Members of ENETOSH

Czech Republic

National Network

Center for Occupational Safety and Fire Protection (CIVOP s.r.o.)

The company started its operations in Prague in 1993 as a small family business. The former Occupational Safety Information and Education Centre (CIVOP) in the Czech Republic, was an independent, private facility active at national and international level and serving industry, the public administration, and government departments. CIVOP was the Czech national centre of the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre in Geneva (CIS-ILO). Its functions encompassed the gathering and dissemination of information, the setting up of databases, education and training of management personnel and professionals, organisation of international and national conferences and seminars, and consultation activity. CIVOP was represented on the board of the Czech chamber of commerce and in the Czech government council responsible for health and safety at work.
CIVOP was responsible for developing criteria and analysing examples of good practice in the new Member States and candidate countries.

Center for Occupational Safety and Fire Protection (CIVOP s.r.o.)

K lindě 700/3
190 15 Prague 9 - Satalice
Czech Republic
+420 222 119 921+420 222 119 999

Contact person:

Oddělení Bozp

Occupational Safety Research Institute (VÚBP)

The Occupational Safety Research Institute (VÚBP) is a public research institution founded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. The aim of the establishment of VÚBP, v.v.i. is conducting scientific research in occupational safety and health protection at work as well as conducting specific tasks stemming from the International Labour Organisation conventions, existing legal regulations in OSH, requirements of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Eurostat and needs of the founder and the labour inspection.
The main activity subject of VÚBP is scientific research, verification and application of methods and means in the area of risk prevention relating to health or life impairment of persons, the environment and patrimony, relating to work activities and improving well-being at work and as well as quality of working life.
VÚBP is also involved in operational research, i.e. monitoring of the current state and trends in OSH, keeping and up-dating on the data and overall statistics related to OSH.VÚBP is the analytical and conceptual executive office for OSH.
Other activities of the institute include the development and maintenance of factual, bibliographic and reporting systems in occupational health and safety; standardization; testing and certification tasks in the field of PPE; the institute acts as an office for the prevention of major accidents. VÚBP provides training, education and promotion of occupational safety and health, provides activities of a consulting centre for expertise in the field of OSH.
In the above-mentioned core areas, the Institute performs also publishing as well as business activities.

Occupational Safety Research Institute (VÚBP)

Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i.
Occupational Safety Research Institute (OSRI)
Jeruzalémská 1283/9
110 00  Praha 1 – Nové Město
Czech Republic
+420 737 569 186

Contact person:

Ph.D. Jiří Vala

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava

The Faculty of Safety Engineering is the youngest faculty of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic was established in 2002 in response to the growing demand of practice for highly educated professionals in the area of safety engineering and for related scientific research activities. The establishment of the new faculty represented a continuation of a long-term process of development in scientific research activities and fields of study oriented towards safety and fire protection at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava.
Graduates can take positions as members of fire protection services, designers, safety and security engineers in various organizations, and others. After gaining adequate practical experience and authorization, many graduates can find jobs in the private sector as well.

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava

17. listopadu 2172/15
708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic
+420 597 321 111

Contact person:

PhD Lucie Kocurkova
Academic Staff Member - Lecturer (Assistant professor)

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