Caterina M. Berbenni-Rehm

  • Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
  • Initial vocational education and training
  • Higher education
CEO of a spin-off of R&D+I results co-funded by the EU Commission focused on multilingual Integrated Governance, Risk and Compliance.
Digital Transformation Innovator and Trainer
More than 25 years’ experience in CLOUD/SaaS, eBusiness, eSkills, eCompetence; Eco-System Builder: i.e. user- and human-centered methodologies; technologies and services; Knowledge intensive multilingual interactive services for evidence-based integrated Compliance, Risk and Governance (eCRG); Communities of Knowledge as key to develop multilingual structured Intellectual Capital; Smart working and new methods of work; human/machine perspective and interaction in Cloud environments; ICT Security, Artificial Intelligence for multilingual structured Big Data; Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural change management, Ethics in Science, Ethics at Work, Cross-sectoral and industrial projects.
+352 273510
+352 621 257358
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