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a:2:{s:4:"unit";s:2:"h2";s:5:"value";s:69:"Public consultation on a “European Area of Skills and Qualifications”";}

This consultation by the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission is supposed to collect the views of stakeholders on the problems faced by learners and workers with regard to the transparency and recognition of their skills and qualifications when moving within and between EU Member States, on the adequacy of the related European policies and instruments and on the potential benefits of developing a “European Area of Skills and Qualifications”.
The Directorate prepared an online questionnaire. All stakeholders and individuals are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from stakeholders interested in or affected by policies and tools on recognition and transparency of skills and qualifications, including learners and workers, governmental bodies, education and training institutions, employers, federations of employers, trade unions, public and private employment services, chambers of industry, commerce and skilled crafts, qualification authorities, guidance services, youth and youth work organisations, voluntary sector organisations, experts.
More information on the website of the Directorate General for Education and Culture. To access the online questionnaire directly, please click here.

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