Members of ENETOSH


National Network

AWO - Labour Welfare Saxony

The Labour Welfare Saxony (AWO) is one out of six head organisations of the free welfare work in Germany. The AWO Saxony runs about 623 facilities and services , 315 in child-welfare, 157 in geriatric care, 44 in care for disabled people, 48 facilities for social care and several in family-care, health and education.
The Labour Welfare has its origins in the social-democratic worker's movement and was founded in 1919. Since the early 90ies of the last century, it has become a strong unsalaried association and professional service provider in Saxony as well.
Citizens of all ages are working for and in the Labor Welfare, caring for children, young people and those who need help. Promotion of volontary work is considered to be an important contribution to the social system and the maintenance of the future of the Labour Welfare.
More than 180 day-care-centers for children all over Saxony 180 are run by the Labour Welfare.

AWO - Labour Welfare Saxony

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Landesverband Sachsen e.V.
Georg-Palitzsch-Straße 10
01239 Dresden
+49 351 84704-0

Contact person:

- -

Centre for Applied Health Sciences (ZAG) at the Leuphana University Lüneburg

As the central institution of the Leuphana University Lüneburg, the Centre for Applied Health Sciences (Zentum für angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften ZAG) has been promoting the interdisciplinary collaboration in health sciences since 1992.
The ZAG is divided into four sections: Education & Health, Economy, Management & Health, Environment, Sustainability & Health and Social Medicine, Health Sociology & Care Research. Scientists are working on these focuses within different projects and in cooperation with other institutions and offer various training opportunities.
The section "Health and Education" deals with issues in project-oriented projects of a good education, education and care in the various educational, social education and social work fields of work - especially with family, kindergarten, school, college and in the local district. This involves the question of how the quality of education, training and institutions can be increased by health promotion.
Some of the current research projects of ZAG like e.g. "Anschub" and "MindMatters" are already presented in different areas of the ENETOSH web platform.
More information on the centre and its projects can be found on the website.

Centre for Applied Health Sciences (ZAG) at the Leuphana University Lüneburg

Wilschenbrucher Weg 84a, W.323
21335  Lüneburg
+49 4131 677-7962

Contact person:

Prof Dr Peter Paulus

More information:

Maren Jennings
Tel. +49-4131-677-7707

DGB Bildungswerk

The DGB Bildungswerk ( Education and training centre of the Federation of German Trade Unions) acts as the national training institute of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). Its main target groups are works committees and other company actors. In addition we offer policital and trade union related further education for interested people.
In the division “Safety, Health and environment“ we offer following seminars:
- health and safety at work
- job-related psychological stress
- prevention of work-related illnesses
- health promotion at work
- environmental management and sustainability
A new developed further training gives the possibility to graduate as a:
1. certified representative for safety at work
2. cerfified disability manager
DGB Bildungswerk projects:
Aside from our main business, the trade union education, we carry out developing and consulting projects on health and safety at work, environmental management and sustainability with national, European and international project partners.
We conducted the “SIGEPO” project on the implementation of health and safety at work in an operative and social dialogue in Poland. To fasten the Implementation of laws and orders in health and safety at work in Poland the European Commission demands an intensive bilateral dialogue of the social partners. SIGEPO supported this dialogue between the German and Polish social partners. Furthermore the Polish management representatives, work inspectors, operative commissions and employees were enabled to implement and prevent a health promotion process in accordance to the required European standards.
We carried out another project on “work instructions as an effective instrument for safe working and the reduction of work-based psychological stress” for the workers participation in the medical nursing field. Aim of the project was to adapt work instructions based on an extensive stress profile in a German hospital.
Please see for current seminars and enrolments.
Apart from our seminar, event and workshop programme, DGB Bildungswerk offers individual qualifications and advisory services, especially on safety, health and environment protection at work. In specialized problems we cooperate with a wide range of external specialists.

DGB Bildungswerk

Franz-Rennefeld-Weg 5
40472 Düsseldorf
+49 2324 508 333

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, BAuA) is a public law institute without legal capacity within the direct portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). BAuA is located in Dortmund (headquarters), Berlin, Dresden and Chemnitz (all in all more than 700 employees).
BAuA’s main tasks in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH) are policy advice, research, development, knowledge transfer as well as sovereign duties. BAuA addresses different target groups like employees, employers, associations, OSH experts, occupational health physicians, authorities of the Länder, the BMAS, statutory accident insurers (Berufsgenossenschaften), the general public as well as national, European and international committees.
The DASA Working World Exhibition in Dortmund presents past, present and future worlds of work on an exhibition area covering no less than 13.000 square metres. It is BAuA’s permanent educational facility and informs the general public about the world of work, its status for the individual and society, and the importance of tailoring work to human requirements. Every year more than 180.000 people visit DASA.
The BAuA joined the ENETOSH project as a partner in the national network of Germany.

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Dasa Arbeitswelt Ausstellung
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
44149  Dortmund
+49 231 90 71 2088

Contact person:

Dr. Bernd Holtwick

German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hessen (UKH)

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse (UKH) is a regional institution of the statutory accident insurance for the public sector. In the Federal state Hesse of Germany, it is responsible for the insurance of a total of approximately 2.2 million Hesse employees and workers of the Hessian public service, volunteers, employees in relief services, private nursing staff, children in day care, pupils in public schools, students in vocational schools, students and private household workers.
Like all branches of the German Social Accident Insurance System, the UKH is also compulsory. The insurants are insured by law against the consequences of work-related risks (work and school accidents, occupational diseases, commuting accidents, occupational health hazards). The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hesse has a social self-government, consisting of representatives of employers and insured member companies. The supervisory authority is the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs. The insurance coverage is non-contributory. The contributions will be paid solely from the cities, municipalities and the State of Hesse.

Main tasks and achievements of the UKH are:
- prevention (prevention of work-related and school accidents and occupational diseases by consultation, training, monitoring and evaluation);
- rehabilitation and compensation by all appropriate means: medical, occupational, in school and in everyday life;
- cash benefits: injury benefit during incapacity, attendance allowance, pensions;
- education, counseling and information.

German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the public sector in Hessen (UKH)

Leonardo-da-Vinci-Allee 20
60486  Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 29972-200

Contact person:

Dr. Torsten Kunz

German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the woodworking and the metalworking industry (BGHM)

The Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention for engineering and the metal industry provides education and training in Occupational Safety and Health and prevention, especially in engineering and the metal industry. Furthermore, courses amd seminars for experts in OSH are organised and held:
Occupational safety and health begins with knowledge of hazards and stresses.
To enable you to apply this knowledge in practice every day, we train around 80,000 participants in our seminars every year.
The aim is to impart action, methodological and technical skills in such a way that you can act safely and competently in your respective professional environment. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an occupational safety specialist or a member of the works council - the seminars offer information tailored to your work. In addition to the exchange of experience between all participants, you will benefit in particular from the expert knowledge of our highly qualified speakers on all OSH-specific topics in the woodworking and metalworking sector - practical and varied.
Online seminars
Our online seminars offer you a combination of technical impetus through presentations of INPUT blocks and the opportunity to clarify current issues and exchange views. BGHM experts present specialist information from your sector. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity for thematic exchange in conversation and chat.

German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the woodworking and the metalworking industry (BGHM)

Isaac-Fulda-Allee 18
55124  Mainz
06131 802-0

Contact person:

Christiane Most-Pfannebecker
Head of Academy Department

Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (IAA)

The Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (Institut für Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitssicherheit - IAA) is an institution of experts, occupational physicians, company doctors, safety engineers and specialists for work safety with more than 20 years of experience in the support of companies in all industries.
Founded in 1997, the Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (IAA) is working as a service provider for tailor-made solutions in national and international markets. The GQA seal of approval confirms that IAA has all personal, technical and organizational conditions to give all kinds of qualified and comprehensive advice for companies nationwide or in international context in all areas of occupational safety and health.
IAA developed a number of tools to help companies to meet health and safety requirements and fulfill the German DGUV regulation 2:
The EHS (Environment, Health, Safety) System follows a holistic approach. Developed in cooperation with Secumundi, this software solution helps reducing the number of days lost and costs.
The competence center SIGEPORTAL is a holistic solution for fulfilling all duties in occupational health and safety. With offices all over Germany, IAA is on site for companies to find solutions in the area of work safety and health protection.
The Institute offers professional expert advice, helps to check regularly and train employees in work protection in a sustainable manner and provides risk assessments for all sectors (physical stress).

Institute for Occupational Medicine and Occupational Safety (IAA)

Maximilianstraße 23
67433 Neustadt a.d.W.
+49 6321 4990400

Contact person:

Beatrix Diemer

Leuphana University Lueneburg

The Leuphana University Lüneburg emerged from the special legal mandate of the Lower Saxony state parliament to rethink university and create a model university for the Bologna Process. It is supported by a foundation under public law and sees itself as a place for free thirst for knowledge, imagination, personal development and social commitment. For its studies, it has developed a multi-award-winning study model with three schools, which is still unique in Germany today. Four faculties are the sponsors of transdisciplinary science initiatives, the Leuphana's research priorities in the fields of education, culture, sustainability, and management and entrepreneurship.

Leuphana University Lueneburg

Universitätsallee 1, C6.002
21335  Lüneburg
+49 4131 677-1861

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch

LMU Clinic

The institute is part of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich. It provides the following services: Ambulant diagnosis for clarification of suspected occupational or environmental diseases, environmental monitoring, counselling of colleagues related to questions in the fields of occupational, environmental or social medicine, preventional examinations according to various German regulations, pre-employment examinations etc.
In cooperation with the Initiative for New Quality at Work (INQA), the project "Full Breath" (Volle Puste) was conducted. The project was supposed to raise awareness of the role of respiratory and skin diseases when choosing a profession.

LMU Clinic

Ziemssenstraße 5  
80336 Munic
089 4400-52483

Contact person:

Dr. Laura Wengenroth

Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BG ETEM)

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BG ETEM) is the statutory accident insurance for some 3.7 million people in more than 200,000 member companies. Tasks of BG ETEM are to support the member companies on issues of occupational safety and health, to visit, advise and train the employees in the companies, to investigate the causes of accidents, to measure (e.g. noise or hazardous materials) in the workplace and check equipment and tools. Furthermore, rehabilitation and compensation are as important as prevention of accidents and occupational diseases.
The Secretariat of the ISSA International Section for Electricity, Gas and Water is based at BG ETEM:

Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors (BG ETEM)

Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 130
50968  Cologne
+49 221 3778 - 6004

Contact person:

Markus Fischer;;

Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services (BGW) - BGW Academy Dresden

The Institution for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services — known as ‘BGW’, its German acronym – is the statutory accident insurer for non-governmental institutions in the health and welfare services in Germany. As part of the German social security system, statutory accident insurance, and hence the BGW, is a public corporation. The BGW bears responsibility for discharging its statutorily assigned duties under government supervision.
The BGW’s decentralised structure means that assured persons enjoy easy and prompt access. The BGW has twelve regional offices throughout Germany. Its headquarters is in Hamburg. The BGW’s self-management system guides and controls administrative business. The most important self-management organs are the representatives’ meeting – the parliament – and the board of directors. Both have an equal number of employer and assured persons’ representatives. The business management is responsible for conducting day-to-day business.

Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services (BGW) - BGW Academy Dresden

+49 (0) 351 457 2839

Contact person:

Joerg Stojke

Statutory Accident Insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia (UK NRW)

The Statutory Accident Insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia (Unfallkasse NRW) in Germany is a responsible body of the statutory accident insurance.
Statutory accident insurance like the health, pension, long-term care and unemployment insurances is part of the social insurance system of Germany. Municipal accident insurances exist all-over Germany and count as accident insurance prevention institutions of the public sector. Therefore, the accident insurance North Rhine-Westphalia provides insurance coverage for employees of town councils and their facilities at Rheinland (administrative districts of Düsseldorf and Cologne).
The largest insured group is constituted by pupils of municipal schools and children of municipal day-care centres. Moreover we insure citizens who are involved in the interest of the common welfare, e.g. honorary persons, blood donors or helpers as well as all private domestic workers.
The UK NRW has taken over the management of the DGUV's Department of Educational Institutions (FB BE) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

Statutory Accident Insurance for the public sector in North Rhine-Westphalia (UK NRW)

Moskauer Straße 18
40227  Düsseldorf
+49 211 2808-1311

Contact person:

Annette Michler-Hanneken

TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH

The TÜV SÜD is a leading technical service and certification provider with three strategic fields of business:
- Industry
- Mobility
- People.
The TÜV SÜD Academy is the knowledge providing arm of the TÜV SÜD group. As a respected technical vocational and educational training provider (TVET), the TÜV SÜD Academy is active throughout Germany and internationally. Its mission is to update knowledge in industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, technology and society continually with open and in-company training courses, as well as practical instruction and conferences. The areas of expertise cover a wide range of topics in the fields of management as well as engineering and safety. The TÜV SÜD Academy also provides certification for persons and trainings.
The Academy helps companies to realize the formula of lifelong learning. With a practical orientation, in an individual way and in a pleasant learning atmosphere, the centre helps managers, technical staff as well as engineers to maintain their employability and to update regularly their know-how as well as to renew certificates.

TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH

Westendstr. 199
80686 München

Contact person:

Karina Heidenreich

University of Hamburg

The Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science at the University of Hamburg was founded on February 1st, 2014. It is divided into the Institute of Psychology with 12 professorships and the Institute of Human Movement Science with 6 professorships. The Faculty stands for exciting and diverse research in the various work areas, as well as for comprehensive networks in successful collaborations. More information can be found under the Facultie's research focus Mechanisms of Change.

University of Hamburg

Mollerstraße 10
20148 Hamburg
+49 40 42838-9435

Contact person:

Prof. Bettina Wollesen

University of Hannover

The “Weiterbildungsstudium Arbeitswissenschaft – WA“ (further education in the subject of ergonomics and human relations at work) with its three business segments research, counselling and further education it is a scientific and central institution at the Leibniz University of Hannover.
Research of the WA contains the development of concepts, the scientific support and evaluation of projects as well as the realisation of empirical studies in different practical areas.
The offer of consultation includes the technical advices in the field of ergonomics and advice in planned organisational development processes.
Further education means the education of operational experts. The aim of the studies is the enhancement of technical, methodical and social competencies. It supports and fosters personal and organisational developmental processes in the occupational practice by conveying and developing scientific concepts and solutions for ergonomically problems.
The further education of the WA aims at specialists and executive staff working in the fields of ergonomics, health and safety and/or supporters of modification processes on industrial organisations, public administrations and service sectors. One of the focal points of the WA is occupational health promotion and health management.

University of Hannover


Contact person:

Dr. Frank Wattendorff

Individual Members

Dr Ulrike Bollmann


Dr Ulrike Bollmann

Prof. em. Dr. Johannes Siegrist, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf | Medical Faculty

Johannes Siegrist (* 6 August 1943 in Zofingen) is a Swiss medical sociologist and university lecturer. Until 2012, he was Director of the Institute for Medical Sociology at the Medical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and Head of the postgraduate course in Public Health there. Since 2012, he has held a senior professorship for psychosocial workload research at the Medical Faculty of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. He is also a member of the University Council of the University of Düsseldorf.

Institute of Medical Sociology | Centre for Health and Society


Prof. em. Dr. Johannes Siegrist
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf | Medical Faculty
Institute of Medical Sociology | Centre for Health and Society

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