Members of ENETOSH
National Network
BAR Bygge & Anlæg
The Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction is composed of employers, managers and employee organizations within the construction area.
There is an "Agreement between the organizations of Bar Building & Construction on the prevention of physical and mental health in building and construction industry" - a trade agreement in connection with the creation of a prevention fund. Construction companies may refer to this agreement when they are seeking support in the prevention fund.
The Sectoral Working Environment Council on Building and Construction is one of a total of 11 Branchearbejdsmiljøråd. The Council's user interface consists of a mixed sample of construction people interested in working. The purpose of the panel is to enable users to improve BAR material both by testing prior to release and subsequent evaluation.
BAR Bygge & Anlæg
Bygmestervej 5, Second floor
2400 Copenhagen NV
+45 36 14 14 00
Contact person:
Sven Rose
More information:
Phone 25191 1400
BAR Undervisning & Forskning (BAR U & F)
BAR U&F is one of 11 Branch Working Environment Councils (BAR) consisting of the Social Partners. BAR U&F makes surveys and analysis on the individual safety and health problems within the educational sector. BAR U&F also helps the workplaces to solve their problems by giving information, arrange thematical meeting and sessions, by education and initiate research.
The work of BAR U&F is aimed at employers and employees in public and private schools, high schools, vocational education and higher education.
Roughly 200.000 persons are through their organizations and trade unions attached to BAR U&F.
The Secretariat of the Working Environment, in Danish: Arbejdsmiljøsekretariatet, is a combined secretariate carrying tasks for three Branch Working Environment Councils: BAR U&F, BAR SoSU (Social and Healthiness Education) and BAR FOKA (Financial, Public Office and Administration).
One of the project areas in BAR U&F is to mainstream Occupational Safety and Health into Education from preschool, school to vocational and higher education. Therefore it is inevitable, that the Ar and Mi-project as well as "New Kids on the Job" are included in the BAR U&F".
BAR Undervisning & Forskning (BAR U & F)
Contact person:
FTF - Trade Union Confederation of Professionals
It was founded in 1952, it is politically independent, working both on the local and national levels to ensure the maintenance of an efficiently run welfare society.
Consultants representing FTF are active on political committees and councils involved in labour market policy and education and training.
FTF has many different kinds of members, nurses, bank staff, bioanalysts, policemen, hall managers,actors & physiotyherapists are all typical examples of members of FTF; three out of four FTF'ers work in the public sector. Typical FTF'ers have one thing in common: they all work with people, be they customers, pupils, patients or clients. FTF'ers are on the frontline when it comes to giving citizens good service and solid welfare benefits. They play a major role in Denmark's welfare society. A typical FTF'er has had a short or medium-term training or education and occupies a middle position in society as regards salary and pension benefits. Most FTF'ers are covered by a collective agreement mutually reached with the employers.
The Danish labour market is based on collective agreements between employee and employer organisations. Only in the rare instances where the parties involved in the labour market fail to agree on new agreements on pay and conditions does the state intervene to pass legislation. This model is feasible because Denmark enjoys high union membership with over 80 percent of Danish wage earners members of a trade union.
Individual workers are not members of FTF, but of one of the approximately 90 trade unions or federations which are affiliated under FTF. As an umbrella organisation FTF's role is to support affiliated unions in their ongoing endeavour to improve the pay and working conditions of members. FTF does this through cooperation with employers, politicians and the general public in order to guarantee its members a better working life and an improved level of social welfare.For use in its work FTF collects information, carries out work on analyses and documentation; consultants representing FTF are active on political committees and councils involved in labour market policy and education and training.
In cooperation with LO (Denmark's Trades Union Confederation), FTF has set up a Developmental Aid Secretariat which provides trade unions in the Third World with general assistance, economic help and expertise.On the international front, FTF is a member of ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation), ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation), TUAC (Trade Union Advisory Committee) and NFS (The Nordic Trade Union Confederation).
FTF has approximately 90 affiliated organizations. The five largest calculated by number of members are:
The Danish Union of Teachers (Danmarks Lærerforening)
The Danish Nurses Organization (Dansk Sygeplejeråd)
The Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators (BUPL)
The Financial Services Union (Finansforbundet)
Danish Association of Social Workers (Dansk Socialrådgiverforening)
FTF - Trade Union Confederation of Professionals
Islands Brew 32D
2300 Kopenhagen S
3524 6000
Contact person:
- -
Every year the school offers a wide range of training programmes and special courses (standard and customized). The school offers knowledge and qualification for the increasing demands of the labour market: Service, communication, trade, techniques, nature and agriculture etc. It has about 28,000 square metres under roof and almost 300 employees cooperate each day to create a modern and innovative environment for learning. HANSENBERG offers vocational training in six categories and technical upper secondary education (HTX).
The mission of HANSENBERG is to inspire students to learn and at the same time to provide professional competence. The prerequisite for learning is motivation and a positive attitude. Therefore, the school focuses on the strong points of each individual student. The competences acquired should be useful in professional life and in further education. This is why the work of the school is always based on the requirements and needs of the users and of the companies.
At HANSENBERG, vocational training is provided within eleven categories or basic courses: Animals, plants and nature, Body and style, Building and construction, Cars, aeroplanes and other means of transport, Electricity, controlling and computer technology, Facility service
Food production, processing and preparation, Media production, Production and development, Transport and logisics, Health, care and pedagogics.
17 programmes can be completed:P Animal keeper, Automobile mechanic
Carpenter, Cook (chef), Dental chairside assistant, Farm assistant, Fitness instructor, Graphic technician, Hairdresser, Media graphics designer, Metal worker (specialising in industrial pipes, specialising in stainless metals, specialising in sheet metal and structural work), Plumber (energy systems specialist, rust-proof industrial systems specialist, roof and facade specialist), Service assistant, companies and institutions, Technical designer, Veterinary nurse, Wall, ceiling and unit installer, Waiter and assistant waiter.
In most of these work fields, Occupational Safety and Health is of high importance.
Skovvangen 28
6000 Kolding
7932 0100
Individual Members
Susanne Ulk, Consultant Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health

Susanne Ulk
Consultant Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health
4690 Haslev
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