The goal of the competition is to introduce the youngest generation to the issue of digitization in the field of health and safety at work (OSH), to raise awareness of the benefits and risks associated with digital technologies, to educate them about the risks they pose to the health of children and adults, and to engage them theoretically and practically a societal effort to prevent such significant economic damage that can arise in the case of inappropriate implementation of digitization in the workplace.
The competition is intended for children and youth aged 6-16 . They compete in two age categories, 6-10 years and 11-16 years.
Teachers will introduce students to the new or changing benefits and risks that digital technologies bring. Participants are supposed to send artworks that show children in real positions or situations in which they use digital technologies, such as a PC, laptop, mobile phone, game console, drone, thermal camera, virtual reality glasses, robotic toys, etc. they can picture their parents or other adults in the home or in various workplaces where they are helped by digital technologies, e.g. robotic vacuum cleaners, driverless vehicles (cars, trains, metro...), exoskeletons, robotic tentacles, technical robots, etc.
Children can depict both funny and problematic situations when using digital technologies. Pictograph designs or comic images with text to show how digital technologies should be handled properly are welcome, too. Submissions can be both educational and entertaining.
More information on the VÚBP website.