Members of ENETOSH


National Network

Association d'assurance accident (AAA)

The AAA is a public institution responsible for the prevention of and compensation for work-related accidents, commuting accidents and occupational diseases.
In the area of ​​prevention, the AAA has a “Prevention” department, which focuses on information, advice and training for companies.
Tasks of the Prevention Department are information, advice and awareness-raising on safety and health at work, provision of information materials (brochures, posters, etc.), training, control and monitoring of legislation and regulations on safety and health at work, development of recommendations for accident prevention, prevention campaigns, analysis of the causes of occupational accidents and diseases and management of the bonus-malus system.

Association d'assurance accident (AAA)

4, rue Mercier
L-2144 Luxembourg
+352 261915-2837

Contact person:

Paul Pannacci
Consultant in Occupational Health and Safety

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