The 12 months Certificate in Community based Work with Children and Youth is offered from the Department of Community Development, Psycho-social and Behavioral Sciences. The aim of this programme is to enhance effectiveness in working with children at risk and to give students knowledge, skills and information to study key trends, theories and approaches in working with vulnerable groups. BOU offers the programme in collaboration with the Regional Psycho social Support Initiative (REPPSI) and the University of KwaZulu Natal. This programme is an innovative approach to professionalizing community-based care for children and youth, so that vulnerable populations can receive the care and support they need and are entitled to. Through this programme child protection, psychosocial support and community mobilization principles are mainstreamed into work with children and youth. Current and Prospective students of this programme, are those who wish to work with Children, Families and Communities (affected by HIV & Aids, Conflict, Poverty and Displacement in Africa). People working with youth, formally and informally (Church, Communities, NGO`s, Ministry of Youth, etc.). Most participants of this course have been those serving as volunteers in different settings. However, a good percentage of graduates from this programme have moved from voluntary positions to paid staff as a result of their qualification. The course is delivered by supported open distance learning.
Level of Education: School
Lead Organisation: Botswana Open University