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10th Anniversary of ENETOSH

In October 2005, ENETOSH was launched at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in Bilbao. On the occasion of its 10th Anniversary, ENETOSH returned to Bilbao. The highlight of the 2015 ENETOSH events in Bilbao was the Joint Workshop on Mainstreaming OSH into Education: Sharing Knowledge for Global Prevention on 15 – 16 October. The workshop was organised by a team of colleagues from ENETOSH, EU-OSHA, ILO, ISSA and NIOSH. 45 participants from four continents attended the event in Bilbao.
First results from this workshop are now available on this website. In addition you will find the video “10 Years of ENETOSH”, all presentations and a picture gallery here.

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