The demands placed upon day-care centres as well as childcare workers are increasing. As a result, work is now more complex and the quality standards and workload that employees and supervisors must manage are higher. As such, the importance of greater awareness for the topic of health in the workplace is gaining attention. The directors of childcare centres play a key role in this context.
Therefore, we conducted the “FÜHR'GESUND” training program, which was monitored and evaluated by a research team, to support directors of childcare centres in addressing their day-to-day challenges and improving the work and health situation among day-care centre staff. Specifically, directors of childcare centres were empowered to care for themselves and they were sensitized to the fact that they are a key driver of their employees’ health and well-being. The training program comprised three workshop modules: healthy self-management, healthy working conditions, and health-promoting communication. A time interval of four to six weeks between the workshop modules enabled the directors to apply the training content to their daily work and to reflect on their challenges and successes in applying the training content in the next workshop.
The intervention was developed, conducted, and evaluated by the Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services (BGW) in cooperation with the Universität Hamburg and the industry partner KiTa Zweckverband in the diocese of Essen. The evaluation was conducted using a pre-post survey design to compare the intervention and control groups at three measurement points. We found evidence for the short-term effectiveness of the intervention at the level of employees (e.g., improvements in work processes) and long-term effectiveness (e.g., increase in job satisfaction). Additionally, we found support for the short-term effectiveness of the intervention at the level of the childcare directors (e.g., increase in well-being) and long-term efficacy (e.g., reduction of emotional exhaustion).
Level of Education: Preschool
Lead Organisation: Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services (BGW); University of Hamburg; KiTa Zweckverband im Bistum Essen