Members of ENETOSH


National Network

Foundation LDOH Learning and Developing of Occupational Health

The foundation LDOH - Learning and Developing of Occupational Health - is an initiative of occupational health experts, who have done occupational health projects all over the world, in countries like Turkey, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Chili, Peru, Colombia, Antiles.
LDOH has the mission to support professionals through developing and promoting good quality education and information on Occupational Safety and Health. The focus is on supporting Occupational Safety and Health experts, and on committed primary and community health care professionals and volunteers. So, LDOH wants to contribute in meeting the huge global need for good education, training and information. In this effort, the Foundation wants to join other initiatives in the overarching objective of Universal Health Coverage (WHO).
As there is a shortage of well-educated professionals in the world, the foundation will contribute in the development and evaluation of new education and training programs and modern learning and information materials and facilities.
New ICT facilities and social media will give us so far unknown chances. We see it as a challenge to use new online opportunities optimally, often in blended forms: mixed with face-to-face contacts. International and interdisciplinary collaboration in these efforts is a must, given the scarce resources and the common challenges.

The foundation will start projects and activities to foster the mutual exchange of information, materials and experiences nationally and internationally. Building on existing activities of the committed experts, access will be offered to quality learning materials, tools such as guidelines, and information. Appropriate course programs and learning materials will be developed. The foundation will deliver train-the-trainers courses and will participate in related activities of others.

Foundation LDOH Learning and Developing of Occupational Health

Nachtegaallaan 15
2333 XT Leiden
+31 6 23059709

Contact person:

Frank van Dijk

TU Delft

The Safety and Security Science Group is a research group at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. It was founded in 1984, and deals with safety issues at university level. The Group develops resources and instruments for the detection and measurement of risk factors in order to facilitate their prediction and control. Since 1989, Delft University of Technology has offered a postgraduate Master's course in Management of Safety, Health and Environment. The Master's course is offered both as internal training and as a postgraduate course.
It is the mission of the Group to contribute and excel with scientific methods and techniques in developing evidence-based theories and innovative practices, in order to quantify, predict, visualise and optimise risk and hazard levels of loss of human life and multi-variate damage, to acceptable levels.
The Safety and Security Science Group runs full courses and training courses both at Undergraduate and Master University level teaching and Postgraduate teaching. The courses at Postgraduate level reflect the demand from industry and government for qualified staff in risk assessment and control and other aspects of safety and health. The most important course run by the group is the post academic programme on Management of Safety, Health & Environment (MoSHE).

TU Delft

Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX Delft
+31 15-2786544

Contact person:

Prof. dr. ir. P.H.A.J.M. (Pieter) van Gelder

More information:

+31 (0)15 2783887

Individual Members

Dr Paul Swuste, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) - Safety Science Group

Fomer associated professor of the Safety Science Group of the Delft University of Technology.
Publications on the rise of European postgraduate courses in safety science and the content and quality of the Management of Safety Health and Environment (MoSHE) course of Delft University of Technology; Book on the history of Safety Science (From Safety to Safety Science)

Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management


Dr Paul Swuste
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) - Safety Science Group
NL-2628 BX Delft
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

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