MLEARN Project

MLEARN - "Training teachers to use mobile (handheld) technologies within mainstream school education" is a project by Fondazione Mondo Digitale. MLEARN is a COMENIUS multilateral project that aims to introduce mobile technology (tablets) into schools. The project involves six partners in four countries: England, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands. MLEARN will reach at least 55 teachers across the partnership, teaching across 5 subject areas in 10 schools in each country (including primary, secondary and special), reaching at least 150 pupils in the pilot phase in each country. Technologies range from mobile phones to games consoles, low cost laptops to media players, social media platforms to media sharing networks and more, in a world, where learners are becoming more connected.
You will find all information on the project on the website of Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
A research report developed by the University of Lancaster - Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning - Department of Educational Research, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and other partners has already been published on the website. The paper indicates that in general the four involved countries have a good experience in the use of technology (PCs, laptops, multimedia boards for didactics) and then turns to analyse the introduction of technology into schools.

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