Simona Šarotar Žižek

  • Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
  • Education
  • Higher education
Univerza v Mariboru | University of Maribor
Head of the Institute of Management and Organization Head of University education programme Business
Doctor of Science in Business Doctoral thesis: Impact of psychological well-being based on requisite personal holism employed in the performance of the organization and Master of Management and Organization
WELL-BEING OF EMPLOYEES: Basic research project: Requisitely holistic model of measuring well-being of employees in transitional organizations with the comparison of more and less innovative organizations and International project Chance4Change
MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION: International project like Regio help, Grenz-Frei
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Targeted research project Contemporary model of managing human resources in the field of tourism and Project YOUMIG
OHS: Project Promo I and Promo II, International project Chance4Change and close cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities in the field of employee training and youth awareness of OHS
DIGITALISATION: Smart production
OTHERS: Projec Inolink - innovations
DIGITALISATION AND AI: collecting data on young people's perception of the use of artificial intelligence in three countries
OHS: a student awareness project on OHS; research on OHS challenges due to digitization
+386 (0) 2 22 90 000
+386 (0)2 22 90 324

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