discipline more widely available to those in the hair and beauty profession. The new programme can be carried out by home study and postal examinations with viva voce examinations taken at suitable Centres of Excellence in the UK. The Course comprises three levels of increasing commitment and depth of study. Level 1 is intended as an introduction to Trichology, so that the candidates will be able to assess their desire to train fully for the profession. The course duration is dependent on the time committed to the project, allow between 18 months and 3 years to complete all three levels. Course units include: Skin Structure and Function, Damaged Skin and Scalp, The Endocrine System, The Cardiovascular (circulatory) System, Hair Structure and Growth, Nutrition, Hair Loss, Hypersensitivity and Working With Chemicals (COSHH)
Level of Education: Initial vocational education and training, Continuing vocational education and training