International Occupational Safety and Health Conference

The conference, hosted by the Foundation Center for Safety and Health at Work, will be held at the Miramar Hotel in Obzor, Bulgaria from 14 - 17 May 2015. In addition to several governmental and NGO representatives from Bulgaria and other South East European Countries, international OSH organizations will participate: International Labour Organization ILO (MOT), European Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU OSHA, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health IOSH (UK), European Society of Safety Engineers ESSE (Croatia), International Association of Labour lnspection IALI, ENETOSH, and others.
During the conference, a diverse training program (with simultaneous translation) will be presented by leading Bulgarian and foreign lecturers with proven experience in OSH, including three days of international OSH training by Dr David Gold (Gold-Knecht Associates, Switzerland). The 7th meeting of the ENETOSH Steering committee will be held in the scope of the conference, too.
More information and conference invitation on the FCBZR Website or Facebook page.

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