Task group on integrating SDG 8 into Higher Education

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The recently established Task Group, supported by the Global Coalition on Safety and Health at Work (coordinated by the ILO), wants to learn more about the implementation of good, sustainable work and productive employment (SDG 8) in educational programs at universities in Europe. The aim is to identify models of good practice and to stimulate cross-border exchange and discussion between universities.
To this end, the Task Group has developed a short online questionnaire to analyze relevant content and methods of study programs. At this stage, the main challenge is to identify responsible academic leaders of such programs within universities, initially in Europe.
The Task Group would very much appreciate to be informed about good and innovative education and training programs (university, program, contact) in the following professional fields: (1) occupational safety, hygiene and ergonomics; (2) occupational medicine (in the medical curriculum and in specialist further training for occupational physicians); (3) human resource management (business and management schools). For some background information on the project please have a look here.
If you would like to get involved in this project by supporting the Task Group, please contact ulrike.bollmann@dguv.de.

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