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Ministry of Labour and Social Security - Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOSH)

Directorate General of Occupational Safety and Health (DGOSH) that was established as one of the first main service units of Ministry of Labour in 1945, has been assigned to prepare occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation and develop national policies in the field of OSH in Turkey.

Departments of the Directorate:
Strategy, Promotion and Organization Department
Legislation Department
Authorization Department
Market Surveillance (PPE) Department
Sectoral Risk Management and Statistics Department
Management Services Department
Occupational Health and Safety Research and Development Institute (ISGUM)
Legislative Studies
Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 was enacted on June 30, 2012. DGOSH prepared the Law, in close consultation with social partners, taking in to consideration the ILO provisions and EU norms. This law is based on three pillars: encouraging active participation of workers in OSH, adopting a preventive approach, and ensuring occupational health and safety for all workers. Furthermore, as part of secondary legislation, a total of 36 regulations and 10 communiques were issued in order to implement the provisions of the Law.

Authorization and Certification Services
The certification and authorization process of the occupational physicians and occupational safety experts, joint health and safety units, Community Health Centers and institutions and organizations which train the occupational physicians and occupational safety experts is carried out by the Directorate General.

Market Surveillance of Personal Protective Equipment
The Ministry is in charge of market surveillance of personal protective equipment. This activity which is carried out by Directorate General comprises inspections to assess whether the products have been produced in compliance with the technical regulation, the process of providing safer products in case the products have found to be unsafe and the enforcement of sanctions when necessary while the products are in the market or presented and distributed to the market.

National and International Collaborations
At national level, Directorate General places great importance on cooperation with universities, public institutions and organizations, workers’ and employers’ organizations, trade bodies and nongovernmental organizations to support field research and scientific studies to improve research capacity in occupational safety and health. Likewise, at international level collaboration and projects are continued with international institutions and organizations to follow-up of modem and international standards and to ensure the integration of country implementations.

National and International Studies
• Cooperation of International Collaborations (ILO, DGUV, SESRIC, ENETOSH, EU-OSHA etc.)
• Institutional Cooperation Protocols in OSH (Public Institutions, Universities, Trade Unions, etc.)
• Training, Examination and Certification Protocols of Occupational Safety and Health Services to be Carried Out by Employer or Deputy Employer
• Cooperation Protocols on Training of Persons Authorized to Perform Periodic Controls of Work Equipment

National and International Projects
• Improving Occupational Safety and Health in Mining Sector
• Occupational Safety and Health Registration, Tracking and Monitoring Program (ISG-KATIP)
• Protection from Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Field Applications
• Improvement of Occupational Safety and Health Conditions at Workplaces (ISGIP)
• Establishment of Market Surveillance Support Laboratory for Personal Protective Equipment
• Improving OSH in Ceramic, Paint, Plastic, Greenhouse, Forest Sectors (ISGAP)
• Increasing the Effectiveness of Employee Representatives in Occupational Safety and Health
• Impact Analysis of OSH Law No. 6331
• Improvement Standards of Joint Safety and Health Units
• Integration of Occupational Safety and Health Into Education System

OSH Awareness Raising Studies
The importance of the safety culture to ensure effective improvement and progress on occupational health and safety is in disputable. Hence, the Directorate General organize many events. Some of these are listed as:

• XIX. World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (September 11-15, 2011)
• The OSH Week celebrated each year on 4-10 May
• International Occupational Safety and Health Congress (biennially)
• Seminars on Safety Culture
• Symposiums, workshops and trainings on OSH
• Sectoral Campaigns

Publication and Documentation Studies
In order to promote policy and legislation on occupational safety and health, various promotional and informative materials such as technical documents, brochures, books, booklets, posters, CDs, spot films are prepared and distributed to all social partners freely.

Occupational Health and Safety Research and Development Institute (ISGUM)
ISGUM was established in 1969 as Occupational Health and Safety Institute and restructured as Occupational Health and Safety Research and Development Institute in 2015. ISGUM, which is organized as a center in Ankara with 6 regional laboratories are the only official institution carrying out workplace airborne measurement together with biological analysis among the employees and evaluating its results in terms of OSH, providing consultation on OSH subjects and training services. ISGUM laboratories have become accredited according to TSE 17025 standard by Turkish Accreditation Institution (TÜRKAK) at October 3, 2013.

Preventive and protective occupational health services especially to SMEs, early diagnosis of occupational diseases and research on occupational health are provided by mobile occupational health units of ISGUM. ISGUM also provides certificated training programs on Pneumoconiosis Radiography Readers and Asbestos Removal Expertise.

In 2012, a test laboratory for Personal Protective Equipment for compliance tests was established at ISGUM. The tests carried out are eye protectors, head protectors, protectors for fall from height, foot protectors, hand-arm protectors and protective clothing.

Ministry of Labour and Social Security - Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOSH)

Emek Mahallesi 17. Cadde No: 13
6520 Emek Ankara
+90 (312) 296 7611

Contact person:

Hülya Ünver
Deputy Chair of the Steering Committee

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