Members of ENETOSH
National Network
Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA)
AUVA is in charge of the vocational education team and maintains the corresponding forum. AUVA analyses and develops criteria for good practice in the EU-15, and continues its work on developing a European standard for the qualification of lecturers and trainers in occupational safety and health.
Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA)
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 65
1200 Vienna
Contact person:
Anita Wagner
Specialist for Teens at Apprenticeships / at the moment maternity leave
More information:
Gabriele Uhl
+43 (01) 33111 571
Federal Ministry of Labour
Labour inspection is the biggest legally commissioned organisation for combating deficits in the safety and health at work places in Austria. We act according to uniform principles and are independent from individual interests. A homogenous implementation practice on federal basis ensures that claims of equal rights and fair competition at work are guaranteed. By exercising its legal mandate, labour inspection ensures the protection of life and health of the working population. It thus contributes towards
preventing accidents and work-related illness enhancing safety at work and health at work the acceptance of occupational safety and health by society.
Labour inspection verifies adherence to the legal provisions for the protection of life and health of the working population.
- We fulfill our tasks as a party in permission and exemption procedures.
- We inform and advise free of charge, with legally binding effect, in all matters of occupational safety and health at work.
- Within the scope of our activities we mediate between conflicting parties in the world of work.
- We investigate in the event of accidents at work and in matters concerning complaints about a nuisance or abuse.
- We participate in international projects in the field of safety and health at work.
- We are involved in lectures, training, and discussions as regards vocational and further training of those responsible for protection at work.
- We create awareness for aspects of safety and health at work.
In the course of our activities - from the inspection of plants to participation in information meetings - we co-operate primarily with the following partners:
- Employees, safety representatives and works councils
- Enterprises and planning companies
- Experts and centres for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases
- Chambers, trade unions, and professional associations/federations
- Social security carriers and the public employment service
- Research, testing, and consultation services
- Training institutions
- Traffic-labour inspection, mining authority, agriculture and forestry inspection
and other authorities such as, for instance, the competent offices for district administration, construction matters, and security.
Federal Ministry of Labour
Favoritenstraße 7
1040 Vienna
Contact person:
HTL Donaustadt
- Higher Schools
- Evening Schools
- Technical colleges.
The main focus of education lies on the subjects informatics and electrical engineering. The educational systems is based on three columns:
- Professional competence
- Development of personality
- Practical experience
The lessons are designed towards an educational objective with the help of modern methods in a pleasant atmosphere. Special emphasize is put on the graduates´ constant will for own responsibility and for learning. They have to stand up to the ever changing circumstances in society and working life. The development of personality, team and communication ability, language competences and teaching of foreign languages are emphasized.
Apart from that, the HTL is involved in projects on environmental protection management and is active in international school development projects.
HTL Donaustadt
Donaustadtstraße 45
1220 Vienna
+43 1 20105-0
Contact person:
Kurt Stadtler
Individual Members
Katharina Musialek (Takacs), next level consulting; Technical University Vienna: BiB Lab; Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher
Project Management (IPMA Level C)/ Project leader of research and development projects, Co-Founder of "Bildungslandschaften in Bewegung"; Member of ENETOSH, coordination & moderation of strategy development, - implementation & -evaluation; Project Management Forum KITA Development Foundation House of Little Researchers (Haus der kleinen Forscher)
Katharina Musialek (Takacs)
next level consulting; Technical University Vienna: BiB Lab; Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher
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